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Power is a word that I havent seen used properly 

You take that same anger and let it build 

Lets be honest we do not know what the truth is until we hear it somewhere else 

A deaf man can hear the difference in the tone of our conversations

I been looking foward to the end and i can not help it 

Its easier to play the cards you picked and werent dealt with

Im confused on what yo...

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Maybe soon or suddenly 

With unyielding feelings

Do tell me your hear me 

Dont run 

Is there really a cure for a lostness in ones soul

A map that takes you to your deepest darkest corners

I assure you the journey is well spent

Money trees that grow green and let it rain to the poverty

I'll walk past it like I've had it my whole life

Eventually Ill kill the doubt that pla...

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endingnew beginnings

digging your own grave


I hope you’re haunted by the love you lost in the chaos you twisted and turned 

I’ll be the dove hanging onto the wire you burned 

In the quiet you conjure up all the spirits who will never return 

As I hold onto empty words 

How you tortured me in this chapter 

Cheers to your happy never after

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Love wins

Their hands touched and the room stood still

Genuinely, completely stood dead still

He held her hands tight across the table

Wanting to shout out but he wasn't able

Wanting to shout she's the one I love

Tearing down values he'd long understood 

Life is for living with no holding back

Only truly experienced with love in full flame

Not playing the margins in some fake game


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I understand, I know.

When you look at me

I'm not much else but a ghost.

That needs to let go…

Not everything you've done to me

I've been trying so hard to fix my problems

I've turned are lives into one

Its not you

Understand this for me


You work hard for your girls

I understand I'm disappointing

My words hurt I know

I wish you could see the dark place


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im sorryforgive mesadrelationshipsloveendingheartsicklost

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