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Armistice (Gods Of War)

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Armistice (Gods Of War)

The ink upon this document
dries twice as fast as blood
that seeps into this continent
and mixes with the mud.
The war to end all wars they say,
though many have their doubts
that a piece of paper, signed today,
will quell the zealots shouts.

So they dance beneath the spires
of Britannia’s grieving towns
and let the mourning of sad shires
taint her flimsy tattered gown.
The bells ring their grieving chime
for all the missing souls
and for the first time in a long time
soldiers climb out from their holes.

Home, to children they don’t recognise
and wives who don’t understand
the vacant look behind their eyes
or the shaking of their hands.
They won’t talk of what they’ve seen
or what they’ve been made to do,
mere ghosts of what they’ve been
they walk in dead men’s shoes.

So let them have this day,
to rejoice and heal their scars,
let the booming marching bands
lead them all to joyous bars,
for they are only Human
and they all believe the lie -
but we are still the Gods Of War
and we will never die.

armisticegods of warpeacewar to end all warsWW1WW2SITWB

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Ged the Poet

Sat 23rd Aug 2014 14:57

The picture immediately draws you in to the title Armistice (Gods of war)... spot on!
'The ink upon this document
dries twice as fast as blood
that seeps into this continent
and mixes with the mud'...

Great work Ian.

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alan barlow

Tue 19th Aug 2014 22:53

i love this and think the picture accompanies the piece beautifully a very evocative piece, thankyou for creating it

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Mon 11th Aug 2014 22:34

An accomplished piece of writing. Great use of rhyme and language.

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Tommy Carroll

Sun 10th Aug 2014 16:48

Ian Hi, It strikes me as having a total lack of cynicism (skeptical yes, in parts and that's no bad thing at all) - which coming from your stand point is damn hard to do. Tommy

ps I'm surprised there are not a lot more posts for this work Ian :/ tc

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