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conservative (Remove filter)

'The trouble with Derek'

( In response to an ITV Documentary attempting character assassination

"The trouble with Derek"

about former  Liverpool City  Council's Deputy Leader Derek Hatton and the furore of his recent re-joining of the Labour Party )


The trouble with Derek :

was that he was a socialist

that he was a militant Socialist


The trouble with Derek

was that he was class conscious


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city coucilConservativeDerekDerek HattonHattonKinnocklabourLiverpoolmilitantParlimentToriesvoters

The Conservative






disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, 

and to limit change.


Every morning on the TV – It’s just not like what it used to be


Kids these days they’ve got no clue, they RIOT, they’re not POLITE – they don’t appreciate SHITE!


In MY day - i...

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