The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

zodiac (Remove filter)


Hello, how are you today: upper,middle,lower— class.
front, and center.
I’d like to think if a kid were to get up and say I can’t stand this, then the teacher would get behind them in an orderly fashion.
side by side, classroom C-3 parts in the middle of the day, to make their way back to their seat,
show and tells of mommy and me– are always well received.

A pinned-up faction icon that sta...

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alignmentcrushearthgeometrygodhollywoodhoroscopeslovelovedloversnaturepoempoetrysacredspiritualityValentinesvalentines dayzodiac

Roots of Love

Roots of Love

Ones moon rises as the others descends.

The Sun brings their identity as they unlock their worlds.

One gusts into the world as Air.

One ignites into the world as Fire.

One love’s expressing through intellectuality!

One’s motivated by inspirations and aspirations!

The moon is the Soul of their identities.  

One’s Soul reacts to experiences,

with discernment ...

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Solar return

instances of mesmerizing glimpses vivify and lend clarity into an understanding of soul.

evocation leaves an everlasting mark as two twin flames embark from a space of divine love to create fate

meticulous minds pick a place and time, upon your arrival show a sign that's vital, gravity pulls us in for a kiss as our hearts meet.

my greatest wishes grant admission, a star is born and with t...

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astrologybirthdaycelebrationexpansivefemininityfeminismlightlovepeacepoempoemspoetrysolar returnsoulspiritspiritualitysun signwisheszodiac

Zodiac - cancer

i'm overly sensitive and also rather shy

i keep my thoughts to myself and hide when i cry

I notice that i'm an emotional wreck 

I moan a lot and i'm a pain in the neck

i wouldn't put up with anyone like me 

yet some how you do what is it you see?

Is it my certain skills like being able to cook?

Or is it because i enjoy other thing's like reading a book 

is it because i'm un...

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Fire Monkey

Cunningly swinging
On the trees of life
Playing his pranks
Winding up the wife
Enjoying every challenge
Using his brain
Owning it. Bossing it
Playing the game
He's a Chinese Monkey
- a little bit spunky
A little bit of attitude
A little bit of grit
Dashing, darting
With daring and drive
Top of the tree
And feeling alive
Dancing with spirit
Fire and wi...

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Chinese New YearMonkeyZodiac

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