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WOL comp (Remove filter)





Here we are now




beneath our

broad and








on this



of ours

this realm of fire

and dust

and space





as far as we

can know

or see


no one


but you

and m...

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serendipityWOL compserendipity WOL Comp

WOL comp - last chance to vote . . .

Just a reminder that voting closes this Friday, so if you haven't already voted . . .

The entries were:

Tigerella Warrior by Laura Taylor - BE GRATEFUL by M.C. Newberry - The Berry Bridge by Francine -

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WOL Comp

WOL Comp - The Entries . . .

WOW! Great response everyone!

We have (by my count, and please give me a shout if I've missed anyone) twenty-one - yes 21 entries!  Entries and links are as follows:


Tigerella Warrior by Laura Taylor - BE GRATEFUL by M.C. Newberry - ...

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WOL Comp

Love On Pearl Harbour Night

Poem for WOL comp


The met on Pearl Harbour night.

Dressed in red from lipstick to heel

She swayed cool grooves

On the floor of the dancehall.

He was on leave, his bowler hat

Tipping in jives.


They kissed, danced, everything else,

Spent the week in luxurious unity,

Mutual bliss, love.


Until his time was up, the war

Ripped them in half...

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WOL comp

Last call for WOL Comp!

Hi All,

And a very happy and poetic New Year to all the team and subscribers to WOL!

Thursday January 5th is the closing date for entries to the WOL Comp, after which voting for your favourite entries will open.

There are currently 16 entries, so if you want to swell the numbers please post your entries a.s.a.p. See here for rules:

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WOL Comp

Emma was her Eyes


(Dedicated to Sheila Hocken, based on her book "Emma and I")


Born only able to make out shapes

and distinguish light from dark.

She found during her teens

even these restrictions became denied to her.

Then at nineteen she took possession

of a beautiful chocolate brown Labrador

Emma who became her eyes.


For ten years she owed the life she could l...

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WOL comp

Your Horse Ate My Pyjamas


O come all ye faithless,

All your sodding family,

O come ye to my house

And view the debris.

Come see the broken glass

And the trampled down front door.


Your horse ate my pyjamas,

Your horse ate my pyjamas,

Your horse ate my pyjamas,

Thanks a lot!


O come bring your siblings,

Your sister is a menace,

She stole my identity

And ...

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WOL Comp

Hills in Winter


Horizontal hail hood-hammering

Pellet pinging, kag rattling,

Wind-chilled skin grim-flaying.


Comedy of urination

'gainst neat dry stone wall,

uncomprehending sheep watching

fumbling in six layers of clothing

with frozen fingers and a man-wobbling wind,

to whisk away the water spray

where it will.


Bilberry and heather.

Grousing gro...

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WOL comp

WOL Competition – a reminder!


Nine entries so far folks! I forgot to say that if anyone wants to submit more than one entry – feel free. The closing date is January 5th 2012, after which I’ll open the voting. I have purposely refrained from commenting on entries until after the closing date.

Still two weeks to get your entry posted. For entry stipulations please see here:

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WOL comp

in arms not meant


Smile sits, content

a dove upon a nest

settles down

for morning snooze

in arms, not meant.


In arms not meant

smile stretches

like a cat

in warmth

and harmony



Smile knows

no matter

that it is not meant

for pleasure grows

and echoes

in another smile

another smile



With warmth of ...

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loveWOL comp

Tigerella Warrior



he loves a stripey woman:

criss-cross pinkness  

ridged in parts,

running riptide on the skin of

a sinner full of scars


she loves a man of god who

kisses ribbons telling tales,

in faded brutal pale, of

a history containing all the

counting of the blessings by the strip


he traces the beginning mark:

a scar that’s warm and wet bu...

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WOL comp

WOL Competition!


OK folks! There has been some support for a competition on the blog; with this in mind I’m happy to set one. Some have suggested that there should be a “theme” as in previous competitions – as is my whim I’m going to ignore that and set something I personally think is far more difficult!

What do we, as poets, write about? After a very unscientific trawl through last month’s blogs and ...

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WOL comp

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