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Cacophany in the Second City

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I amble amongst the snake trail
of crowds and loud streets
of consumer rights and political fights.

Then he came and  asked me
whether I had any faith at all
and I shook my head in a lie
while he thrust a pamphlet
of salvation into my hands. 


 And he said "Are you religious
as I am not and never was because
it binds you too tight but do try
as you might to turn to God my love."


And he wished me a happy life
and a good day before he took
shelter in Subway as he was now
more than hungry enough. 


Then I turned to a man who
had a plan through Islam
offering me an English copy
of the Quran while the busker
sung and smiled that he was
loving angels instead.


And my ego smiled back
and for that one moment
he was the prophet
that I sought amongst strangers.


Meanwhile, beside the homeless
and tomeless a lady mediates
in the rain for human rights
among the remains and pain
in a city of mistaken identity.


And I cannot hear any sound
of despair above the crowds,
but here in the air the
call to prayer is everywhere.


But paradise never comes.



©  Katypoetess 2016



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Thu 21st Apr 2016 07:24

Sounds like the silliness of Market Street pretty well summed up- I like it.

<Deleted User> (6895)

Mon 11th Apr 2016 13:51

Very Marrakesh Katy.We loved;o)


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Nigel Astell

Mon 11th Apr 2016 13:23

While suffering keeping faith in God gets them through
paradise is the dream that keeps the pain at bay.

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