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The Wonder Tree

Maybe, the tallest tree holds the sky up
Like a tent above our heads.
Maybe the wide branches shelter us,
As we hide against its sides.
Maybe, the near eternal trunk supports us
As we innocents rest.
And the sunlight is more beautiful,
Streaming through its leafy hair.

I could be lifted high, and safely in its arms,
And wonder at the beauty of the world
As it swayed.
There, would be peace,
Surrounded in its heart.
And time to think, and listen to the wind.

Maybe because surrounded by this strength,
This permanence, where many build their nests,
I have not seen the weakness
I confess,
Where even I have often laid my head.

Or having realised that strength needs strength,
I hope I never kicked it as I climbed,
Nor broke tranquility with carelessness,
So there may ever be a place to hide.

I can not see another harm or maim
This Wonder Tree.
We shall grow old both together


friendshiplove's tempestshelter from the stormspecial friendstrengthwonderment

◄ Chicken Licken

To A Friend To Be Forgotten ►


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Aviva Rifka Bhandari

Fri 14th May 2021 22:49

Thank you for your comment Nigel ?

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Nigel Astell

Fri 14th May 2021 00:25

Someone you felt gave so much inner strength to strong feelings.

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Aviva Rifka Bhandari

Wed 12th May 2021 21:51

Thank you for your comment Stephen ?

Thanks also to everyone who has clicked 'Like' for this poem. ?

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Stephen Gospage

Wed 12th May 2021 17:33


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