Poem (Remove filter)
We're the throw away
The use em and lose em
Like old cars
you trade us in
for new models
After putting
one hell of alot of miles
on us
One man's trash
is another's treasure
So here I sit
on the Goodwill's shelf
like the Velveteen Rabbit
Waiting for
a Real Man...
By Lynn Hahn
Saturday 31st December 2016 5:44 pm
Here he comes the fury beast
riding thru the wind
Thighs are beating
as is his heart
Excitement from the very start
He lives for motion
fast and free
Don't hold on to me
is his plea...
On goes his cap
then his helmet
He steps on his pedals
getting ready to run
Winding and winding
the wheels go
Sweat pouring
from his soul...
Saturday 31st December 2016 1:19 am
I needed a pillow under my head
to support me
Not to cover my face
smothering me
Can't you see
that's what you did to me?
I did not run to be mean
or control you
I ran because I could not breath...
But I needed a pillow
so I kept coming back
Hoping you would learn
to be by my side
Equal beings
neither better or worse
Existing to support e...
Wednesday 28th December 2016 11:41 pm
Forgiveness is my best friend
she gives such relief
Finding my best friend
can be such a challange
She often hides in the corners of my mind
plays hide and seek with my heart
It's so hard to let go
and let her do her magic
It's easier to sit in the dark closet
holding onto anger
Anger is black and painful
it takes from my soul
It lies and ch...
Wednesday 28th December 2016 4:05 am
Love me this way, if you love me too
Often have seen you stuck
Amid being smart and schmuck
Here’s my answer to how should you?
Love me this way, if you love me too
Wake up with me at the dawn-break
Yawn, smile and kiss my forehead
Wish a good morning before I do
Love me this way, if you love me too
Avoiding me is a gross mistake
In a quick second, respond me back
At least twice a day, say “I miss you”
Love me this way...
Sunday 25th December 2016 6:29 am
Tis Christmas
thru the land
of forgiveness
and love
We should travel
Grudges should stay
with the Grinch
If not forever
at least for today
Hold your friends
and family
Know that they
are ever so
Let go of anger
and resentment
Enter the world
of contentment
If not forever
at least for today
...Saturday 24th December 2016 5:21 pm
Wearing rubber boots
I open the door
what kind of horror will I face?
Never been to this place
but heard of the legend
of Michi
A black feline
Who protects
her dwelling
with her fangs and claws
Got to follow her laws
or swiftly be corrected
She claimed this home
after living a life of abandoment
A feral
who was tired of the p...
Friday 23rd December 2016 8:21 pm
Who's driving this car!
Going down the emotional road
no one at the wheel
Not a good deal
Looking back and wishing I could
grab control
Take us where we want to go
Instead two children
fighting in the back seat
When will we get there!
we scream
No grown up around
Minds confused
Tempers real
Tires squeal
Going too fas...
Friday 23rd December 2016 2:18 am
OK I got a bit silly with this one. A woman said that words do not matter in poems. HELP!
I wanted to blow up. Poems are nothing more than a wonderful collection of special words to tell
an amazing story. So here is a twist on "The cat walked down the street"
The slinky slithery siamese cat slipped and slid strutting down the slippery street...
silly but sw...
Wednesday 21st December 2016 8:43 pm
How many tears can one girl cry?
it depends on the lie...
The world is often not what it seems
Broken hearts
Broken dreams
How many tears can one girl cry?
What seems real is often make believe
a part of the truth but not complete
My heart is often not considered
I am real and my heart beats
Beauty is skin deep
The heart is deepe...
Wednesday 21st December 2016 4:57 am
Booties on the tree
for him or for me...
My mind is in a miasma
sight blinded
In a dream like state
trying to peek thru
what did I do
lose them along the way
Thoughts and visions begin
to dance in my mind
Pictures of him and me
I try to find
Instead nightmares
run thru my head
Lies choke me like a python getting ready to eat it's prey
...Saturday 17th December 2016 6:50 am
Who could have known that's who he was
a man of Grump Land
His past added up to insecurity
that came out of his mouth
in the form of lampooning
Aspersion dribbled from his orifice
leaving a need for estuaries
in Grump Land for humans
to gain protection from his salty words
Yet there was a sweet spot
amongst the weeds and storms
A place he hid from mos...
Friday 16th December 2016 8:21 am
I woke up this morning a bit confused
ready to go to the kitchen and swallow my pills
They help my mind get straight
if I don't take them by eight
it's too late
I look at the clock OH NO I over slept
My thoughts start to gather and circle my room
I try to grab one but it escapes me
Words start to play bumper cars in my head
soon it feels like lead
my mar...
Wednesday 14th December 2016 5:43 am
They come from far
Blind, I grown blind.
No color, no light.
Pain, I felt pain.
No matter, no gain.
Looking through the mirror glass,
things happen afar.
Taking notion of them,
as they were part.
There's no true,
there's no lie,
everything stays shy.
Scream, scream for those who can't.
Deaf, I am deaf.
No sound, no play.
Help, they need help.
...Tuesday 13th December 2016 9:25 am
Repeated story
I got used to you,
now time doesn't go by without you.
I got used to you,
that I cannot even smile when you're not around.
I got used to you using,
there's no point in whining now yet I still do it.
Can't believe what I did for you,
was I just a toy?
At least you had fun,
you had a blast,
while I slowly think of every word you said.
It hurts me to see you go,
but it hurts more when you...
Sunday 11th December 2016 4:21 pm
Born into a dwelling filled with creativity in the air
she breathed it in
it was like blood to her soul
oxygen needed to support her existence
It was a time when men were men and women were women
little blending of roles
it did not fit her
it was the wrong size
She was one that needed to spread her wings
and fly with her talent
Live in a world ful...
Sunday 11th December 2016 1:30 am
I'll jump over the moon for you
I'll give you a diamond ring
Those were the words that went thru my head
when you convinced me to lay with you in your bed
Were they lies
Were you the wolf
looking for your lamb
You are the one
was your song
let me inside
My heart was so empty
it cried for love
I allowed you to enter
my most treasured gift
...Friday 9th December 2016 8:44 pm
Where were the words
why couldn't we talk
So much I wanted to say
but the words got caught in my throat
Why did the magnet push us apart
when there were words to say
Could it be different at a different time
was it just the timing
I don't know
So awkward
So off beat
We couldn't get the timing
of the dance
Yet the magnet d...
Friday 9th December 2016 3:21 am
Waiting In Brooklyn
Balancing my brains with bourbon in some back-ally Brooklyn bar
nighthawks that had lost hope looking for the diner, perched in a meticulous row like tin ducks on a crooked shooting gallery on Coney Island
The fella to my right was coyly flirting with a glass of miller draft, his hands embraced around but not to tight, so that it didn’t slip through his fingersas the love of a good woman once ...
Wednesday 7th December 2016 12:10 pm
Last Night You Held My Skin Between Your Fingertips
Last night you held my skin between your fingertips;
You washed slow kisses upon my parted lips.
Last night you drew circles across my across my thighs, upon my naked knee;
And gave your closeness to me.
Last night you left lotus-marks upon my throat,
Your eyes seethed against mine, where I had grown remote.
Last night the night lengthened to conceal in billows of silk bliss
The aching me...
Monday 28th November 2016 4:05 pm
Have been a mother, will I be a mom?
Whilst the squalls, ‘have been standing tall
Concerned for others, kind of mum-to-all
Once I want to kiss your divine arm
Have been a mother, will I be a mom?
‘Glistening’, I think, how would that be?
Feeling about you growing inside me
I often roll my fingers over my womb
Have been a mother, will I be a mom?
To hold and touch, to chase and clutch
To stroll an...
Sunday 27th November 2016 9:20 am
Horrible Bliss
Very surely I’ve been remiss
To imagine you, darling, like this!
Oh, the melded hours have cruelly conspired
To strand me in ecstasies of longing—which I so desired!—
To abandon me to oceans of thoughts of your kiss—
It’s a breathless caress, plunged in the shuddering abyss;
Oh, darling, what bitter elation—what horrible bliss!
I’ve made lists which contain nothing but your name!
And of ...
Tuesday 22nd November 2016 4:08 am
The Parenthesized
Your green eyes are shining in the night of my mind
Thoughts are fading away with the dawn of your smile
Words are sailing away, papers are turning back to trees
And God is lighting his cigarette with thunder while scribbling my fate
God is a poet, I think and his words are people
But I'm parenthesized, that's why you can't read me
Stuck in arrogant sentences or thrown to the end
That's t...
Sunday 20th November 2016 8:03 pm
The Fish
The other night I dreamt a strange dream of a fish that I’ve been thinking about ever since
What follows below are the events.
The fish was long and silver and it lay in my arms swaddled in cloth like a child
(The fish had no name).
And though I was repulsed by it I felt deeply that it needed affection, and
Perhaps I needed the same.
So I held the fish in my arms and though it did not sp...
Friday 18th November 2016 3:34 pm
I Love Too Fast
I love too fast; I want too much.
I’m awake late at night when I think of your touch—
It isn’t a virtue, I couldn’t call it such
I’m a fool; it’s a burden I must carry.
And you’re right to be wary.
I’d even call myself very
Very vain, full of airs
Caught in so many affairs—
Maybe two—maybe more.
Maybe four—it’s not true
I want you,
Won’t you kiss me?
Won’t you ever ever miss me?
Sunday 13th November 2016 12:57 am
You Do Not Go From Me Violently
You do not go from me violently;
No, but silently I comprehend that—I must forget.
You do not leave me with stentorian curses,
But with empty pages of sorrow; of
Mute regret.
Now I face the days of losing you
And nights of spite.
But it is indistinct, reluctant, and not obtrusive, almost translucent;
It is light.
No, you do not leave me in bitter torment,
But only a little out of bre...
Saturday 12th November 2016 2:07 am
Where Is My Home Among These Mountains?
Where is my home, among these mountains?
That stretch faded and indigo blue,
From sky to sky?
That night become dark, and offer refuge to
The wistful whisper;
The bitter cry?
Did I come here to live—or come back to die?
In these mountains that I loved
Oh, it’s still, it’s still unknown,
To me, where—where is my home.
Where is my home among these mountains?
Where I lived and where I gr...
Friday 11th November 2016 5:10 pm
When You Smile
When you smile,
Minutes lose all of their seriousness,
Suddenly, it starts to run on your cheekbones
As kids who are wearing the cardigans of innocence
And they quit counting the flow of life,
While your lips edges are getting close to your dimples.
When you smile,
-Especially when your eyes come along with that smile-
And when the laughs open it's wings with all of it's prettiness
Monday 31st October 2016 3:17 pm
You tell me Im worthless
Tell me Im nothing
Tell me that nobody, never will love me
You tell me Im stupid
Tell me Im fat
You tell me this all from my head where you laugh
You told me to do it
Said it was best
But it broke my whole family, ripped their hearts from their chests
Now I feel revolting
I was never alone
Killing my pain, killed all their ho...
Thursday 20th October 2016 5:32 am
10 Word Poem #1
I've never been one to board common trains of thought.
Friday 14th October 2016 6:07 am
A little bit of her own
Yes he has hurt her
Silence will confess mutely
Whining within, it will moan
For its, little bit of her own
“Unchecked and not-replied texts”
She educated them on his habits
Wiped briny drops; wouldn’t be shown
Restive is little bit of her own
Deafened soul recalls the flashes
Of their frolicking oneness
Zipped them; faking smiles put on
Fidgeting with l...
Sunday 9th October 2016 6:44 pm
the photographs of road signs charged by light,
footprints on the dashboard
or blurred trees stooped like men picking leaves.
Or the back of my head, the garden shed
or all the landscapes from summer days when
we turned the camera on ourselves
and photographed nothing but wind.
We send thanks
and message school friends, relatives
and people w...
Friday 30th September 2016 7:19 pm
A piece of a poem
Love was just a word,
Until you came along
Now it is a feeling
So fierce, and strong
So stay young and just dance
And don’t listen to the lyrics
Because life is better
When you don’t fully understand
Thursday 29th September 2016 4:49 am
Seasonal Bliss
Seasonal Bliss
The days pass by
Very little has changed
You marked my whole world
Showed me more than the grey
All I have are the memories
All the good times
You showed me who i was
The me I want to be
I just want to go back
And live it one last time
It happened again
You came then you went
The days are getting shorter
The further you get
...Tuesday 27th September 2016 1:24 am
'Realisations' - available to buy now!
Hi all,
I have just released my third ebook 'Realisations' - a year after my debut ebook 'Open to interpretation' and it's subsequent second edition. It is available to buy now on Lulu via this link: http://www.lulu.com/shop/christian-reeve/realisations/ebook/product-22865142.html
A brief preview is available for all three of my books on the website itself. Please buy a copy now and support ...
Tuesday 20th September 2016 10:49 am
Please Don't Grow Up
We all couldn't wait
To grow up, to get out
To fully understand
What the world was about
Only to find
On the other side
The beauty we saw
As a child, had died
The day turned to night
The blue turned to gray
The innocence of life
Had faded away.
So many dreams
Now seem cast down
Remember when difficult
Meant choosing marker or crayon?
Thursday 4th August 2016 2:55 pm
My Misses has a Mistress
My Misses has a mistress
She comes here then and now
She always sneaks in quietly
And when she leaves she's loud
She lives here some nights
On the other side of the bed
She stays here with my misses
She lives inside her head
I watch her leech away her life
She slyly steals her smile
And when she wants to make love
She takes my misses for a while
She didn't come ...
Monday 1st August 2016 2:27 pm
Thoughts about You
I remember the late nights I lay awake thinking about you.
Your smile
Your eyes
Your hair
The way you looked at me when I was heavily intoxicated.
You were laughing.
Not the “I’m sorry for you laughing”
But the genuine laughing.
(With a smile that could light up the world)
The memory makes me think we dated
But that’s a silly thought.
So many of my thoughts surrounded you.
It w...
Wednesday 20th July 2016 9:44 pm
Time Zones
I am in east of future
He is in west of past
Far across the distance
Something still connects us
Time zones changed
© Juhi Gupte
Wednesday 13th July 2016 4:37 pm
Who am I?
A girl that has no name,
which hides her tears before the darkness of the sea;
dusty books, lonely places
or a chair without repair
The girl who didn’t know what to answer,
that grew up within and put beauty to suffering;
elusive, distant,
a perfume in desolation
An empty body that will never be mine;
the indecipherable colors of freedom,
a hand-sc...
Tuesday 12th July 2016 12:33 pm
Ghosts to
my left,
Ghosts to
my right.
Ghosts in front,
oh what
a fright.
Ghosts all around,
How did I
get in this
Ghostly town?
I look at
my hand,
What is this
what do
I see?
Oh My
I can
see right
through me.
Sunday 10th July 2016 1:55 am
The boy I met , the man I love
Friday 17th June 2016 10:40 am
An Open Letter To The Occupant I & II
Good afternoon one and all!
I hope this isnt cheating as such, but I've just uploaded a two-part poem over on my soundcloud, these can be listened to either as a whole or as seperate tracks. Please find the link below and I hope you enjoy!
Thursday 16th June 2016 4:05 pm
A Tale Of Reincarnation
6th December
There was a monk
well, a former monk
and he was handing out free cups of tea
to passers-by
As he did he spoke of
Great Energies
and letting go of material possessions.
I took him up on his offer and we conversed
but then he asked me about my job
and I ashamedly admitted that I felt down
I work for a corporation
but he held me in a s...
Sunday 12th June 2016 9:45 pm
A Loan Man stands
Awkwardly in a conference room
Through corrugated glass slats
Cracks reveal stacks
of printer paper, standard size
Promising- so bright and white
And towering
Taller than he
Behind which he hides.
Closes his eyes.
Hand to forehead
Elbow to stack
A prayer recited: "Is it five o'clock yet?"
"Somewhere", he thinks
And ther...
Thursday 9th June 2016 9:56 pm
Snake Oil Sells the Economy
From the front of the conference room
He wraps us in a voice born of the pulpit
Buttery and gravelly and low
He floats down from the makeshift stage
Tells of the flying fish
Gives us magic sunglasses
So we can see through water
He's here to talk about new eyes
To see what under(lies)
He's selling a new language
In it, we write our morality on the wall
...Thursday 9th June 2016 9:52 pm
She'll take them back
The stones cut carefully and stacked against her
Her winds find ways through the cracks
She'll take them back
All content property of Chandra Mossine
*This original poem was published by the Columbia Art League in their 2014 Interpretations collection
Thursday 9th June 2016 9:45 pm
But not for you
Awake at an ungodly hour
Set to confront
Surreal and factual
Ways yet inept
There’s too much on plate
To be taken care of
Yeah! I am at odds
But not for you
Drained in the drizzles
Of first rains of the season
Peacock blue kurta is drenched
For a reason
Not that those wounds are gone
Breezes be the beacon
Yeah! I am sun-dried
But dew-soaked w...
Wednesday 8th June 2016 5:59 am
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