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Afternoon Café
There’s a café down the hill
where I do my wistful Sunday dreaming
Sitting in the front bay window
hypnotised by raindrops
as they whisper against thin panes
I watch the people out in the street
pull their coats over their heads
and dash from shop to shop
Eavesdropping on the other diners
and the occasional glance towards the crossword
I let my mind wander freely
and chat with the wee...
Wednesday 6th September 2023 4:13 pm
a Hopper in the making
a Hopper in the making
I photographed
three lonely men drinking coffee
in a coffee shop
how did I know they were lonely
they were straight out of an
Edward Hopper painting
like the people in “Night Hawks”
the light coming in the windows
reminded me of several of his paintings
of women looking out to bright light
that flowed in but brought no relief
...Monday 12th April 2021 11:26 pm
Crooked Café
I used to hate this part of town
After London
it felt like stepping back in time
as if all our momentum to the capital
had been lost
these shops with their hand-painted signs
I didn’t recognise the names
they’re not triplicated on every high street
And now I sit
in the Crooked Café
the waitress always tries to remember my ‘usual’
but I love that she never quite gets it right
gives u...
Friday 15th November 2019 11:38 am
Conversation in a Harbour Cafe
It was all in her eyes
When he said
He saw the tear
When he breathed
He knew her mind
When he stopped
Outside the mist rolled in
As ropes slipped off bollards
When he left
He heard her say
When the door slammed
He hoped she said
When he heard
It was all in his mind
Outside the engine sta...
Sunday 9th December 2018 12:35 pm
Autumn Thoughts
Black steel
curling wrought iron
Beneath me
coffee steam
and noise
and a poet
sits talking
his foot jiggling
as he gesticulates
autumn sun
shines on wet roofs
and casts
tree shadows
on house walls
the sea is rising
London sinks
Sunday 7th October 2018 9:41 am
It is a meeting place, this coffee house of ours
The atmosphere is friendly and relaxed,
And it is popular with everyone.
Its tables and the chairs are a mixture of styles and ages:
Metal or wood or comfy arm chairs, and benches
They must have come from an auction!
There is a full bookcase half way up the stairs
There are newspapers in a rack
Some customers read while they ...
Sunday 22nd July 2018 6:23 pm
Life is cruel sometimes
I’ve waited on platforms
For trains that never arrived
Drank shots in cellar bars
On Tuesday nights
With in-betweeners
Who still believe in lady luck
I’ve walked along promenades
Been battered by the wind and the rain
Taken shelter in late night café’s
Drank coffee so strong
It made me shudder
I’ve read the beat poets so many times
But I never tire of the words
Of Ginsberg and Ker...
Thursday 24th May 2018 8:30 pm
His name is Jeff. He’s a chef.
How can you tell? By his trousers of course.
When he puts on those checky trousers he’s no longer just Jeff,
But, Jeffry, like Mam used to scream, making herself hoarse
At his idleness, lethargy, laziness, now all in the past
Since a chef he’s become, even though it’s self-classed.
Doesn’t wear one of them tall ‘ats though.
He tried one. Couldn’t...
Monday 6th April 2015 12:21 pm
His name is Jeff. He’s a chef.
How can you tell? By his trousers of course.
When he puts on those checky trousers he’s no longer just Jeff,
But, Jeffry, like his Mam used to scream, making herself hoarse
At his idleness, lethargy, laziness, now all in the past
Since a chef he’s become, even though it’s self-classed.
Doesn’t wear one of them tall ‘ats though.
He tried on...
Friday 13th February 2015 3:02 pm
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