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The Walk

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I'm tired of lies.
I'm so damn confused.
Are you real or
am I being used?

Hope shouted out
with joy from the shrine.
Believe in Him,
leave fear behind.

Entrust your faith
and you shall receive,
everything we've taught
our flock to believe.

Except for those
who go above and beyond.
Rather, in pain
their lives shall be donned.

Backdated 1/15/19

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Dust to Dust

All my life I've believed in you,
I thought you were the one getting me through.
Time has passed-- Oh how I grew!
I do not believe the lies they spew.

Your existence is the lie
That hurts so much I wish only to die.
Instead, I turn face to the sky,
And spark what makes sanity equal high.

There is no way you can be real,
And still, cause this pain that we feel.
Unfair is the hand you ...

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You were someone,
I thought I could count on.
Someone to comfort,
And ease the pain.
Now you're gone and,
I'm sick with anger.
Thinking this whole time,
I've been insane.

You were someone,
I thought I could count on.
Someone to distract,
And heal the hurt.
Now you're gone and,
I feel like giving up.
My soul sucked dry,
Like a wasted desert.

You were someone,
I thought I could ...

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A Conversation

God said, Be good.

Man said, I should.

God said, You can't.

Man said, So I shan't.

God said, You'll learn.

Man said, You're stern.

God said, If not stern

How would you learn?

Could you ever pay the fee

To live with me

And be, for good?


God said, Be true.

Man said, I will.

God said, You won't.

Man said, I'll mount.

God said, You'll fall.

Man said...

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Duality Dissected

Sometimes black and white become one. 

Gods omnipresecence is seen, white dancing across black. 

Morning comes from night. 

Day breaks and lights the dark. 

Half the world is light, while the other half is dark.

In the dance of shadows, white light reflects colors on dark night. 

Prisms take white light and reflect colors on black night. 

White light, dark night.

Black canv...

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blackdark side of the moondualityGodIntrospectionPink Floydprismreflectionspiritualitywhite

Travelers All Are We (villanelle)

Is God with you, dear soul? Are you with Him?

In mazes, mists and twists of this life's track,

Who shows the way and guides your steps there in?


Go you solo, on your own, will and whim?

Hid you in the herd? Run you with the pack?

Is God with you, dear soul? Are you with Him?


Without a guide thick shadowed woods are grim.

To find the path needs knowing that you...

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villanellepilgrimagelife's journeyGod

Accidental Meetings

Gods were smiling day and night
Accidental meetings were not right
Up to tears, they were laughing,
Some of them were just roughing.
We simply gave you a chance,
It’s too early to dance.
There are very little chances
To create your own dances.
Happy meetings are so rare,
Accidentals are not fair.
All your life you can just wait
Believing in your own fate.
It’s a miracle to meet in the ...

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Round and round

Galileo once said the earth was round.
Round and round we go.

Why do we cling to broken things.
Round and round we go.

I had a dream it was truth.
Round and round we go.

One small step for man. One giant leap forward for mankind. Forwards and backwards.
Round and round we go.

The rise and fall of rome. High tides, low tides flow back to the sea
Round and round we go.

This god, ...

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Whistling in the Dark

God is watching over us,
They say.
When we feel afraid,
Grateful or anxious,
We look to the sky
For reassurance,
Hoping for protection,
Or tender mercy.

Hope lies only in the sky.
Fear burrows under our feet.
The lost wanderer is afraid
To look down and advised to look up.

So believers are blessed
With good posture.

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GOD Bless


Surely, I'm not happy 
To lose the best friend 
It is true, not funny 
"GOD" put the final end 

Certain hour, of the day 
Whatever we are or where 
We have to say Goodbye 
"GOD" is kind and fair 

No one plans to die 
No one remains forever 
No When , Where or WHY? 
Let's pray, no suffer

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My fate is not in your hand

GOD makes our fates alone

Our life are surely planned

GOD feeds the ant in the stone


World is certainly small

If compared to Galaxy as shown

Whoever believes is a giant

GOD to perish the giant alone


MY heart is calm and glad

Satisfied of what I own

Whatever you earn in the dark

SURELY you'll pay it at noon


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Mid January


No one else can judge me

Only God who reads hearts

People have abused me

When I reach fake of the facts


If you believe you're the master

And you can judge and lead

Surely you lose the only factor

That keeps you faithful indeed


Leave me alone fair and simple

I have to forget tens of lies

You should break your false temple

Wake up please .. open your e...

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Close to the Ground

I choke on the word spirituality.

Not so much on the reality

but the sometimes solitary focus

on the ethereal, mystical, and utterly

invisible. I lose my way in the mist.

My spirit hums closer

to the ground, often emerges

with mud on its face. It scrounges

truth among the mushrooms and

lichen. Peels off labels from

discarded tin cans, and there among

the roaches an...

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April First


No more fools again on April 
It was last lies to believe 
Complicated!!, Why not simple? 
Take it easy, or should leave 


If someone forces to trust 
That one puts others in doubting 
When the truth appear very fast 
That one is afraid or hiding 


We should only pray to God 
God will keep hearts more faithful 
When the purity clean the blood 
Surely life will be more...

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Precious china, 
after the fall. 

No longer valued,
or wanted at all. 

Enter the ancient
mending art of

where the broken pieces 
are filled with gold.

Alas, they are stronger
than before,
a sight to behold. 

How befitting God 
did the same thing for me.

Filled my shattered heart
with His love, mended me.

It’s stronger now. 

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You are a creator.
I am a creator.

I created you
and you created me.

Together we create
our destiny.

Will we fill our life
with strife or harmony.

Will we hide behind fear and doubt 
or flesh our gifts out.

It is up to you.
It is up to me.

To be all we created 
ourselves to be.


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creatorcreationi amdestinylifegodfaithspiritualitymanifestingthe law of attraction

God and war

Some questions will never have an answer,
Like the existence of an almighty caretaker.
Is the world a stage, each one a dancer.
Choreographed by the divine leader.
Be an atheist or a believer,
Is he the one in charge of all maneuver?
Does he keeps track of each sinner?
Life goes on, does he really watch over?
Many live ethically in the fear of a punisher.
Mankind has split, for there's mo...

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Is it a Curse .. or God's Grace 
To live alone heart and place 
Suffering what I always face 
Hopeless to be myself again 

Are these changes good for me 
To be lonely always or not to be 
To live away of what I see 
I lost my hope and brain 

Sadly to wake up and sleep 
Painful to feel yourself cheap 
Living alone hurts in deep 
I wish to know why, but i...

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God's Question



Does a lie has feet or walk 
Only liars have more than two 
Don't listen to a lie as a joke 
Then will help lies to grow 


God will ask; why do you lie? 
So get ready for God's punishment. 
Me, you, them, surely will die 
Should keep ready for last statement 


Get back soon to the early pureness 
And stop cheating creatures
Just in case you look for happiness 
Be f...

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askbackbenazouzcasecreaturedieearlyfaithfulfeetfutureGodhappinesshelp growjokekeeplastliarslielistenlooknowpoempoetrypunishmentpurenessreadysheetingsoonstatementstopsurelytwowalkwhy

Believe to Live


Be happy with what you have 
Then you will have what you hope 
Firmly, work and save 
Simply, you reach the top 


It depends on you more 
Than a reason or a cause 
Not because rich and poor 
Your brain, how much knows 


Do believe in God's Judging 
And gain your thought results 
God never asks a jumbling
But to be aware of the facts

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The choice 

Translation of my Arabic Poem (“The Choice”) 

Who, in the World, chooses his birth? 
Who chooses his family and children? 
Who chooses his fate and country? 
Who chooses the time to go to heaven? 

But it is possible to choose our day 
To sincerely care about family and work 
This will be the first right step to our future 
To achieve our goals while we're alive 

Your name and countr...

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Talking with god

Talking with god.

She reckoned she had been short-changed

When bosoms were allotted

So down she went on bended knee

To pray to him above;

"Your tits are fine," is all he said

And she replied, "Get knotted."


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If you become 
what you think about 
most of the time... 

I am becoming 
poetry, a lyrical 
fantasy floating 
in rhyme. 

I am becoming 
love and light,

Doing my best
to do what's right.

I am becoming 
and peace. 

Healing souls
like Wayne 
and Louise.  

I am becoming
who God intended
me to be.

Leaving a loving

I am becoming 



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lovelightlegacyhealingsoulsdestinypoetryfantasyrhymeGodfaithforgivenesspeacefreedomWayne DyerLouise Hay

Echoes of Life

What are the chances 

of two lost souls 

light-years apart

colliding twice in life?

Astronomical. Yes!

The dance is sweeter, 

with ego out of the way. 

All that remains is love

purified by the same rock-bottom

pressure that turns grains of sand into

pearls, coal into diamonds. 

Not lustful love, agape. 

Godly, unconditional love for humanity. 

Forgiving. Acce...

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agapedestinyfateforgivenessgodlifetimelost soulslovenamastepeaceself-lovetwin flames

Against Wind


Make it easy. Do it simple.

Just pray for God, to bless.

Love colleagues, & friends.
Surely, you gain a higher success,

Do it now, don't delay it.

Do it again, day by day.

Get that job, reach the top.

Not impossible, just try.

Do advise, every friend.

Shiny future, comes at end.

Do your best. Now, get rid.

Of any weakness, at any wind.

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