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Miracles (Remove filter)

Alone In A Crowded Stream

The driftwood floats,

Down toward the rocky slopes,

Without a care in the world.

"I can't be bothered by those jagged rocks now,

In this cool water where I enjoy my ride,"

"Besides, there's still time to turn this around,

If I could just go against the tide."

"What a life this is being driftwood,

Where I go next is anybody's guess."

So I smile like nothing's the matter,


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One Hair

I thought to change one hair tonight

from white to black, atop my head.

It seemed a try would be alright

while lying here upon my bed.


I called out to the powers that be

in all their forms amidst the sky,

but nothing changed at all for me

though I had given my best try.


I guess it’s human nature

to control the things at hand.

To try and make sure ever...

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Miracle Garden

Free man heroic family title

A story written light years before he was conceived

A man of his word He stands by his wife

And through pain came the light this man received

He grieved

He grieved for his boy

His beautiful Son named worthy of praise

His troubled son so handsome

Once a child so pure

He suffers no more

Besides him God like lady Joan

Together they mourn


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Wild flowersFrancisplaywritingheromiraclesGrief death bereavement consolation friendship


Publish your poems,

your stories,

your soul songs.

A world of lonely people

are waiting for you

with open arms. 


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destinyhealinglegacylonlinessmiraclesmusicpoetryquillsoultwin flamewriting

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