The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

Love (Remove filter)


Fall in here
into this room
into this life
into this home
like a golden leaf
floating through the window
on a warm summer breeze

A gentle push
that changes your way
and brings you
to me

I´m waiting for you

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Away from the crowd and rays of the sun
are the moments I cherish the most,
It is when, your wisdom
outbreaks from the dam of your lips,
which usually gurgles teases, jokes and laughter
(not intended for me, of course not)

you voice your
dreams and aspirations
painting a rainbow
on the dark night's sky,
and somewhere else aswell...

as well as your insecurities
in a sober expression...

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Losing to Win

I lost you the moment I won you,
Coz you are not ME,
You belong to yourself,
You think like yourself,
You speak like yourself,
You sing like yourself,
You dance like yourself,
You laugh like yourself,
You cry like yourself,
You live for yourself…
You are not mine…
For me, it’s fine…
Coz I love to stay with you,
Battle of opinions, I love to play with you…
Why twinning every time?

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In Another Place

In Another Place


a soft breeze

drifting through an open window

hung with net curtains


the faint perfume


from an open book


the creak of a floorboard


above you


the shadows

caught dancing through the doorway

in a dim lit room


the taste of honey


on a teaspoon


the feel of a scarf

on your face


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napowrimo2020day 26off topicmotherstill hereremebrancecarelove


real total silence
wouldn’t be so bad
what´s cruel is that you never get
total silence
you just get
enough noise
to remind you
how beautiful music is
but you never
get to listen
to a full song

Not enough
but just enough

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Are you
a myth?

Some fairy tale figure
made in my heart

Or do you breathe
do you have lungs
that suck in the air
and a heart pumping blood
through your veins

If I catch you
in the end
will I feel
soft warm skin
in my hands

Or a cloud of smoke
through my fingers

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Wildflower Wishes

Bury me in a blanket of wildflowers,

nutured by morning dew,


where lilacs perfume the air,

jasmine lights up the night,

wind and rain serenade gardenias,

delicate roses are protected by bushy thorns,

forget-me-nots bloom...


where dandelion wishes

brings me back to you.

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Our (Mis)Fortune

Your hand slips into mine, 
the fortune-teller notices 
our smiles with glittering eyes
she’s convinced 
there’s a future between us
she smiles & invites us in

Laying down cards one by one 
it reveals the betrayal and secrets
that will keep us
from the love that has swept us into a whirlwind 

We turn to each other stunned
but a laugh begins, 
she replies, “Sorry, no refunds”

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A Bracelet Of Daisies

A Bracelet Of Daisies


She made me a daisy bracelet

And twisted the stems round my wrist

We swore we would never forget

the sun slowly set as we kissed

And for a short while that was true

love blossomed like that daisy chain

but those white petals never grew

the green shoots were twisted in pain


It hurts when you’re given a heart

that unnourished withers and ...

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napowrimo2020day20daisy chaingiftloveheartbreaklost loveshakespearean sonnet

...Mosca And Bees...

Love is a mosca biting the aorta.

I clutch my chest to qualm the swarm of egregious sting, translating into certain sentences.

There is nothing to say when you bite the fruit, when the soul is in ravenous hunger...Why not wait until I rot?


My soul will always be old...


Days of everything from spectrums and orbits. Nights without use of the eyes... My extinguished love affair ...

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Why can´t you just be
but not like you
for once

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17 and a half

Coastlines guard us along our way,

As we gaze and point to places during our stay.

Cold and fresh as we were weeks away from May,

"I love you" were the only things I could say.


Losing bags with cards for the year,

One too many expensive glasses of wine and beer.

Canvases and paintings in the rear,

You are my only peer. 


I took you to a special place,

Despite my...

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Humanity's gone into hibernation

Our focus has shifted to survival

Coronavirus has a bright side

We've changed since its arrival


Mortal danger pushed us together

New-found solidarity is a boon

Survivors will emerge stronger

Dont self-pity or despair too soon


Love can prevail over evil

But humility must come into its own

The era of complacency is over


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The Side Kick

The Side Kick


A purring cat

Sat before a raging fire

The smell of cinnamon buns

Outside the snow falls

Rubbing away ice on a window

Looking out into the whiteness

A smile caught

In the reflected dusk


New buds bursting

From green shoots

The blue sky

Flecked with white clouds

Raindrops dripping from trees

The fresh cool air

Mirrors in the pond


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companionshipday 16lovemetaphornapowrimo2020praiseseasonssidekicksimile


Just lay your hand
in mine
when I´m shaking
because the frost
is running through my veins

Just lay your hand
in mine
when my eyes flicker
and all I can see
is darkness

Just lay your hand
in mine
you don’t have to do
you don’t have to say

Just lay your hand in mine
I just need to know
I´m not alone
out here
in the cold

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She hid in my chambers 

Stored her music in right atrium

As quiet as she stayed

The songs she would whisper 

Danced loudly in my veins 

I tried to drown her lyrics out

But the blood rushed all of

Her secrets to my brain

Every ventricle has coagulated 

Memories that are clinging to

Walls inside my heart

Causing sclerosis clouding my 

Better judgment to push her a...

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hearthiddenLovesecrettwin flame

Young Love By the Sea

Here we are, alone by the sea, 
bursting with joy at finding each other. 
There’s a wonderful, giddy feeling, 
as if all nature were smiling. 

The diamond on your finger gleams 
like the shining path 
of the sunrise on the water.
Our wedding bands were forged 
from family rings and new gold. 
They join us and our families 
in the ancient, unbroken circle of life.

We are like the pla...

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Vra Vra Vroom


I lost my vra vra vroom

The day you got your diagnosis

Felt joint tomorrows wither

With the growth of what we knew

You – with your mother’s heart

And dragon’s roar

Saving me from lions

Or bullies, or bees...

My sister, my confidante,

My best friend


Entombed within the capsule

Of your hypobaric oxygen chamber

I stand outside and count the miles

Fear ...

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Solar return

instances of mesmerizing glimpses vivify and lend clarity into an understanding of soul.

evocation leaves an everlasting mark as two twin flames embark from a space of divine love to create fate

meticulous minds pick a place and time, upon your arrival show a sign that's vital, gravity pulls us in for a kiss as our hearts meet.

my greatest wishes grant admission, a star is born and with t...

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astrologybirthdaycelebrationexpansivefemininityfeminismlightlovepeacepoempoemspoetrysolar returnsoulspiritspiritualitysun signwisheszodiac

Go away

Forget me please
I scream at you
as you knock on my door
with tears in your eyes
in that black dress
once again

I hit you
with all my force
push you away
and slam that door
into you face

I hear you cry
in the rain
and I know
you´ll be back

I can´t kill
a memory

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lovepast peoplewound

Twin Flame


There was a girl made of glass

As fragile as she was

She roamed from city to city

In search of...


There was a girl made from sand

She slept underneath the sun

All of her life

She conformed to the raging sea

That crashed and carried her


The wind carried the glass girl

Until she appeared on the beach

She walked carefully, as to not cut the 

Sand ...

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Lovetwin flamelesbian

h e r

this world is a universe

for she is a world 

in herself

at every turn beautiful;

a billion flowers 

in any garden of gloom

would bloom to her smile;

her existence is life

her instance pride

with sadness shied away

the swooned heart

travels miles in a beat; 

every sweet smell 

reminds me of her

the earthy perfume

rain sends forth

the flavored whiff 


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Love Blossoms

Every year

In her own time

She comes

Our moments are brief

But this I can rely on

Her scent is sweet

Her beauty exquisite

O, how I long for the days

When our eyes finally meet

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Hello, can anyone hear me?

Hello, are you still there listening to my cries?

Listening to me as I fall on my knees, feeling so empty as this world falls apart

Hello, God! I need you! We all need you!

Our world slowly falls and we all begin to feel empty wanting human contact, human touch

God silently watches us and our empty lonely hearts

Waiting, quietly, for us all to call his ...

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lightemptybrokenworldhuman touchlovesadnessfaithgodlonely

Lost Letter

Last conversation

Stuck on replay

Wrote a letter

Scribbled on a few pages

Just to fall into the crevices 

Of my heart

Words missing to a story untold

About two strangers afraid 

To see what might unfold

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Blank Paper

I start the day with little to no inspiration

Much like everyone else in the world

I also start this poem

With the repetitive voice of exasperation


The sirens are blazing late tonight

As souls are being set on fire

But because of some peoples' perseverence

Loved ones' bodies are also being set alight


Recreational parks are not essential

Travelling out of the wa...

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pity flower


I forget

what you are:

just a flower

swaying to

the directions

of foul winds;


yet can’t stand

your ground;

looted off

your perfections

for reasons lewd

you pursued

colors faded

and gone

gone into a world

a life where

pretty flowers

don't belong


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The Flower

Once when I was young I chanced upon a flower

Wild and free it was the most beautiful thing I had seen

And I wanted it for my own


To care for this flower

To show it off to the world

This beautiful flower that was my own


Through spring and summer

I  watered, I watched and I helped it to grow

And the flower basked me in its glory as it did so


But I had to le...

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coffee and me

coffee, me, and no one around

I listen to me, I talk to me, decide life

we imagine, dream, fantasize

some of that is said out loud

some added to my notes

some sent out into the universe 

every sip brings me back to earth

and then we go again

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Healing Muses

When you felt so alone,

drowning in an ocean of storms,

with no place to call home,


I was here all along,

sending you love

and healing energy.


I’m happy to see

you feel me,

on this poetic journey.

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occult curriculum, whispers of the ancients, leave for letting out secrets
oil lamp kindling catching flames; shining begotten light from passerbys
in between classes, shifting penrose stairs lead into underlying framework on occasion
halls lined with rooks adjacent and curators searching for a select
rites of secret passageways proclaimed, karma to the dark is just a means to an end
time and...

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beautygodilluminationlightlovelove poemsmetaphysicalmetaphysicsmusicnaturepoempoemspoetrysciencesoundspiritualspirituality

Fill me.

Missing life. Empty streets. Cold hearts.

Covering your face what you once criticised on stranger's faces.


Missing love. Empty hearts. Cold air.

Covering the flowers in your heart, the strings of my guitar.


Missing music. Empty stages. Cold rooms.

Covered ears, listening to scary news, not to music anymore.


Missing passion. Empty beds. Cold skin.

Covering all lu...

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Into the Wild

The seeker seeks, the searcher finds,

    The adventurer travels around his own mind.

The winds that blow and storms that shout, 

    and rock both tree and bush about.

The wanderer carries a burning torch,

    To light his way with no remorse.

No solice does a watcher find,

    when seeking troubles in his own mind.

Cold hearts grow, lone spirits become strong,

    and ...

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Dear One

I’ve told you so many times,
“I love you so much.
I’m so glad I found you.”
What else is there to say?


June 2012

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Cold Feet

For weeks I savored time with you, 
wanted to be with you always.
I never asked: “Will you marry me?”
Instead, I asked 
when can we wed? 
You answered “As soon as we can.”
I left your apartment giddy with joy.

It was a cold New England winter. 
I got cold feet as I drove to my lonely room. 
What had I done! 
Had I been impulsive?
Was this a doomed infatuation 
with a new girl who had...

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lovemarriageromancecold feethesitation

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