The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 14 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Ice cream and dreams of tomorrow

Down on the beach
I took your hand
And we walked along the sand
Then bare foot we paddled 
By the ebb of the tide
Then climbed over the dunes
And I kissed you there
In the afternoon sun
When the heat was at its strongest 
I held you in my arms
And felt your heart beating
Next to my own
I could have so easily got lost in your eyes
And there is nowhere else
That I would rather be

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dreamsice creamJon Sands

Rainbow Bridges











Rainbow Bridges


Rainbow bridges
and Ice Cream ridges.

A Cotton Candy cloud
Everyone is wowed.

A Chocolate mountain
flows into a Chocolate fountain.

Boy am I
gonna get fat!

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RainbowIce CreamFat


“Mum, what’s that noise?” asked Johnny Duboise

as he sat on the comfy settee.

“Its your father”, she replied as the dishes she dried,

“say’s he’s trying to set his mind free”.


“By singing a song?” he asked with a grin

as he as he looked for the TV remote.

“He says that he’s chanting” she replied with a smirk,

“sounds to me more like he’s panting!”


“Is he gonna be ...

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chantingmeditationsnoringice creamjellytellyTVhummingmarbles

Lick It

Girl you know how to lick it,
when all is said and done,
as its juices slide into your mouth
you lick your lips and say yum yum,
as you hold it tightly in your hand
you desire it more and more,
as you taste its sweetness
your excitement starts to soar.

Its coolness on your tongue,
sends a shiver down your spine,
as I watch you eating it
I start to wish that it was mine,
there’s somet...

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ice cream

Lick It

Girl you know how to lick it, when all is said and done,
as its juices slide into your mouth you lick your lips and say yum yum,
as you hold it tightly in your hand you desire it more and more,
as you taste its sweetness your excitement starts to soar.

Its coolness on your tongue, sends a shiver down your spine,
as I watch you eating it I start to wish that it was mine,
there’s something s...

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Anthony R M AndrewsCunnilingusIce Cream

The Seagulls are watching




The Seagulls are watching

They know what you eat

They’ll mug you for something

To shove down their beak


They like a nice pastie

They’ll steal from your lips

They’ll dive bomb and swoop

And nick all your chips


Relaxing in sunshine 

A holiday dream

Then they’ll feather and flap you

And splat your ice...

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Peregrine FalconsSt Ivesseagullsice creamchips

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