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1000 MILES IN 2024: 1st Running Total

Thursday the eighth of February,

and eleven point seven miles I’ve walked,

a running total in defiance

of the enemy within,

of voices in my head who’d rather

I sit quiet, with nose to screen,

consuming crap made just for me,

algorhythmically designed

to rob me of humanity,

of poetry in my walking’s rhythm,

a miracle that’s in full flow,

performed by those who gave me life,

a gift whose giving I must honour,

by making most of my good health,

in that’s the greatest of my wealth.

My first step is to take one now,

one mile today is one mile more

than all the miles I’ve ever walked

than all the miles I’ve ever run,

one mile today is one mile more.



◄ Cant(erbury) and Hypocrisy

Valentine's Day-Another Massacre-Another Dollar ►


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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Fri 9th Feb 2024 10:34

Thanks all for the likes and comments.
Stephen Atkinson
Holden Moncrieff
Carlton Creme

I'm definitely NOT making up my achy knees, nor the number of miles in sleet and snow!💪

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 8th Feb 2024 22:16

"...making it up"?

but of course I am Reggies, that's the whole point of composing a poem-creation...a bit like God-apparently he made this whole kit and caboodle, the universe and all that out of-well, nothing, according to my school teachers and our parish priest! 😐

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Reggie's Ghost

Thu 8th Feb 2024 21:50

You're making it up Uilleam!!! Lol

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 8th Feb 2024 20:05

Correction, 11.7.

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 8th Feb 2024 12:12

Thanks Reggie’s.
The plan is based on an average of 2.74 miles per day, over 52 weeks. The odd day missed, injured or actually legless doen't matter.
I started on 4th Feb ’24 so it will carry over to next year. With any luck I’ll end up walking a far greater average mileage. For now, as the song goes “One mile at a time, sweet Jesus”. 😇

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Reggie's Ghost

Thu 8th Feb 2024 11:49

Well done U. Always good to stay fit and healthy. Can we see your plan as it appears you have a bit of catching up to do.

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