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'The trouble with Derek'

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( In response to an ITV Documentary attempting character assassination

"The trouble with Derek"

about former  Liverpool City  Council's Deputy Leader Derek Hatton and the furore of his recent re-joining of the Labour Party )


The trouble with Derek :

was that he was a socialist

that he was a militant Socialist


The trouble with Derek

was that he was class conscious

that he was from Liverpool


The trouble with Derek

was that he thought quickly

that he spoke quickly

that he had a sense of humour


The trouble with Derek

was that he had the support

of those that elected him

that he had a mandate


The trouble with Derek

was that he was a blue

that he didn't drink alcohol

that he didn't smoke

that he was smartly dressed

that he was good looking


The trouble with Derek

was that he was class conscious

that he was popular


The trouble with Derek

was that he was a socialist

that he was elected

that he was from Liverpool


The trouble with Derek

was that he wouldn't take bribes

that he was engaging

that he was good looking

that he went to the gym


The trouble with Derek

was that he spoke his mind

that he believed in democracy

that he had a forceful personality


The trouble with Derek

was that he was a socialist

that he was elected

again by voters in Liverpool

that he had their support

that he had contempt for the Tories


That was the trouble with Derek.


Re-edit Words and foto by Tommy Carroll

city coucilConservativeDerekDerek HattonHattonKinnocklabourLiverpoolmilitantParlimentToriesvoters

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 22nd Feb 2019 14:41

I confess that my knowledge of Derek Hatton was restricted to what
was in the media - print, sound and vision. But he seemed too
extreme back then for a lad from the valleys: one Neil Kinnock.
The Liverpool lad didn't do himself too many favours perhaps by
looking somewhat worryingly like one of those well-heeled
personable villains who seemed to be much in evidence.
Anyway, fast-forward many years and he was back: then gone again! Life's a funny old game. Ditto politics.

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keith jeffries

Thu 21st Feb 2019 16:13

This kind of tirade poetry always has a strong impact on the reader. It is convincing in its intensity. It is well written and well constructed. All the best for Derek. I enjoyed this poem

Thank you

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