The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Courtly knights wood fair maidens

Proud steeds reared up in forests green

In stone towers Merlin weaved magic

Steel swords making sparks were seen


What happened to the age of chivalry?

Why is honour in the world so rare?

It seems rules are there to be broken

About values none seems to care


Who is meant to be in charge today?

In my view people are much too bold


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15 minutes of Sonnet 25

It’s not love they play it’s another game

Where what matters is who can count the most

Playing duck and dive, surfers search for fame

Notching names upon digital bedposts


Their followers adore them with their likes

Each character praised as if from God

If their own petard hoists them onto spikes

Then surely, it’s the crowd that has turned odd.


Their ledger marking...

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Slave to the Algorithm

I don’t want to drive engagement.

I don’t need your gratuitous clicks.

I won’t beg for attention with

Pics of kittens sleeping with chicks.


I don’t need your engagement.

I won’t ask if you’ve used a skate key.

I don’t need any silly test to

Know you are as old as me.


I don’t really care how you engage.

I won’t tempt you with an opinion poll.

No one really ca...

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algorithmsocial mediafacebooktwittervalidation

Technology can be a virus to society

Remember when thing's used to be good,

musical sounds, movies the taste of our food

remember when we had such fun playing outside 

fishing running dancing going for a bike ride

A time before machines had us all hooked

when you'd go out for a meal and talk to each other and looked

When your parents would spend time with you

not online pretending to 

When you would burn off ...

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Social media

Login and share your life upload pics of your husband or wife Share your kids with an unknown stranger putting yourself and them in danger. update your status and press post Show them off and boast. You need those likes otherwise what's the point? Sit back and roll a joint. it's sad that you feel the need to compete with your own friends who'm you deceit. A generation full of narcisists who know n...

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Our Social Networking Policy

Hide behind fake words and pictures
in a world of look who I am,
ensure that the truth is not fully shown
with a 140 character span.

Anything posted must be designed
to provoke those possessed of no brain,
either that or be vacuous egotistical tripe
from your life which we’ll all find inane.

Be sure to entice with a headline
or a statement to only infer,
friends and followers forced ...

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twitter poems

for what it is to forget
to live bereft of regret
and watch the sun gently set
thus to wait morning come


 there is always that moment
when you say you are a poet
the wings sprout
and your fey nature is revealed


 one day manchester will be built
the cranes will take wing
without girders in their beaks


 across the valley rain hangs like ghosts
phantom shafted rai...

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Pre-SocialMedia Times

A moment.

These days it's hard to have one
without feeling the need to share
every one with everyone.

Update it
       Tweet it
               Insta- it
                    'til we bleed.

How does this look?
         Who should we tag?
                 Where should we ping?

We've become factory workers
tasked with packaging our most worthy moments.

Keeping the extreme -

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World Affairs

Etna re-awakens

The library re-opens

The old guy’s wallet returns

Ant music is having a re-run

And I, I feel removed.

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