Poetry (Remove filter)
Small things like these-
Staring out the window,
Feeling the warmth of the sun on the face,
Eyes gleaming, twinkling with quiet excitement.
Goosebumps rise on the skin,
Aflame with forgotten vigor.
Small things like these-
The cold touch of water,
Toes twitching in the bath,
Awakening to the gentle brush of hands,
Blood rushing to the face,
Monday 30th December 2024 2:45 pm
The Evo’s Gift - Forgiven Sin
The resounding sins, of
many echo through
their etheric karma
manifesting the
good intentions, of
Personal Truth
at the end of the day the air waves:
find their way back home,
when the sun goes down, and
the lights go out at night
lightning never strikes the same place twice
however, once in a while you wonder…How?
In the world we live in —
Wednesday 25th December 2024 10:20 am
What does it take to get peace around here?
Do I whisper my secrets to the wind and finally feel a sense of relief?
Do I face the mountains and pray for redemption as rocks plummet down from a mountainside?
Do I wash in lakes full of water lilies and drink dew from their leaves?
Or do I give in to chaos and disappear fully into banishment...
Tuesday 24th December 2024 8:37 am
It's almost Christmas,
It's snowing and snowflakes twirl in the winter sky.
My roof has caved in, a heavy sigh
As beams and rafters begin to cry.
It's raining and there's fog in the distance,
The rain is a gentle patter on windowpanes,
And from my window, I see lights twinkling on and off inside the fog,
Each blink a whisper, a light in the heart.
It's a sight to behold ind...
Sunday 22nd December 2024 10:50 am
Desperate faces,
Blank faces,
Resigned faces,
Passive faces,
Tired faces,
Shamed faces,
Stare at walls,into nothingness.
From the brink of the universe, from the edge of a cliff.
Nearly plunging deep into the ocean, sinking into the quiet of the night
It's like a near-death experience.
I fear mine is one of them,
In fact, I possess all.
I'm alread...
Friday 20th December 2024 5:43 am
The missing shorts
Putting the flash into flash fiction for this festive poem!
Boxing day
A day of cheer
Till his lucky boxers
A desperate search
Both high and low
He can't back down
Nowhere to go
The fight draws near
The crowd awaits
Without his shorts
It's left to fate
He's fearing failure
Doubt creeps in
Without his shorts
How can he win?
Wednesday 18th December 2024 11:49 pm
I heard my mother say it today,
And she could not be more right.
Yes, it is true
I killed my dream; I died a long time ago.
I was hanging out with Mark,
Their house has a large backyard.
His father has an orchard,
And I like apples.
I've eaten too many apples I fear there are none left on the trees,
Just like my dreams and hopes for a once bright future.
Even Mark's f...
Tuesday 17th December 2024 5:20 am
Could a miracle befall me?
Me who hopes and then cries?
Me who sees and then ignores?
Me who chooses the lone road every time?
Me who sings shrilly but no soul hears?
Me who sins and never displays penitence?
Me who reiterates the same blunder and it's like groundhog day?
Me who gets beaten up and is still ignorant?
Me who puts others first?
Could a miracle phase...
Sunday 15th December 2024 6:13 am
through the eyes of a stranger
Through the eyes of a stranger,
I walk the crowded streets,
My thoughts hidden behind
A façade of indifference.
Always writing under breath
Each step the rhythm of a song
I listen for the murmurs,
The stories left half-told,
And with borrowed breath,
I weave their words into verse,
A silent chronicler,
Of lives intertwined.
Beneath the surface of each face,
A universe of fe...
Saturday 14th December 2024 10:11 pm
I was sitting beneath a magnolia tree in the park today,
I watched as a bird landed on a branch full of large, leathery leaves and pink flowers,
How it landed with its wings spread out proud,
Those elliptical, alluring wings that shame the rainbow,
Left me feeling mirthful,
And I watched as it's tiny talons,
Firmly perched on the green,wet boughs
With a grip so tight that my ...
Thursday 12th December 2024 8:29 pm
I am awake now, not to the world, not to anything at all, just awake,
Eyes open and that's all,
I keep hoping I'll experience a moment of enlightenment,
But the thing about hope, it kills,
So I decide to lie down,
On that battered bed, with a dirty linen,
Tap…tap…tap, the water patters,
It's murky and I can almost smell it.
It's raining now,
Delusions run wild, erra...
Monday 9th December 2024 8:38 am
I want to get out but the way is shut,
I want to fly but my wings are bleeding,
I want to sing at the top of my lungs but they're punctured,
I want to cry but my eyes are dry,
And the air,
The air is so thin such that I can neither breathe nor gasp,
I desire nothing more than to be free but the clouds are dark,
They threaten to fall,
They whisper of an incoming storm,
A ...
Friday 6th December 2024 7:42 am
Sometimes, you learn to be frugal, humble,and patient,
Sometimes, life beats you down so hard you can't get up,
It shreds you into pieces that take forever to piece back together.
Piece by piece, you glue,
Only to come undone, for your tears are stronger than your will,
Brimming with them, they cut and cut,
Leaving behind an empty and aching heart ,
That only time and hum...
Wednesday 4th December 2024 4:09 pm
I am brimming with happiness today,
Partially because he touched me,
He touched my arms, my hair, the nape of my neck,
He bit my cheeks,
I know
That's probably why I can't stop smiling .
Partly also, it's because it's raining,
I hear the rain,
I hear as it falls,
I hear as it hits my gable roof,
The sound it makes as it hits the tiles ,
Echoes in my heart,
Tuesday 3rd December 2024 6:16 am
I can remember the day
That I saw a picture of you
And didn't react at all
No rage
No sneers
No tears
I've never been happier to feel nothing
Monday 2nd December 2024 4:31 am
You ever feel like the world is moving backwards?
Like the days don't ever end?
Like the nights prolong and steal the light of day?
Like reality merges with your imagination,
And now, now you don't even know what is real anymore?
Now, all you see is the darkness,
That hovers over the earth,
That clouds your mind and soul,
That whispers sadness into the world.
Sunday 1st December 2024 6:26 pm
Fight, Flight, Or
The word and I cannot coexist
I try to say it
I try to say it when it's late and i'm alone
When the only person who can hear me
Is me
It sticks in my throat
Turns my mouth to ash
Chokes me until tears stream
And the word is lost in my brain
I try to think it
I try to think it when the words fail
When I think that maybe if I can recignize it
Then it can't hurt me
Sunday 1st December 2024 5:33 am
It's morning.
The peace I had is suddenly gone.
Creeping into my head is the anxiety and sorrow I always have.
Why couldn't I have slept longer?
Why do I have to wake up?
The day is too long,
The minutes feel like hours
The hours feel like days
The days feel like weeks.
I can't stop this feeling.
Feeling of grief- w...
Saturday 30th November 2024 1:51 pm
Why am I so unfortunate?
You ever wonder that?
Because I do, and wonder
Why am I always begging at the hands of others?
You know, those who strive to thrive unlike me,
Because I, I stare at walls.
I wonder,
Why does the wind change direction in my world?
It’ll blow north, south, east and even west,
All directions but mine,
Why does it never blow in my face?
Thursday 21st November 2024 10:49 am
Becoming slowly unrecognizable to yourself and others
Feelings and thoughts take
a hold, giving you the shudders
Memories and emotions that seem to flood your heart
Faces and places making it hard to know where to start
Decisions throughout the day, waiting to be made
Resting again in bed where it all just seems to fade
Urges of wanting help yet not knowing what to say
Triggers causing you...
Wednesday 20th November 2024 10:13 pm
Taking time out on a couple of dates for one
May seem lonely or anti social for some
But having space to yourself - mostly all alone
Shows a few changes that you have outgrown
Valentines Day - being a special one for lovers
A time of anticipation and kindness for others
Loving yourself by being your own best friend
A journey in itself which doesn't need to end
A card, message or present yo...
Wednesday 20th November 2024 10:12 pm
Valentines Day
Dressing up, styling hair, feeling fine
Card and presents, wait to be opened, all in a line
Roses, chocolates and bottles of red wine
Celebrating Valentines Day, its just a matter of time
Happiness shown, whether it be rain or shine
Cupid wasn't so stupid, sending his arrow as a sign
The restaurant booked, we drink and then we dine
Thinking that when we met, he must of made you mine
More s...
Wednesday 20th November 2024 10:11 pm
New Years 2023
As the year of 2023 comes to a relieving close
We think over the good and bad times we chose
Memories stack up again and then begin to fade
Thinking up New Years Resolutions to be made
We begin to look to the joys of a fresh New Year
Where we start to wave a huge good-bye to fear
Tears and worries that consumed part of 2023
Are left behind as the New Year brings a new me
With the help of R...
Wednesday 20th November 2024 10:10 pm
There's something about this season, Spring
Waking up to birds as they, sing
Trees and its blossom show subtle, pinks
Clouds and rain, for thr earth now drinks
The sun reappears, having such a glow
As if it were trying to say, hello
I go to the garden to walk around
To see what other things are found
Butterflies with their colorful wings
How this season holds such beautiful, things.
Wednesday 20th November 2024 10:08 pm
Going to bed then waking up late, what lies ahead?
We ask you fate
Jogs in the winter sun around the area,
Becoming healthy - losing weight
With hope in the vaccine and wanting to be immune
We look to this date
Remembering things of the past, finding comfort
Talking to a mate
Thinking what we have done and future plans
Good and bad times we know await.
Wednesday 20th November 2024 10:07 pm
No matter how much the shouting, its the inside worth counting
Never mind harsh words of a person, their actions could never worsen
Others with a listening ear, may take away the fear
The unknown goes on behind closed doors, hiding all the flaws
Love seemed a while away, yet so did the other day
Fondness comes after the trouble, back to how things were, a couple
Smiles are exchanged, somehow...
Wednesday 20th November 2024 10:06 pm
Letting someone else's light shine brighter than mine, isn't such a prideful crime,
I should listen to what people have to say, to have the attitude of 'come what may',
Speaking my mind being always kind, the truth is what I then, shall find,
I think, I think, I think too much, I would rather not about such and such,
I learned to appreciate from a distance, family and friends, I love within an...
Wednesday 20th November 2024 10:05 pm
Written in Stone
an epitaph
covered in overgrown grass
numbers and a letter encrypted,
written to the deceased,
for only those who knew him
you’d truly understand
Saturday 2nd November 2024 4:14 pm
Hot Spring
the plumes of a caldera,
and the dark clouds,
sun overshadowed,
at its core a scalding heat turned colder
because of similarities
shared this simile
for the changing of seasons, anew
an unforgiven embrace
Saturday 2nd November 2024 4:05 pm
Table Manners
he wouldn’t let us leave
without paying,
for our meal
had to-go
then bantered with them
and, you ordered to make him take it back
the whole ordeal was a real headache,
I could feel tension in the temple,
and had to meditate, to
clear my head and relieve the stress
I wanted to post a pic of my meal,
but it was almost traumatic
Maybe, I’m just being over dramatic?
Saturday 2nd November 2024 4:04 pm
size them up
had me my hand me downs
and, we all know too well known
if the shoe fits wear it
nicest stuff is worn out and she wore my XXL shirt around the house
her chores, get done…
one bra in the wash and no panties on
The first steps
commemorated with expensive shoes,
soles being broken in,
a mash of burning glass,
molten sand and in it,
it’s silica content
Sunday 27th October 2024 6:11 pm
approach with caution
veered off, routine stop, in the shoulder…
looking over your paper work,
keep your hands on the steering wheel,
“I’m not going to ask again”
repeated offenses
respect my authority
police officers
a ford mustang and dodge charger
government funded electric vehicles
take a look inside the hood, it
purrs like a street cat with a scratchy throat
cut the lights on and off
I’m just try...
Sunday 27th October 2024 6:09 pm
online attachments
“Hooks & Worm” viruses
hosted— a parasite
on the web
spider crabs
In their net
Sunday 27th October 2024 6:06 pm
: From A Fractured Time :
A moment in time did happen once.
It was there and then it was no more!
Like a fickle wind that took a chance,
To raise a head, but was gone before!
I would mull often in vacant times.
If such a moment did occur awhile!
Or was it something without rhymes,
As in the whimsies of a juvenile!
As ephemeral...
Sunday 20th October 2024 7:09 am
walk the line
My turn
I’m going to
spin the bottle
no one ever even noticed me
in High School
our first kiss
needs to be perfect
you don’t get a redo
Thursday 17th October 2024 10:58 pm
love-hate relationship
obsession …
— envy us
in the way they stay upsetting
you’re setting yourself up for failure
possible optimism
two glasses
my other, half
fully blurry vision
they’re prescription
usually she has to squint
and hadn’t felt the planets tilt till now
Thursday 17th October 2024 10:56 pm
Red Dye Number 40
in pursuit of riches
snapped twigs, and
exhausted —
all my resources …
in the heat of the moment.
Thursday 17th October 2024 10:55 pm
Lost Angels
Tupac Amaru Shakur
Los Angeles
thug poetry
40 ounces of malt liquor
Olde English and calligraphy
slurring my words…
sounds as if I’m speaking in cursive
Thursday 17th October 2024 10:53 pm
take your shoes off at the door
I’ll take your coat
your hair smells refreshened
from the ozone
remnants of soap
lathered and rinsed out
in the rain shower
Thursday 17th October 2024 10:51 pm
attacking my integrity
questioning… me
I, was taught there was no such thing as a stupid question
second guessing…
you were impolite.
looking for answers in an inner view
Thursday 17th October 2024 10:50 pm
Stars and Stripes
big brother
little kids,
children in the middle
civil war torn nations
civil discourse
say your prayers
“Our Father”
we gather together to ask for salvation
Thursday 17th October 2024 10:47 pm
High Performance
Spun -
A burnout —
driven to madness
in a
drug fueled accident
What a catastrophe!
Thursday 17th October 2024 10:45 pm
Substance Abuse
You laid it down before me
Stuck the dollar in my nose
Got me breathing fast
Had me feeling trashed
One dose had me down
One hit and I begged for more
One more hit
One more kiss
One more line
One more night
Until my body went cold
Laced with poison
You decieved me
Lied about what you sold
And now I can't shake this crave
I can't shake this pain
I can't shake you from my brain
Sunday 13th October 2024 3:28 am
verse on a hill
A known quantity bereft of quality;
a name of little beyond its letters,
by road’s shoulder perhaps guide
to openly weep a slippery slope
of once having known someone’s art
yet lay hold naught of their heart
eternally flowing river of kindnesses
shall meander, thoughts ever caress
even when words and faces now drift
a familiar feeling remains here still
years invested this regenera...
Wednesday 9th October 2024 7:56 am
Star-Crossed Hearts
She was poetry, a dance in the air
Moving lightly, like a verse floating there
Hair in the wind, unpretentious lines
Her smile illuminated cloudy times
He, a simple man, lived raw prose each day
With calloused hands, unaware of the way
Life in bold letters, beauty lost in the grind
Chapters predictable, meaning hard to find
At the craft fair, a sun shining bright
He watched from afar, not...
Tuesday 1st October 2024 6:26 am
cellular division
the genomic sequence
time is a light matrix
encoded in
0’s & 1’s
goes on forever …
and, in that order
10, 9.
A singularity
and absolute zero
the big freeze or heat death
he said no one can help us
when, asking the universe
for answers
what, times any number
… is nothing other than zero
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:53 pm
Blue Moon
This tidal,
ebb and flow
of our own
mixed feelings
as a solution,
salted tears …
we are 60% water
these waves of emotion
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:51 pm
Blue Moon
This tidal,
ebb and flow
of our own
mixed feelings
as a solution,
salted tears …
we are 60% water
these waves of emotion
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:51 pm
Family Ties
and put in line
following the customs
of those, who
came before them
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:50 pm
Moral Support
We shouldn’t be embarrassed
to talk
…. about our problems
to a therapist
always looking at me, before you speak
I’m here for —You
if ever
you feel the need to talk about anything.
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:48 pm
Trojan Horse
Generation X
this ease
that is,
going viral…
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:46 pm
Web of Lies
like a spider
checking in on his victim
tied up, entangled …
makes me think
of a bad dream
the familiar feeling of
waking up to the news of death
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:44 pm
They say he has his way with the ladies
the bruiser at the door
thought to himself
hey, let’s not get carried away
what a light weight ...
they had been seen leaving together
after a fight—being broken up
over a year at least
she said to all her girlfriends
“it was like I was blinking
then my eyes rolled back
into my head and everything went black”
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:42 pm
Bible on a night stand
intermingling with a demon in the flesh
you realize your life was a lie
and your soul suffers in hell
for what feels like an eternal
date with death
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:41 pm
A child
talking black
to their parents
acting out of character
arguing about upbringing
taken back
some things are best left unsaid…
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:39 pm
Dark Side of the Moon
the premonitions
foreshadow people
who live lives with
similarities parallel to our very own
when your third eye intakes light
and all the shades disappear in the night
their life is vibrant
the dream seen as an auric phenomenon
it’s either that
Or, are you completely isolated
in the back of the black of your eyelids
see an oracle or dream interpreter,
our aura’s rainbo...
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:37 pm
Fog of War
smoking barrels
in talks —about the past
around the campfire
you could cut the tension with a knife
the only thing needed is a good sense of humor
…try not to lose your self along the way
the buddy system
side by side
do you trust that man with your life?
willing to take a bullet for them?
behind every great man is a great woman…
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:36 pm
Sweating in my Sleep
This is a dream full of desires,
and I like to think
when we go to sleep eternally
our soul
will not be without
the rest in heaven.
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:34 pm
Which Tomorrow?
More poetic flash fiction based on the browsing of best selling book titles in under 30 words. Perhaps next time you're looking at a list you'll spot them all!
Tomorrow and Tomorrow
And Tomorrow
The Last Goodbye
Was the longest
Then she was gone
No one saw a thing
Except for the couple
At No 9
Tuesday 24th September 2024 2:08 pm
: The Barren Tree :
It grew in the wilds, a sentinel growing tall,
A mighty yogi in presence, embracing it all!
Branches reaching out, to the skies in a plea,
Seeking for the strength - to live it's destiny!
Its ancient bark, a wrinkled, weathered hide,
Tells a tale of the time's, swiftly flowing tide.
Inexorably which has grabbed, life in a churn,
On and onwards to - the lands of no return!
...Friday 13th September 2024 10:08 am
The Rich Want To Heal The World, But I Never Knew It Was Sick
You A Masterpiece
On My Kurt Cobain Swagger
Can I Ask You Please
Will You Be My Courtney Love?
Friday 13th September 2024 3:16 am
: Soliloquy :
A life had my thoughts, ephemeral and bright!
Coursing thru’ the skies, in a shimmering light.
And time reached out, in a glorious embrace;
Rushing me breathless, through empty space.
When the memories came, unbidden but true;
From the nether mind the feelings broke thru’.
Some moments to rejoice, some sharp agony.
Monday 9th September 2024 3:49 pm
Dubbed Subtitles
what I say goes —
if I say so -
don’t allow an application to control anything
they need permission in these settings
and turn down your background music
“for what?”
if I’m going to green light your on screen time
we cannot have anyone getting an extreme close up
portray a picture perfect image
believe me...
flash forward,
when you’re using the front camera shutter you’ll see
Friday 6th September 2024 11:01 pm
I Accept My Reality
I accept
All the things around me
The harsh warmth of an Indian afternoon,
The confused colors of the evening,
Sheer darkness of night regardless of moon,
And everything between the end and beginning.
I have been trying to change my life,
But all I could change was my perspective.
I can’t seem to change the story, Though I attempt to shift the narrative.
I’ll fulfill m...
Friday 6th September 2024 5:30 pm
The Spectator
Spectator, from your ivory tower you peer,
Through sneers and smears, your wishes are revealed:
That poetry penned by plebs remain concealed,
Of Daffodils, irrational is your fear!
Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh 4th September 2024
Wednesday 4th September 2024 12:13 pm
: The Voices In My Mind :
All those voices yet in my mind,
From the years I had left behind.
Casting echoes in that room -
Pulsing through the dusty gloom.
The floating dust catching the light,
Shivered with unknown disquiet!
The echoes gathered to surround.
They animated the space around.
People I loved, now lost with time,
Speaking thru' the years...
Wednesday 28th August 2024 6:42 pm
Pain Relief
When will it go away?
The pain in my chest
Pain in my stomach
It’s repetitive and never stops
It creeps up on me like bugs
Stings like a wasp
Bites like a mosquito
And leaves, taking a small part of me
Some say it’s a part of life
Maybe I don’t want that
If this is life
Maybe I don’t want any p...
Saturday 24th August 2024 7:00 pm
Creature of Habit
at times I find myself
with insight
into my third eye
the inward perception
of crystalline tears
holding onto emotions
looking for one thing
The truth
Friday 23rd August 2024 4:04 pm
Waxing Poetic
my love letter
stamped with a pair of pressed lips
then sealed with a kiss
the silent observer.
waiting for his moment
with the present
trying quietly not to mouth breathe aloud
smothered in your undergarments
while fire from the two flames
on a magic candle
over and over
like a brazier come undone
Friday 23rd August 2024 4:02 pm
The Vacuum of Space
star dust -
quantum particles —
and, strings ...
from the fabric of the universe
ashes to ashes,
A bindi
black glasses,
fragmented obsidian
and, an asteroid belt
A Shero
— deified
hereafter she received
Saturn’s ring.
Friday 23rd August 2024 4:00 pm
We Took a Wrong turn
You know what ?
they say,
three lefts make a right.
I’ll go ahead
and, uh…
double back around
now, where were we
we’re here
well.. then,
why didn’t you just tell me that in the first place
Friday 23rd August 2024 3:59 pm
Dead End
you need to
... stop
ignoring ...
the warning signs to
turn around your life
Friday 23rd August 2024 3:58 pm
Bullet Points
This just in
The faulty firing pin — from a fire arm
had become dislodged
causing it to misfire
very briefly …
in acceptance of all responsibility
the city-state committee
has sent a representative
that will be answering questions
now… back to you
in other news
we have a sunny forecast
there’s a color shader
right there, on
this heat map
that has an infrared si...
Friday 23rd August 2024 3:57 pm
Eyes on Me
I don’t want to be seen
I don’t want to be perceived
I wish I could go anywhere and be invisible.
People are everywhere
Eyes are everywhere
They’re all living their own lives but why do I feel as though mine is being watched?
As though they’re looking for a mistake in me
Is my hair messy?
Is my outfit mismatched?
Do I walk wei...
Monday 19th August 2024 11:30 am
death of a gorgon
so I become this wrought iron
that I have forged with my own two hands.
I sharpen myself,
tip to hilt.
my mouth,
the very blade that can cut the sky,
chose to speak in a healers' tone instead.
I remind myself
of the violence it took
to become
this gentle.
this cup of earth in my hands,
with home beneath
my fingernails.
I remind myself
what it means to be
pierced to the marrow
Monday 12th August 2024 6:39 pm
: The Toss! :
The coin leapt up high above them.
And in it’s flight
The bright sunlight,
Made it glitter like a precious gem.
A lazy crawl to it’s apogee,
Then a shivering pause.
Which could be because,
The journey down has ‘gravity’!
Plummeting down from up so high,
It struck the loam.
Lost momentum
And opened a face to the sky.
The consequences are in the win...
Sunday 11th August 2024 4:37 pm
Ambiguity turns my wounds
into a stone punch.
And my chest is too old
to keep the painful sounds
within the beats
of my heart.
Ambiguity erodes my faith.
But in small acts of kindness
I somehow find a light of hope.
Sometimes I feel overwhelmed
with deep sadness
embedded deep down in my fate.
I still believe despite all the sadness
I believe that ambiguity w...
Sunday 11th August 2024 4:44 am
what's that word again?
I've been in my feelings
and in my head for years.
I've built walls and
called them boundaries only
to wake up one day and realize
that I've boxed myself in
and that's the tragedy in it all;
in keeping myself safe
I've locked everything out.
and what a sad way to live,
peaceful and
picking my own muse
to pieces until the only thing
left is
a bloody pile of
everything I used to...
Thursday 8th August 2024 4:20 pm
on a thursday
i'm always the girl youre not sure about.
people have tried to make me
the girl you come back for.
but i want to be the girl
you never left.
and there are gaps in my happiness.
gaps in my teeth.
gaps in between breaths.
air, just...
slipping away.
fading away
like colors on clothes
that have spent too much time
in the sun.
and what a funny way to say
theres always light in my l...
Sunday 4th August 2024 11:10 pm
If Galaxies Could Kiss
he never kissed me
there are no
borrowed breaths
bridging us,
no revival
on his lips.
just empty space
between memories
of when
there were no fireworks
and my feet
never leaving the ground.
Sunday 4th August 2024 10:41 pm
A Universe Of Poetry
Merseyside poets have launched a free online anthology entitled 'A Universe Of Poetry'. The work is available to view on the Facebook platform, and will be part of a live upcoming event at the famous Bidston Observatory Artistic Research Centre on the Wirral Peninsula on August 15th this year.
Editors Barry Woods and Michelle Wright specifically curated the project for the observatory, with a t...
Tuesday 30th July 2024 8:33 pm
I’ve drifted in space,
In endless, boundless darkness,
Escaping the allure of evil.
Where sound fades away,
yet voices still whisper,
Silent screams echoing in the cold solitude,
Invisible to all, no matter how present I am,
Like a symphony played in reverse or a piece of art unnoticed,
Where time seems to crawl in slow motion,
Adrift in a single, unchanging direct...
Friday 26th July 2024 4:44 pm
I'm afraid I'll lose my edge
if I don't cut myself with it
afraid there's no proof
of my life
if it isn't pouring crimson
afraid that
I'm living in vain if
I'm not
living in vein
Im afraid I'll lose my edge
if I don't cut myself with it
Sunday 21st July 2024 12:06 am
Spiritual Anima
human nature and
sympathetic sensitivity
thought forms and will
manifest in woman and child
more so
than the inward hatred from a negative mentality
Saturday 20th July 2024 8:01 pm
Déjà vu & Phantasmagoria
— Recurring
crime seen in your eyes,
reflecting - eyelids
singed… deep, froze
and framed with pain
the negatives
of a photographic memory,
an outlook not unlike,
questioning, asking myself
what have I done?
what am I doing with my life?
what could I have done different?
Saturday 20th July 2024 7:59 pm
traffic & drugs
cats pests and insecticides
labrador dog breed
strands of
grass and dirt weed
Thursday 4th July 2024 8:45 pm
In the first second
infinite sensory overload
will begin, download it
and then this
thought process …
it is up to you to utilize
the central nervous system’s data
our own eye of the storm
strike like
lightning …
fast reflexes at the hands
of centered command
Thursday 4th July 2024 8:44 pm
serving consecutive life sentences
three meals,
the confines of jail time
three strikes,
and they are never letting you get out
they throw the book at you
like a caged animal
...as it lands on a page that says
a message from god
sins written on — listed off, and then
sent across the hall to your distant friend again
a life of recycling license plates
crime pays for the chip...
Thursday 4th July 2024 8:43 pm
Clothing Line
cut from a different cloth
dyed in the wool you pulled over your eyes
you made your bed now lie on it
is a wonderful day to die innit
I dress my wounds
and wear my heart on my sleeve
with cuff links & fingers crossed
Thursday 4th July 2024 8:41 pm
Pandora's Box
outside the realm of possibilities
Chaos …
beyond belief:
and great faith.
Thursday 4th July 2024 8:39 pm
Divine Intervention
where did I put those car keys,
I think I have had one too many,
loss of memory —
and this
drug habit
has me... grabbing my head
trying to
get a grasp on my own sanity
Thursday 4th July 2024 8:37 pm
questioning my destiny
In my study,
the test subject,
had to have
of this
genus’ genotype
“A” and be
exhibiting these abnormalities
Thursday 4th July 2024 8:36 pm
: The Cup that Broke :
The cup that broke housed a thought.
A nascent bud, not blooming yet!
But the hand of chance with the pot,
Filled the cup with a different fate!
Smiling lips drank up the infusion.
Tho' the process of a nascent mind,
Failed to make that thought sustain!
A shattered cup was left behind!
Thursday 20th June 2024 12:43 am
My Poetic Soul
I lost a rhyme
Somewhere in time
One that nestled
In my soul
It left a scar
A dying star
Could not replace
The light it stole
I searched my mind
But could not find
Why my soul
Set it free
Perhaps my sadness
My internal madness
Showed no joy
Would ever be
So, if one day
It should come your way
Give it my love
And regre...
Friday 14th June 2024 3:09 pm
Poem: Summer..
The scorching heat of Sun,
children playing in ponds and having fun.
The temperature may rise,
and if you are enjoying it.
You are also wise.
That is Summer!
The feel of blowing wind,
And because of the sweat,
our bodies get thinned.
and my sister’s flying hair.
And if we go out too much,
our skin gets dark from fair.
That is Summer!
In deserts it i...
Thursday 23rd May 2024 10:55 am
Project Astral
remote viewing
a program,
telepathic visionaries
— channels
seen in a screening
recorded and reviewed
Thursday 9th May 2024 7:25 am
Ghost Writer
dispelling of a curse
wards off
unknown entities
who try their hand at automatic writing
ghosts, haunters,
“en animant” in specters
instruments crescendoing
as the light abandons us
no ones home,
signs that say to go away
Thursday 9th May 2024 7:22 am
Every night i lie in bed
dozen scenarios in my head
thinkin bout how and what and when and where
every night you'll find me there
in my head
my secret place
in my mind
my safest space
all those things i never find
i'd rather hide
brave enough? not the case
but in my mind
my safest space
i can be what i cannot
i can ...
Sunday 5th May 2024 7:35 am
Uncalculated Coitus
You touch me with your cold hands that have touched too many.
Finally making me feel seen and desirable.
As I gaze intently into your eyes, I notice you are not searching to see my soul.
You are simply seeing the face and lips that lie before you.
I hold hunger to be in your world, you only hold hunger to be in my body.
Although when you hold me tight, everything seems to be alrigh...
Monday 29th April 2024 11:57 pm
Sweet Nothings
Queenship and Kingsman
The terms of endearment
scroll …
And, read through it
what’s in the fine print …
Maid of Honor …
If you would,
please …
As the left hand of the queen
swear your loyalty
Sunday 28th April 2024 7:05 pm
Symbiosis of Broken Hearts
What is love?
Besides “A”
— a couple of
vowel sounds,
between U & I
Sunday 28th April 2024 6:56 pm
Where has it brought me
To the point of hatred towards my own kin
Less in thought and more of it on me
Why do I hate my mother
She’s taken my youth and discouraged my future
Left to take hold of her addictions
Copying what I know I don’t want
So why do I carry on
Doing things that I know resemble her
Cursed by a course of action
Product of a design
Disgusted ...
Friday 19th April 2024 7:52 pm
Star seeds ‘n’ the Cosmic egg - of life
Dewy lotuses,
grow in the dark -
creating an entangling —
Flower of Life …
nature and everything — we know — has its roots
on the grounds of truth
every family tree,
a tree house.
Habitats for Humanity
There is a lone wolf
which is black,
and blue,
in the eyes :
whom sees the world differently
depending on —
whether or not you’re
— on his or her good or...
Monday 15th April 2024 8:00 am
Nonet poem challenge
Beautiful leaf prints designed like hands
Natural art, earth given plant
Starts with a seed Nourished ,loved
Consistently cared for
The plant is you ,us
Leaf print, hand print
So unique
We are
Tuesday 19th March 2024 12:23 am
unachievable dreams
didn't wake up with the intention of being bad
I don't know why there's a pit in my stomach when no one is dead
run around my house and verbally beat up my dad
the screams sound bloodshed
he says, "there's so much you wanna do"
and i obvert my eyes
wait around for a mental break-through
and make unachievable plans doing the highs
i wanna be a savior
and get th...
Friday 15th March 2024 2:39 am
take the wheel
And venturing out
as an artisan model aircrafts
... enthusiast
is a larger than life recreation
to somebody
fell in love
Amelia Earhart's
figure 8
Wednesday 13th March 2024 12:06 am
makeup sex
Tuesday 12th March 2024 11:40 pm
The Greatest Ever…. Cup and Ball Trick
The trick of the cup and ball
Starts with a vanish and reappearance
From oranges, lemons and even a baseball
Teleport to a cup, that the audience cheer
The magicians face says it all
No wonder magic is a great career
But instead of stopping he continues the act
As he is now handcuffed, bound and strapped.
He repeats the words that makes himself... vanish once more...
Sunday 3rd March 2024 4:33 pm
Wonka Land
Wonka land
Have you seen the land of chocolate
Just £35 from your own wallet
Promises of wonkas factory delight
But actually it’s a cooperate warehouse of shite
Ompa lumpars are large not tiny
I look and stare and think christ almighty.
Is it not Wonkaland? but another place
As I think of an excuse to this disgrace
Willy Wonkas now here and he’s complete...
Sunday 3rd March 2024 4:27 pm
the Good Book
generational forefathers
bore thine
fruits of their labor,
to an heiress
Oh, the burden
given to this poor mistook child.
the Fall of man—after death
40 days and 40 nights,
If we were to predate the Gregorian calendar
… spring too,
life—before Christ—dark
and light archangels
would earn their halos
from Helios through
sun worship,
during the 7 Days of Creation,
summer was mad...
Wednesday 14th February 2024 8:20 am
1000 MILES IN 2024: 1st Running Total
Thursday the eighth of February,
and eleven point seven miles I’ve walked,
a running total in defiance
of the enemy within,
of voices in my head who’d rather
I sit quiet, with nose to screen,
consuming crap made just for me,
algorhythmically designed
to rob me of humanity,
of poetry in my walking’s rhythm,
a miracle that’s in full flow,
performed by those who gave...
Thursday 8th February 2024 10:41 am
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