The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

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where we once stood

can’t you see it in my eyes?
can’t you tell by my face?
i romanticized the idea of you,
putting you on a pedestal,
we were surrounded by people but alone,
everyone thought we were incredible, 
but i could tell by the tone,
of your voice,
by the look,
in your eyes,
your perspective was changing,
and so was mine,
scared to be alone with you,
felt alone next to you,
now alone without yo...

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I couldn't think of another stanza

curled on a velvet chair

in a darkening room

is a monstorous teen. 

outside the blackening,

is a fading pink sky.

the clouds within whisper to shepards, 

"Delighted I Hope"

and on the highest grassy hills,

the shepards face eternity.




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poetpoetrypoemteenteenagerfemalegirlhoodfictionnon fictionlovewritingstoryshort storystanzasshort poemwomanhoodteen writerteenage writeramateur poet

you know the bliss of evil

i've seen the smallest, tall creatures be eaten alive from the inside.

a quick glance to the left and under the bed will tell you all you need to know. 

the festering, rotten bed frame.

assembled by the very thing that chained me onto it for years.

but when i finally broke my own chords, vocal and the ones restraining,

another creature crawled from under the bed and took my place. 


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poetrypoempoetprosestoryshort storyfictionfantasyteensadsad storybasedhorrorevilbliss

My Best Friend

She was my best friend.

I loved her unconditionally.

I loved the way she spoke her mind,

The way she worded things.

The way she lied.

Oh how she loved to lie,

Twisting stories to keep me hooked.

She doesn’t know that I know about her lies.

She doesn’t need to.

As much as she’s hurt me,

I could never hurt her back.

I mean, I wouldn’t dare to.

She’s my best friend...

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The Giving

The thought of you brings tears to my eyes

It fills me with anger the type of anger where

the hair on my arms stand at attention. 

My mind recalling all the times you put me in my place.

Reminding me I was nothing more than an ego boost for you.

If I gave you my blood, sweat, heart, and my tears 

would that be enough for you to love me the way I deserve to be loved?

Then again...

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I've got green stained knees 
they remind me of you.
its the color of what once was your room
that you always said you hated,
yet you never bothered to paint it.
where we stayed up till 4 am
dreaming of our future flat.
visions of blue walls
and pictures of waterfalls
because you were in to that sort of thing.
Now I'm laying in the summer grass
as God’s tears come trickling down,

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love lostlove poetrynostalgiaromanceteenteenagers


Aiming for nothing but net,
that is, a net worth of one billion George Washington
Dollar bills paying off these utility bills and moving up to Beverly Hills

Aiming to satisfy my lust and greed, but yet 
I feel this birth curse called sin, weighing me down like a ton
a ton of bricks falling back to back on my back - dying of cheap thrills!

Aiming to turn this all around 
forget the rhyme...

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