Hope (Remove filter)
It's Easier to Believe
It's easier to believe
I am a child of the most high God
than to live a life of despair.
It's easier to believe
everything happens for a reason
than to question fate.
It's easier to believe
love is everywhere
than to give in to hate.
It's easier to believe
in forgiveness
than remain a victim.
It's easier to believe
in abundant blessings
than mounting problems.
It's easier ...
Friday 28th December 2018 5:30 pm
An open book she had been
In her mind remained nothing
Maybe he couldn't guess anything
When she kept secrets from him
The lost look in her eyes
The stolen smile on the curve of her lips
It's not a love long forgotten
It's a love rediscovered once again
The moment she allowed the shackles to break
And run wild head on into her dreams
Many wont understand but who cares anyway
It's her wo...
Thursday 11th October 2018 10:15 pm
Art of my dreams
You are the art of my dreams.
The muse of my thoughts
and the sweetness of my soul.
a gentle aura surrounding mine
sending messages through the skin and bone
what a funny way to live,
what a peaceful time
to be alive.
to dare what is romance between the reality of life and visions
to desire not only a life
but two paths in one.
-G. N. D.
Friday 14th September 2018 2:25 am
Desperation Of Mercy
To the one.. I ask questions, I ask the one why? All I wanted was simplistically but all I've got was duplicity,my soul burns with the best intention but my mind burns with the pain my tatterd existence....my inability to knowingly do what's best for me and my walk with fate has placed me not only in a moment of desperation for a creator that loves me but has left me with no options other than to ...
Sunday 9th September 2018 4:15 pm
Soul stirrer
You asked for my soul
and I laid it bare, for you.
Trampled, beaten, mistaken, burnt, and forgotten
It lies in the depth of a blue sea
out of breath and still.
Moss and coral has taken over my soul
or what is left of it.
A black and blue striped fish stopped by yesterday to check if she can lay her eggs in there.
I think she will.
Friday 7th September 2018 3:43 pm
I saw God today
I saw God today
the sun shooting rays down between the clouds
I saw God today
in the tears of a friend who was hurting
I saw God today
in the smile of others and the pride in their eyes
I saw God today
as I looked in the mirror and realized my eyes were clear
for the first time in a very long time
I saw God today
in every raindrop and in every lightening strike
I s...
Friday 31st August 2018 10:05 pm
Burning Bridges
Bury the long dead past let bridges burn behind
Bounty what life holds be cherished full in kind
Nothing stays forever in rapid passing of time
There still be choices to relive your lost prime.
At the end somewhere will be a beckoning light
Ridding built up solitude to future shining bright
Saturday 25th August 2018 7:21 am
Get up and Gone
Get up and Gone
I remember when my uncle, with watery eyes,
Told me how his get up and go
Had got up and gone.
We were looking at the framed photo of his wife,
40 years together, and now only one.
His shoulders shook, a man once so strong,
Used to laughter, drinks and quick with a quip or joke.
And I remember when I too lost sight of the sun,
My vision blurred,...
Tuesday 10th July 2018 10:01 pm
Obsessed With You
I'm addicted to, all the
Things you do. The way
You look at me, make me
Breathe. I can face this now,
With you I now know how.
Your words enlighten me,
Your eyes, they help me see,
I've never felt this free.
Tuesday 19th June 2018 10:16 pm
Can't Escape
You try to escape the demons
But they latch on way too tight,
Their claws digging into my body
And mind, with all their might.
Fighting is exhausting,
It physically and mentally drains.
But still I endure it, hoping
One day I will finally escape the pain.
Tuesday 19th June 2018 10:05 pm
Real Life Nightmare
Every moment to fear,
Forever holding back internal tears.
Life- so complicated,
forever indecisive.
The world too big, too scary,
my mind so full of queries.
Never certain, never happy,
each decision could be deadly.
An escapes impossible,
every outcomes implausible.
Sinking under water,
Always being taken for a martyr.
The pain runs so deep,
Barely able to ...
Sunday 17th June 2018 11:34 pm
Hopeless Romantic
I am a hopeless romantic.
Hopeless but romantic.
Is that a thing?
Expressing love in such a hopeless way, that love looks like plain white walls surrounded by nothing but darkness.
It’s a light at the end of a dark tunnel.
A cigarette burning against black gravel.
Candles burning in a dim lit church.
That’s what love is like to me.
I hope one day you can see it.
...Sunday 27th May 2018 12:46 pm
Full Circle
Full Circle
It’s here again. Bring the tissues. Hide away the blades. Its coming
full force
Into our home, our hearts, our souls, here. It’s in
My mothers eyes as she stares blankly, unblinking, it’s in
nanna’s shaky voice, breaking. ‘what were you thinking?’
Its carried in by broken promises, screams th...
Friday 11th May 2018 11:19 pm
Stu of the Steps
Been working on this for a while... not sure about it really, but see what you think..
Stu of the Steps
This is my pitch, here’s where I sit
Cardboard and cushion to keep cold at bay
Down steps from the station, just half way
Gives em time to see me, reflect a bit.
Not all the way down, hanging in there
Holding my own, keeping my space
Forgotten detritus of t...
Tuesday 8th May 2018 9:25 pm
Legacies (A poetic one scene drama)
Introduction before the curtain is opened.
-->The introducer addresses the audience.
Instead of none-stop
Condemning the past
Let us do our part
To lift our country
From economic morass fast.
Better than licking a wound,
Taking corrective measures
On former leaders’ mistakes
We could
Capitalizing, on what
They did good.
(Open Curtain)
--> Enters Emperor Tewodros II
Friday 27th April 2018 1:46 pm
Playing the Game called Life
We live for what we have,
We live with what we’ve got,
We live through all our troubles,
We live no matter what.
Till that day of sorrow,
Till all comes to a pause,
Then all we see is darkness
And wonder what once was.
Then it is too late to care
You’ve died without a clue.
So what you do now that you live,
Well, that is up to you.
Monday 23rd April 2018 3:11 pm
Only One Winner
Only One Winner
He dropped a glass
On my stone floor
And there was only one winner.
She breathed her last
Was at death’s door
And there was only one winner.
He took a chance
She faced a threat
And there was only one winner.
He lived a life,
He paid his debt
And there was only one winner.
My nights were dark
The sun arose
And the...
Saturday 21st April 2018 11:40 am
The Body of Life
The Body of Life
RIP Paul
Don’t hold on to the cord too long
As the casket drops back to the ground
Listen and hear the blackbird’s song
As loved ones whisper all around.
Holding on can pull you down,
Time to let go with laughs and tears.
One life so brief now clearly shown
Should soothe all worries, quell your fears.
Suits new pressed in Sunday be...
Thursday 5th April 2018 4:28 pm
A tulip blooms
In the effervescent sunshine of my heart,
A ray of light I alone
Could not have created,
For not until the birds no longer sing,
Or until the trees no longer grow,
Will my infatuation know its limits.
Your hair a melancholic autumn,
Shades of brown and hues of amber,
Your heart
A forgotten winter,
Made not by you,
But by those that came before I,
...Tuesday 3rd April 2018 3:20 am
Spit of Life
Do you remember how we used to savour the pins and needles on our tongues?
Do you remember how we used to bite into bitterness?
lick the spit of life
I was turned on by brokenness
maybe it’s cliche
that I craved pain
swallowing broken bottles
it's lined my pockets
it's swollen my stomach
Do you remember when we saw ‘sad’ as just another crayon
to colour ourselves in w...
Sunday 1st April 2018 4:06 pm
What do you represent?
I represent the entirety of my peers.
I represent my profession, my passions, humanity, the man on the street.
I represent the homeless, the loveless, those with respect and those I respect.
I represent you, I represent me, I represent what "they say".
I represent facts, I represent theories, I represent questions, ideals and ideas.
I represent dreams, I represent fears,
I repres...
Saturday 10th March 2018 8:26 pm
The Future
a week ago
a professor asked me
what i wanted to do with my life,
the quesiton caught me wrong-footed;
two decades ago
learning to walk,
a decade ago
learning my body,
5 years ago
discovering love,
3 years ago,
accepting my body
a month ago,
accepting who i am
and now?
thrust into the unknown,
an oblivion that teases me;
infinite doors t...
Tuesday 6th March 2018 11:13 pm
contemporaneous cold,
in the winter of my agony
july's heat long forgotten,
january's frost an eternal constant
and yet
one remembers,
flowers bloom.
Tuesday 6th March 2018 10:30 pm
Keeping hope
Do we search for closeness with a pure heart
or do we always have intentions that are hidden from other's view
Our past weighs heavily on us and delivers a blow when we least expect.
What lies within our bones? Does this trouble and perturb us?
Could our hearts be bleeding or is it just plain beating?
Is our spleen venting the anger of our past or our present?
Is the future driving us to out...
Friday 2nd March 2018 5:52 pm
You took my skeleton out of my body and molded my spine to stand straight.
With your skilled hands you took me apart and put me back together, like you had done so many times.
In one piece, after so many years - you taught me what it was like to stand alon
You sculpted my wings in perfect likeness of yours.
With each feather, you gave me hope and confidence.
I was an angel -...
Friday 2nd March 2018 1:17 am
The sky is the limit
A pitch dark night
Will be overcome
By a broad day light,
Seeds below
The earth that lie,
Soon open
A thankful eye
To the heavenly father
In the sky!
Then why? Why?
Should you and I
Allow our ambition
Wilt and die,
See our dreams fly by,
When say
A Hurdle
Block our way!
We must never admit
When a dead end
We hit,
There is no
Getting round it!
We should know
When God shuts th...
Saturday 24th February 2018 11:24 am
Living My Own Death
I can tell you exactly when it happened. I was sat on one of those plasticy leatherette chairs. You know the ones, they have them in all hospitals, they're easy to wipe clean if someone has a little accident. I had my hand clasped about my wife's fingers and though I knew I was squeezing them too hard she didn't complain.
She, the doctor that is, or should I say consultant? Anyway, she leant in...
Wednesday 31st January 2018 4:43 pm
May I Never
A poem about getting old... and staying young.
May I Never
I may never rule the world with theories so fine
May never run past Bolt, smile and duck across the line.
I may never meet Mandela, Obama or the Queen,
I may never solve all wars, or stop leaders being mean.
I may never reach a hundred, run for thirty miles,
I may never help the hungry, turn their cries to happy...
Wednesday 10th January 2018 10:33 am
new year, new me.
new year, new me
new year, same old shit, same broken me.
the games they play will never change
the lies they tell will only grow in numbers
and every one
will erode at my happiness
and reduce what could have been mountains
down to only dirt.
i am broken
i used to be
i try to be
so kind
and compassi...
Monday 1st January 2018 6:57 pm
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