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Hélène on not to the swift
15 minutes ago

Hélène on CORRA
27 minutes ago

David RL Moore on Of sorrowful songs there is no fear
4 hours ago

David RL Moore on CORRA
4 hours ago

David RL Moore on Tits
4 hours ago

Mike McPeek on not to the swift
12 hours ago

Graham Sherwood on Tits
14 hours ago

Flyntland on MY MAN
16 hours ago

Flyntland on Tits
16 hours ago

Tom Doolan on Cancer Touched Me
17 hours ago


When we die,

We'll be forgotten,

But what can we say when

We're forgotten

While alive?


What am I to think

When I am invisible?

When I am cast aside?

When I am the problem?

Who is there to see me for me?

Does death then hold no meaning?

Is death even worth fearing?

Or is it rather embraced

As a means of escape

From those who

Don't care

At all?

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depressionanxietyocdbipolarmental illnessmental healthinner dialoguedeathfearforgottenlonelyanxious

Can I?

I know I'm not supposed to

But can I?

I know what I should do

But can I?

I know I want to

But can I?

I've waited for so long

But everytime it seemed right

It wasn't

Here I am again

Teetering on the edge

Of what I should do 

And what I want to do

I know what I want to do

But can I?

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Thoughts racing fast

Heart beating 

You can’t seem to find your mind 

You close your eyes and hear the thumping beat 

Thumping,racing, thinking could this be 

Energies so strong you can’t sit still and  breathe 

Thoughts racing fast 

Heart beating 

You close your eyes and hear the thumping beat

Thumping faster, racing, thinking could this be 

You tell yourself breathe...

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Breathenew feelingsheartanxiousbeatingloveenergy

Nightmare off 75

Anxious vibes keep me awake

I have these vivid dreams at night

They tell me you are not alright

It eats me alive that I cannot call tonight

Every second felt so real

The headlights and broken glass

Sharp breaths that sound like your last

The blood on your shirt and on my hands

The way they tried to pull me back

All I could see was your hand, a cracked screen, and glasses...

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Grace and Favour

Grace and Favour

For all that a life that's truly led

provides the anxious soul with balm,

yet a gentle breeze, invisible and calm,

precedes the storm where the meek have fled.


In Summer's graceful darkling glides the hawk

in flight over burnished grain, 'till late

a final stoop unearths its prey: its fate

the slashing shadows where the killers stalk.


Though se...

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I have recently read
That pain is the hardest
Situation a human can
Try to explain.

If that’s so,
Is fear considered 
To be pain?

Does pain have to
Be a broken bone?
A head ache?
A tight chest?
A burn?

Is pain not
The anxiety of waiting
For everything to fit?
Is pain not
The force of trying 
to piece together 
two completely different
puzzles to become one? 

I can never...

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