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Warfare (Remove filter)

Mr Twee

Warfare rages, blood pressure races, worry lines etch into our faces

Predictability always soothes

So we turn our glaikit eyes to you

A saviour decked in red, white and blue

Be our hero, Mr Twee.


Crashing chords in minor keys

Experimental creativity

Please god - spare us all of these!

For our stilted minds cannot compute

Unfamiliar jarring tunes

Blandness is the ...

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musicpopblandSimon CowellToryToriesbloodshotsepiawarfareknighthoodtortureconventionpredictablesuntantroubledinvention

Oh The Hypocrisy

As it is rememberence weekend, I just thought I would post you this, in honour of many a soldier!


                                                Oh the Hypocrisy



            Someone get me a cloth,

For someone shat on my screen!


I’m scoping now,

Scoping with a full magazine

Of thirty-two rounds –

The foresight blackened

By my gun oil to assassinate


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I felt nothing at first.
Just the loud crack of a distant whip, the echo
Bouncing through the crumbling streets and fetid alleyways,
Painted with the stench of unintentional sacrifices
And scorched by the Middle Eastern sun.
He can see me, this one, even now,
Staring down the lens like a wayward sailor scanning distant rocks for Sirens,
Tempting him to death.
He’s watching me cr...

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