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Blank Page

Your life is
a blank page
to write upon.

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Give it Sweetness

I recently assembled these thoughts on coming across the poem's quotation from John Steinbeck while reading The Grapes of Wrath. I often suggested to my students the advantage to be gained by attempting an argument in opposition to what the student wished to argue. In other words, the good old Light and Dark strategy. The "Terrace" setting is Perth's main city thoroughfare, St. George's Terrace. I...

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Wrote a Symphony

I dreamed i wrote a poem with words wisdom and notes of beauty

Somthing so sound it could of woke sleeping beauty the queen of the east 

Joined hands with the demon of the west when i write it's not to write at you i got a pen and paper how could i attack you

What cause words hurt 

I mean they tickle a little but action is what makes a mistake 

You wanted something calling you out i...

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