The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

writer's block (Remove filter)

Big White Room

Stepped outside the Big White Room

Closed the door behind me

Needing to see where I belong,

Trying to feel familiarity.


Writer’s block is brutal

-A stab in the back from loyalty.

Needless to say I lost myself

Trampled by a monotonous society.


I sigh--

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GENERALLIFEwriter's block

Writers Block

The words don't flow as they used to

The lines don't form as well

My mind seems stuck in idle

Awaiting thoughts to swell

Each day I live, I see so much

It should inspire something

Yet when I sit to write it out

My brain comes up with nothing



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Writer's Block

When you get writer's block
go for a walk

find a friend 
have a talk

blow bubbles
spin a top

count stars
watch birds flock

whatever you do 

don't stare 
at a blank page

as the clock
goes tick-tock. 

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Colour Arts

Swimming in cycles, I pattern an air;

dash, cross, the mimes of meeting,

they are a crime and I am a road-side

mottled hard, cracked paving,

the worse for wear, but a red light

lights my eye and guides my thought,

a spark in a second, a buzzing phone.

I throw out dust and paper, reels of film

sun-baked, reeling, cracked,

replace with seconds from the fountain,

hiding ...

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