The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

bestfriend (Remove filter)

Being Perfect!!!

You don't need to be Perfect,

You don't need to be the Best,

Just a Better version of Yourself,

Every Single Day...

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Our friendship is like the sky
It is cold and unbearable
It is stormy and full of tears
It lashes like lightning
Then it hurts us both

But just like the sky
It will always clear up
It will always be warm and bright
It will always remain blue and sunny
Because no matter
How many storms pass through,
How many lightning blades strike,
No matter how ma...

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He held her so close to him she never wanted to let go.
He told her he loved her, was she really the one?
He promised her forever, but never gave her always.
He was a christian, and she was still finding her way.
He raised her heart so high, then dropped everything she was.
Her heart ached for him, yet he was with another,
she cried so many tears, she felt broken.
She hides all her pain ins...

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