poem (Remove filter)
Who Am I and Where Do I Belong?
Who Am I? And where do I belong?
Where do I go right? Where did I go wrong?
Was it real or fake love I was shown all along?
Am I really that mentally tough & strong?
If I fail, Will I momentairly freeze or stay froze?
Will I dig up a pile of dirt in my back yard & find a bunch of diamonds & gold?
Or am I to die a failure, lonely, & old?
This the type of mindset the old me was ...
Tuesday 15th December 2020 6:44 am
The melodic grass
This music,
it makes me want to fall from the water
float in the sky,
stare at those lips
and kiss those green eyes,
drink from the clouds
and jump on the pond
to feel the stars
and gaze at the stones,
the rythms , the notes
melt my mind
ignite my visible voice
I'm not here nor there
maybe inside a void
floating on the blues
maybe its a d...
Monday 14th December 2020 8:23 pm
Treasure Chest
Treasure Chest
When you move east and west
With no time, no rest
At that, you come upon a big treasure chest.
It was made for you
With the next jolly clue.
It was made from no other
Than colors and sketch.
Your next move, it points to the old- new riddle.
But, to get the next move you
choose, but please don’t fiddle.
Very, very good luck on the
Big- long...
Thursday 26th November 2020 7:04 am
When tears run down your cheeks
When your heart seems cold
And the world seems bleak
When life seems so hard to face
When life brings you to your edge
That moment you start to break
When you feel you cant handle anymore
The pain inside wont subside
The Inner voices beginning to roar
Know that ill be there for you
To wipe away those tears that shed
holding you clos...
Sunday 22nd November 2020 8:39 pm
Paper Friends
Leaving seems so hard
Until you actually leave
The peculiar truth is
Leaving feels ludic, orphic, majestic
Leaving the places which seemed to matter
Leaving the paper people I once met
Leaving, forgiving & moving forward
What a trouvaille I encountered
To leave the paper connection
Leaving them as they are, incomplete & rustic
Leaving them in the ocean ...
Saturday 17th October 2020 5:39 am
Would you still love your daughter if she was like me?
Would you give her love and affection?
Even if she was yelling and screaming and being mean?
Or would you turn a blind eye and just say
"Oh, she just wants attention!"
And ignore her cries for help.
Would you still love your daughter if she was like me?
Would you kiss and hold her and tell her everything will be alright?
...Thursday 8th October 2020 1:51 pm
The Black voice is electrifying.
Bringing forth worlds never imagined,
From dominions in Africa to mystical spheres unheard of.
Telling tales of majestic beings, kings, queens and the simple Black girl next door.
The Black voice. Telling Black stories.
We need Black literature because it shows
That our stories matter.
That our histories are worth sharing.
Thursday 8th October 2020 1:26 pm
The enemy
As I stare out this window
down to the little people of the world
I wonder and wish
what if i was the beautiful tall girl with the blonde curls?
can I see into her soul?
by staring out this tear streaked window?
can I have her life?
and trade her these frightening memories that float around in limbo...
shes so radiant and thin
Everything that I am sadly not
she ...
Thursday 8th October 2020 10:03 am
How are you?
A question worth a thousand answers
A thousand possibilities summed into one
Somewhere in between the good and the bad
Between the lines
Of the lies
Fine -
Just fine.
By Faith Olajuyigbe, author of Words of Faith
For poetry and more visit: https://www.wordsoffaith.co.uk
Monday 7th September 2020 2:55 pm
As I watch the waters flow
As I watch the waters flow
It calms my soul
As I watch the light ripples
My heart mirrors its beat
Smooth, serene
Somewhat still
As they move to the wind of God
Going only where the Father blows.
Lord, let your living waters flow.
By Faith Olajuyigbe, author of Words of Faith
Friday 28th August 2020 4:44 pm
The Flame Within
She has a beauty that shines from within
A light that never grows dim
Her candle goes not out by night
And the radiance inside her, ever bright
When the wind blows,
Her flame - it holds
She thrives, she sparks
She glows, she grows.
An original poem by Faith Olajuyigbe from Words of Faith
For more visit: https://www.wordsoffaith.co.uk
Thursday 27th August 2020 5:04 pm
The Phoenix
I’ve weathered storms that I thought would drown me
I’ve learnt to soar in winds I thought would consume me
They say
Out of the ashes must rise a new Phoenix
The flame…
Being refined by fire
Through it, I’ll rise higher
The flames provide the fuel
As I soar to my strength
Refined by fire
Gold purified
A faith that stands.
Tuesday 25th August 2020 9:47 am
Some tips to write a good poem
There is no need
to set your poem to the music of the heart, or let it sway
to the rhythms of the hurt, at least for today.
There is no need
for you to panic, or dive into the pyre of rhyme
Burn later, if you will, but for now, wait out your time.
Let it corrupt a little, breathe in the zones unlit
Break and crumble, and feed on itself, bit by bit.
For you se...
Thursday 20th August 2020 2:39 am
It's Not In The Falling
I fell
For the feelings, the flowers, the fantasies.
I fell
For you, for us, for all that we were.
Innocently thinking that was all love could be.
I confused the falling for the force.
Falling was all about me.
Loving is all about you.
Baby, I'm no longer falling
But to you I promise,
I'll always be loving.
Monday 17th August 2020 10:54 am
A New Birth
I was born at twenty-one
Thrust out of the womb
Released into the newness of life
Born, at twenty one
Eyes opened to the world
Crying, struggling, fighting
Trying to make sense of it all
Yes, I was only born at twenty-one
Borne out of education
Borne out of society’s expectations
Borne out of comfort, out of the shield
Though I lived before
I was onl...
Friday 14th August 2020 9:26 am
no return address
sew my eyes shut
tape my mouth closed
board me up in a box
& send me off
attach the postage
drop me off
at the post
don’t open
until i see you there
and i hear you say ‘my love’
and i feel you
next to my warm skin
until then, leave me here
Tuesday 11th August 2020 9:21 pm
the universe moves without us now
something could have been done last year, now all is morally blear. go about with your day, just stay.
stay in that house with those people you can’t remember, merely a year ago.
i’m fine, sunshine, and i will tell you forever
it’s not me, it’s the world. once we change, she goes forth.
the universe moves without us now.
she will not halt, not tonight, nor wednesday. for ...
Thursday 6th August 2020 7:26 pm
I can’t see
But I can dream
It’s like wearing a blindfold
On my brown eyes
I can’t watch, but I can feel
All these weird wild vibes
All these angelic faces around me
But those diabolic souls surround me
Are they real or are they fake?
It’s like watching a blue snowflake
Falling for smiles and grace
All night murdering for a race
I can’t wait
Saturday 1st August 2020 12:02 pm
that boat on the coast croons the waves
whisking a dying infant in
a baptist sea for saving,
brought faith in God to save them,
a baptist sea for saving.
I see them from sand afloat-
a buoy in the water with chance
and such a sacred body
might sinking be belief-
to then arise them another-
Wednesday 29th July 2020 6:08 pm
Nobody knows me,
Not even myself
I meet people everyday
I talk , I laugh , I smile
Others say that I lie.
I’m complicated, orphic
hard to understand
Just like the way we don’t know what happens in between the oceans.
I’m an...
Sunday 26th July 2020 4:34 am
The leaves of the tree
Behind the house of glass are falling
With each step of the wind
They liberate themselves from the branches
From the complexity of the connections
Connection of the root with the trunk
Of the trunk with the branches
Of the branches with the leaves
The leaves liberated themselves
From the connections
From the dependence
The leaves of the ...
Friday 24th July 2020 7:18 am
She was trying
Trying to be calm
Trying to mute the
Monologue inside her mind.
Full of contradictions to herself,
Full of arguments
Full of endless thoughts
She felt like being pulled
In a spiral
Down and down and down
With each breath she took
Swallowing her own soul
As if she split up
Into two halves
Halves against each other
She was he...
Thursday 23rd July 2020 5:13 pm
I’m on a level of being
Where I know the direction I’m following
Where I know I’ll be fine, even if I’m alone
Where I’m aware of my worth
Where I know I’m strong enough
Where I’m aware of my strengths
Where I’m brave enough to walk all alone
I have freed myself from the chains
From the judgments
From the council of hate
From the bars of anxiety
I have unc...
Sunday 19th July 2020 5:14 pm
Life is like a train journey,
Passengers keep changing.
Life is like an ocean,
The winds keep on changing
Life is like a desert,
Where weather keep on changing
Life is full of change,
No one and nothing stays the same
There will be ups and downs
People will leave you with painful wounds
But you have to stand up and fight
You have to follow ...
Sunday 19th July 2020 5:08 pm
Time is not a demon
He is many things but not
a murder
Neither is he money
nor power
He is wise enough
to be wise enough.
Time is not celebration either
Time is infinity, is immortal
He is wise enough to be wise enough
Sunday 19th July 2020 5:00 pm
A Pilot's Joke
A Pilot's Joke / Michael Kwack
Once upon a time, there lived a flying man
Who kept flying on, never thinking of landing...
One day accidentally he had to land
Somewhere, or nowhere, on the sand...
After having lived alone very happily ever after,
He left a poem in the sand when he finally left his land;
I used to love sand,
For, where ther...
Saturday 18th July 2020 3:34 pm
Chasing Sunsets
Chasing sunsets,
The ones that shine brightest
Only to disappear
And return again
But never in the same light
Never seen the same way
These eyes tell me, don’t look away
Before it too is gone too soon
Sunday 5th July 2020 5:08 am
A Perfect Afternoon
Leisurely and alone,
I was wandering in the museum garden.
Flowers were completely gone,
But deep green summer leaves fully grown,
And on each branch
Small birds all the way chirping:
Certainly for me a perfect afternoon
To be seated still and calm,
To be lost in poem-reciting!
But suddenly a wind arose
When a human voice caught my ear,
Saying low ye...
Thursday 2nd July 2020 5:24 pm
A Successfully Amazing
For my women you are Successfully Amazing.
Successfully Amazing at its best.
A walking human of love.
As natural as can be don't let the demons in the world take that from you because you are
Successfully Amazing.
Potential of Success and Ambition
Amazingly Beautiful to human recognition.
Hey do you see the way she walks.
Tall and straight with confidence.
She's Successfully Amazing...
Tuesday 30th June 2020 5:34 am
Train to Nowhere
Based on the opening scene of Stardust Memories.
The clock ticks in desperation to move us along, to where we belong.
Our eyes remain forward, no longer looking back.
The man in seat 2B sobs with tears streaming down his face. He’s left his life in his old place.
I soak in the faces of passengers around me, stern looks all around.
All longing for company, for answers that c...
Saturday 27th June 2020 6:26 pm
Nature Freely Gives
Jack In The Green awakens from his slumber
Spring is upon us, nature in all her wonder
Gaze in awe of rebirth, renewal, fertility
Stood deep in the forest, deep within tranquillity
Robin Goodfellow his mischief to perform
Souring milk, trampling crop circles from fields of corn
Tripping those who into the green wood unwary tread
Laughing, yet another traveller away from p...
Monday 22nd June 2020 8:29 am
Dew Drops Remain
Only dew drops now remain
atop blades from the torrential rain.
The lightning strikes
lessen in succession.
But the dew remembers
from where it came.
Friday 19th June 2020 2:30 pm
A poem as a Panacea
Suicidal, reclining on a sofa
Gazing at his partner’s photo,
A handsome friend of mine I got
He was by an overwhelming love smote.
To optimize hers and his pleasure to trim
She opted suddenly to desert him.
Buddy, what weighs so heavily on your mind?
Get it off your chest a solution I may help you find!
“An attractive girl sweet-talked me into love,
She playacted as one sent from ab...
Wednesday 17th June 2020 7:48 am
Dancing in the yard
It was a long summer afternoon
a crackling fire lit the yard
the southern sun was setting
while I strummed my old guitar
It was her way of moving to the music
she captured the glowing cinders in her eyes
she danced with the slightest sway in her hips
and her heavenly body torched my skies
Sunday 14th June 2020 1:02 am
World in Lockdown People's Poem on Facebook
The World in Lockdown People's Poem is now online and free to read at:
Please give it a read!
Saturday 16th May 2020 6:57 pm
Wish I Could
What would I wish for, if given the chance?
For a start, I'd wish I could dance
Wish I could learn without having to repeat
Wish I could earn my depression's defeat
Wish I could do all the things I want to do
Wish I could prove the love I have for you
Wish I could act on all these wishes
Wish I didn't have to do the dishes
Wish I could be the person you need
Wish I could resist the sin of...
Sunday 10th May 2020 10:58 am
Solar return
instances of mesmerizing glimpses vivify and lend clarity into an understanding of soul.
evocation leaves an everlasting mark as two twin flames embark from a space of divine love to create fate
meticulous minds pick a place and time, upon your arrival show a sign that's vital, gravity pulls us in for a kiss as our hearts meet.
my greatest wishes grant admission, a star is born and with t...
Wednesday 15th April 2020 9:05 am
The Ancient Tree
A thousand years or more it’s lived so they say, at least
Centuries before it became guardian for the deceased
These ancient builders of the church all knew
The magical and deadly power of the yew
Locked deep inside the secret of immortality
Pure poison within the yew, result fatality
Sitting in quiet contemplation, “tell me fine tree
A thousand years lived, what did you ...
Wednesday 8th April 2020 7:57 am
occult curriculum, whispers of the ancients, leave for letting out secrets
oil lamp kindling catching flames; shining begotten light from passerbys
in between classes, shifting penrose stairs lead into underlying framework on occasion
halls lined with rooks adjacent and curators searching for a select
rites of secret passageways proclaimed, karma to the dark is just a means to an end
time and...
Saturday 4th April 2020 11:11 am
Summer Rain
To walk in the cleansing summer rain
Nirvana for humans and parched ground
Pine trees, roses, the damp earth
And a thousand other scents
All at once nature ‘s fragrances
Teasing senses with their beauty
Thoroughly soaking wet and caring not
Simple joys of being alive…
FROM A HEALING FOR GAIA www.deanfrasercentral.com
Tuesday 10th March 2020 8:05 am
Astral Breadth
A trestle table set with content and classical elements
places a coven with arenose intent in a safe space
their minds set on causing change—present occurences canvass Mandala by way of effect.
fascicle circuits blitz and singe might-have-beens
washing away strands emblazoned in ever apparentness
accommodating silver lining fringe wherein proper golden ratio leaves
their genus' plant matter ...
Monday 9th March 2020 4:15 pm
Another Love Poem
How many times does it cross your mind
Maybe a thousand times
I’d rather have you near
Than only have your poems reciting in my ear
Sure, they comfort me
But most days and nights I need you miserably
And those heartbreaking songs
They make me feel like we belong
Despite the truth of our existence
I wish to be in your presence
So here’s another love poem
Sunday 1st March 2020 5:27 am
Miss Fitted - Poem
You could tell she was trying hard,
Which girl doesn't try to mould their own skin to fit in?
You could tell she was trying to impress,
But as someone who knew better, I should have told her to rest,
But she was trying to hard to make it,
She was going all the way to fake it,
And I could tell,
She wore the sheepish smile,
But I knew this act so well,
She was like me,
I am like her,
She ...
Wednesday 26th February 2020 12:34 am
Do You Ever Also?
Do you ever feel like you're the protagonist of a book?
Where the ending is constantly being rewritten and you're just waiting for the day that it's finally gone through all the edits and gets published?
But what happens if it's a novel that has 7 parts?
You might never even get to read the last written words or get to the final chapter of what you thought was your
"perfect ending."
...Monday 24th February 2020 8:35 am
spirit assortment
Shining ever so bright
a beacon of hope, like a chinese lantern
photosynthesis get' me through the night
beauty so divine, i wonder if i could map her
would the geometry show me the light?
because she must be god's best work
my third eye look through the peephole
how can she not have walls up when she deals with these people
guide me, be my mentor
would you take my hand, and put this fl...
Tuesday 18th February 2020 3:41 pm
splendid resplendence
in your essence I sense resplendence
could do no wrong by me, your personably impressioned defendant
your honor is what I strive for
it's why the day turns to night, sun and moon argue back and forth
fight about what's wrong and who's right, tug of war
light bends but doesn't break, shines through the prism, and is perceived in different waves
I met you once but my memory is starting to fa...
Tuesday 18th February 2020 3:38 pm
The Northen Lass
Teacher stood Saying Marie converse in verse ?
Eh said I, This class is hell its the worse
I can't write or talk Petry and all that crap stuff
bugger this I thought I've had just about enough
I went to toilet then ran all way home that day
I hate bloody poetry, not doing it, no way?
Next day on detention I had to write a verse
I tried saying I was ill, I needed the school nu...
Wednesday 5th February 2020 10:52 pm
Boots 3
On the cold winters morning thermal boots are pulled on
The radio announced…ground frost and the promise of snow later in the day
And yet she is happy…
Happy because she is doing what she loves
The market is freezing in December
Icy winds blow and there is no sunlight to warm frozen hands
It’s the people you see
Fellow workers on the market, pleased to see her
Customers sto...
Tuesday 4th February 2020 10:57 am
Not me, dont judge
Because I wrote it dont judge, its not me
I wrote lots about the killer look i am still free
A poem calls out in my head
I write fast flowing then put it to bed
Any subject i am known to write
From love in an disused mine
To the ups and downs of a swine
Read me enjoy me but please
Its not me, i just like to tease
Enjoy the poem dont take it to heart
As specially ...
Tuesday 21st January 2020 11:07 am
Drowning in the Drought
Drowning in the Drought
At times I drip with poetry
The words simply pour out of me
A flow it seems no dam could ever stop
Until, I’m drowning in the drought
A flood of tears and mere self-doubt
That withers, in the barn, my finest crop.
Friday 17th January 2020 6:13 am
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