wonderment (Remove filter)
Because I have seen
such small glory as heaven found
Lit translucent in the wing of a dragonfly serene above the dark pond depths
Lit gold in the sunlit pelt of that one white cat still beneath the tree
Lit in Spring's faint skeleton of Winter's fallen leaf
Lit in the fractal eternity of each flake that floats snow down
and know the pain each angel hears
Held in a single seadr...
Wednesday 8th March 2023 10:48 am
The Wonder Tree
Maybe, the tallest tree holds the sky up
Like a tent above our heads.
Maybe the wide branches shelter us,
As we hide against its sides.
Maybe, the near eternal trunk supports us
As we innocents rest.
And the sunlight is more beautiful,
Streaming through its leafy hair.
I could be lifted high, and safely in its arms,
And wonder at the beauty of the world
As it swayed.
There, would be p...
Wednesday 12th May 2021 10:14 am
Good Things "Cum in 3s" (A poem of "self" discovery)
Focused on piercing eyes, light hazel abyss
I reached down earnestly past orbiting hips
Fingers parting engorged velvety lips
To find within a now aching, sensitive tip.
Writhing, squirming
Unprepared and panicked
Intensity unparalleled
Myself, I know not what to do with.
Tears, laughter
All consuming heat and fleeting chills
Dreams are becoming reality
Wednesday 23rd September 2020 10:30 pm
Overwhelming Sky
The overwhelming sky enthralls me
Shows me its magic, fills me with glory
Layers of stratus, piles of towering cumulus
Cirrus lacing glazes overtop
Neon pink icy scribbling on an evening horizon
Fireworks sunsets, pale sleepy dawns
Reds, yellows, purples, greens overwrite the blue and black
Gauguin, Picasso, Rothko must have felt this
The Starry Night is truth, no wonder Vincent suffered s...
Monday 2nd October 2017 3:57 pm
Typical Day
Staring out of window
admiring nature’s awe
Picture full of perfection
sans single evident flaw
Indolent tepid sunshine
streaks daubed with gold
As if time has stood still
to treasure and behold
A lone cloud high above
seemingly gone astray
Wending its way towards
blurred horizon far away
The trees swaying gently
with gusts of ...
Thursday 3rd April 2014 7:14 am
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