reason (Remove filter)
Believe to Live
Be happy with what you have
Then you will have what you hope
Firmly, work and save
Simply, you reach the top
It depends on you more
Than a reason or a cause
Not because rich and poor
Your brain, how much knows
Do believe in God's Judging
And gain your thought results
God never asks a jumbling
But to be aware of the facts
Wednesday 27th February 2019 11:16 am
You gave up and left your comfort zone because of reasons.
But should it be that way?
Should it be with your thoughts?
Or should it be your feelings?
At any rate, should you consider one reason?
You fly and wearing this strong face
And with a brave heart
But would it be that way you wanted?
I never thought
But I know I made the right decision because
It is you are the reason.
Sunday 18th March 2018 2:46 pm
Buried in the Sunlight
This poem is for all those who find this life a trial. Keep on keeping on, as someone once remarked.
Buried in the Sunlight
Eleanor played the pipes as a piper should,
flying light with grace and flair and swing,
with airs like a wind band in the deep greenwood:
dancing her careless heart towards an Appalachian spring.
All who knew her, all for whom her life seemed bles...
Monday 5th February 2018 12:52 pm
The City of God
In the disturbed world of today, I believe we must look to the tragedies of the past for guidance into the future. This piece is based on one of my first efforts, now many years ago.
The City of God
“It stands on a hill,” you say,
"a golden fortress, buttress to our faith,
a Heavenly Jerusalem to Rome's decay”.
Such piety is useful
to commanders of the expendable,
Friday 12th January 2018 7:15 am
The Theater of my Life
I've lived the times
Of the theater of my life
Dancing in the foyer:
Commedia dell'Arte
Comprised the entirety
Of my personal repetoire;
Dress rehearsals were
Never taken seriously:
The final play was just
A moments decision
Hurried through a huddle
Of half-written plots.
The masterful monologues
Of my long and intrepid career
Were carried off by the
Glib tongue of the cha...
Thursday 19th January 2017 5:46 am
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