medication (Remove filter)
Is there something to explain?
Is there someone left to blame?
Do you know why you are here?
Would you rather disappear?
As there's so many young people out there
Looking for the same thing
And there's so many young people out there
Trying to play the blame game
So listen up young people
Tell me what it is inside
Trying to cut away your heart strings
and ...
Monday 8th April 2024 11:38 am
Blue Sunshine
The words have fallen silent now and dreams passed away.
The pills have taken over and I don’t know what to say.
My bags have all been packed for me. The driver waits impatiently.
Not car nor driver fits this mystic land.
The hallway doors each filled with they who’s eyes plead out for me to stay,
it hurts to see they do not understand.
I never will forget my time among...
Monday 11th March 2024 5:44 pm
In darkness I write
Tuesday 7th September 2021 8:07 am
The Sad Boy Orchestra
I didn’t take my pills last night,
that’s four days in a row now.
I hoped my body wouldn’t notice,
that poor little solo
for the sad boy orchestra,
but alas no, the stage is on fire now,
and tears must pour
if we are to lessen the flames.
Sunday 29th August 2021 1:49 am
Just a teenager
Grind it
Pack it
Light it
Inhale it
Exhale it
And just like that
I feel lighter, calmer, happier
Even though, I am technically a criminal
But in reality, I am just a teenager
I’m just a teenager that needs a break from the
mental health issues that seem to rattle around
my overcrowded skull
Wednesday 19th September 2018 5:57 am
Heart Beat
Listen to the ticking clock
and witness me take another breath.
Listen to the rhythm of
my life
and tell me to turn back to the last channel.
But allow the vibrating bass to
remind you that this
song is what allows me to feel the tune
that I simply cannot hear with just my ears.
Watch me as I continue to live
with ever-changing favorite songs
that all ...
Tuesday 3rd July 2018 4:56 am
Prescription Meditation
The mental essentials
prescriptions to help us
Break the mold that is made for us ,
Dead or alive ,stories untold
Shallow individuals
Intrested in gold
The materialistic , the glamours are cold
With the evil besides us
and good surpressed in us
And fear of the unknown,
Potential untaped ,
Millions below us , the seven foot gap
Looks will be gone , but we are forever.
Embodied in pict...
Thursday 11th January 2018 6:37 am
My Muse Is Dead
Beige walls stand empty where original artworks once hung
A woman, beyond her years in mind and body, sits at her desk
Staring at a screen that, despite vast knowledge at her fingertips
Is empty
The cloud of cognizance that enveloped her has cleared
Ridiculed by those she trusted
"Over medicated"
No more pills
No more gange
Nothing to help control the demons within her mind
There is no f...
Tuesday 28th November 2017 10:23 pm
Medication that's what I need
I slip one in my mouth,
It melts.
I lick strawberry lips.
Kissed by magic.
It takes away my pain,
Senses numbed.
Nothing seems to matter.
Apathy takes a hold.
25mg maximum dose.
Is it working?
I have no clue.
I have lost my inner self.
I don't want to feel the pain,
But without it there's no escape.
I want to taste the rainbow,
To r...
Monday 19th June 2017 5:51 pm
There's no such thing
as crazy is not sickness.
Conformity is suffocation.
The pills kill the light,
all else turns to dust
and in the rain we all rust.
Lift it up,
sweep it under,
show the sun,
no shame, no thunder.
God forbid
the rain should come.
Can't waste time
feeling the pain
pick a box, pick a box
they're all the same.
Saturday 21st January 2017 10:49 am
in a corner of the room
daylight pools its last ripples
and she stands alone
afraid to step onto the shadow
that creeps towards her
afraid of the sly shuffle sound
that drags itself across the floor
or the mewling voice
that whispers its fears
and fantasies
so that when she blinks
the orange light
has dimmed
and the room sh...
Saturday 3rd August 2013 1:16 pm
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