kidnapped (Remove filter)
Child robbers
I wished you did not miss me because the though of that hurts to the core
I wished i did not ever have to feel the pain,
of you not missing me even more.
I think back to our times at home
your first memories of being so small in my arms
The hours i spent watching you dream
Wishing and hoping i could be the best mother i could be
for you to get the best life you deserve from me.
Tuesday 11th December 2018 2:12 pm
Two of my children were kidnapped as babies, and I suffered so much over it. This poem came out of that suffering, along with many many more.
It’s really hard to bear
The loneliness within
When emotions test
And hearts bleed
When children’s arms
Reach out to mother’ running
As they are taken from her
And pain is enthroned
To leave her with nothing
But the pain and
Tuesday 10th June 2014 1:16 am
Brutal Not Comfort
The soldiers of Nippon descended upon Asia in a vast horde of death.
Fighting anyone who dared oppose them, killing their enemies without mercy. Destroying everything from isolated houses to entire cities.
Decades of looking inwards bred an evil military dictatorship. ...
Sunday 26th January 2014 3:20 pm
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