The missing shorts
Putting the flash into flash fiction for this festive poem!
Boxing day
A day of cheer
Till his lucky boxers
A desperate search
Both high and low
He can't back down
Nowhere to go
The fight draws near
The crowd awaits
Without his shorts
It's left to fate
He's fearing failure
Doubt creeps in
Without his shorts
How can he win?
But wait a glimmer
Of hope restored
A pair of boxers
At his dressing room door
His son's small shorts
A gift from the heart
Trouble is
They just cover
One part
But the little boy
Believes in his dad
And that's the best gift
This man's ever had
So with new found courage
He steps in the ring
He didn't need luck
Love helped him
To win
Nigel Astell
Tue 31st Dec 2024 09:42
Opponent Doubt smirked
Fight already won
A son's love
Powerful knock-out punch
No countdown needed.