The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Strong Enough

There are places I’ve been so low
Places I would not want to go
But there’s one thing it taught me to know
And that’s how to climb

There are times I have felt so weak
Times I forgot how to move, how to speak
But there’s one thing it taught me to see
The power of my mind.

I don’t think I’m stronger than I might have been,
But I’m surely strong enough.
I’ve come so far through so many ...

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meditationstrengthpower of mindresiliencetrust

Take Stock

If there was a shop selling skeins
Of all the emotions people need,
All at different prices to reflect
The value these things usually collect...

Then Joy and Laughter would be prized,
There'd be lots in stock to entice
Customers into the store
Of that we can be sure.

And Hope and Ambition, in various conditions,
All to be there for those who need,
Amongst the store of many other thin...

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meditationemotionspower of mind

Close The Door

Close the door to all the pain
It will not help you.

Shut out all the rage
It will exhaust you.

Think your thoughts again
But try not to descend
Into turmoil.

Because you've so much to do
To ease your mind.

And how you'll do it
To decide.

And if you're going to begin
You can only do it
One thought at a time. 

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It Is OK

If where you are is terrible
Only think of where you want to be
If what surrounds you is awful
Only think of what you want to see

If emotions are painful
Only think of what you want to feel
It is OK to step into fantasy
And make it real.

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Just A Feeling

There is no winning or losing possible
Only what we let go of and what we keep,
Because we don't know the final outcome
Or the purpose of anything.

And positivity and negativity are as good as each other
When nothing much matters,
So it all comes down to not what we want to be or have
But what we want to feel.

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balancemeditationpath of lifepower of mindpurposesuccessvictoryshort poem

To Be Decided

Oh you are stranded on a mountain
you are deep down in a cave
you are in a burning building
you are threatened by big waves

There's a hurricane surrounding
The earth is quaking underfoot
you're marooned and you are drowning
you are in amongst the wolves

And you are paralysed and voiceless
you're exhausted and in shock
you're bewildered and defeated
you are hopeless and you're lost


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breathecouragecrisisfearmeditationperspectivepower of mindSEND parentstrengthuplifting

The Strength Least Expected

Somewhere in your mind are all the strengths you seek
But say not into your mind 'Do I have strength?'
For only the laughing strength will answer 'Yes'
And only the teasing strength will answer 'No'
And all others will be silent, or will stay asleep.

Somewhere in your mind are all the strengths you need
Not always in the moment you expect.
But in the moment that matters.

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inner strengthmeditationpower of mindshort poemstrengthSEND parent

Oh, Little Bird

Oh, little bird
When winter comes and you are gone
Chasing the sun,

When snow has fallen and the icy air
Threatens to freeze our bones,

I shall think of you
On your wild adventure
Until my heart beats as fast as your wings
And we are both warm.

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