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invisible illnesses (Remove filter)

Just take another pill


Sat down in the GP room ,hoping if I told him everything straight they’d help me soon . Pain management is the place I need to be but instead they insist another pill or three . I’m not wanting to be off on the sick line , I just want to manage my pain and finally feel fine .  

Just take this one and you’ll feel brand new , it’ll take the pain away and you’ll love everything you do . Come ...

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chronic illnesseschronic paininvisible illnesses

Invisible Illnessess

Invisible Illnessess 

Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue
Lupus, Sarcoidosis,
Hepatitis, Diabetes
Multiple Sclerosis.

Crohn's Disease, Thyroid Disease
Coeliac as well,
Rheumatoid Arthritis
All causing people hell.

Allergies, Food in tolerance
Depression, IBS,
Chronic Myofashal Pain
Invisible illness? Yes.

Clinical Depression,
UC and PNH
All these I must mention.


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invisible illnessesinvisible diseases

Chronic pain


Pain changes me everyday 

It limits what I do and effects what I say

It likes to help my mood disorder fuck me up 

and I wake up each morning wishing myself good-luck

Appart from there's nowhere that luck can fit into this feeling of waking up isn't any bliss 

There's no rest full or natural sleep involved 

I wish so much my sleep pro longed that my dreams would procrasti...

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Chronic painFibromyalgiainvisible illnesses

A Bipolar Mind

Each day, more exhausting than the last.

Time goes far too slowly, or too fast.

you're either extremely low, or elevated.

People either love you, or you're hated.


There is no middle ground

- no inbetween.

Everything is one extreme.

you're either Jekyll or you're Hyde.

It is a never ending fight.


You're a walking contradiction ,

With no explanation,

No cha...

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bipolar disordermental health issuesmental illnessdepressionmaniamanicirritabilityirritationcontradictionchangeragejekylhydetwo extremesawarenessexplanationpoetry and mental healthinvisible illnessespain

Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #11{Noiseless Silence}

{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #11} {Noiseless Silence}




The sound's

of the noiseless

silence that

ringings out

in their head's

like the


sound's off

that she's

dead `n` she

lays there in

the echoes of

hysteria `n` 

the noiseless

noise covered

her lifeless


body with the

darkness as

the amplifiers


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cure chiaricure mediary of the southern queendark poemsdark poetrydarknessdeathemotionsfeeling'sinvisible illnesseslifelivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloveroutside inspirationpoempoetryTina Gloverwordy queenworldly inspirationwriting to write

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