Turkey (Remove filter)
The Black Sea
As far as the eye can see
Green clouds
Hugging the earth
And me
Rugged dangerous
Enveloping me
The People
The People
The People
Safe and secure in their own skin
Unique in pleasure
Happiness overflowing into me
Green Green
Sea Sea
The People The People
And me
Saturday 15th June 2024 12:22 pm
Saturday 27th November 2021 7:51 am
A Better Christmas
so, a time for warm memories?
fond loved ones from the past?
Christmas 2019 one to forget
I thought it might prove my last
parrot strangled in trimmings
wife, shopping after a row, got
took short, skidded off the path
tree trimmed by a snow plough
house got burgled Christmas Eve
at which your festive spirit palls
he nicked the replacement spruce
complete ...
Thursday 24th December 2020 10:20 am
A turkey in sheep's clothing
"Fattening up time" the wall calendar read
which meant only one thing to old farmer Ted.
Christmas was coming and there's money to be made
you see the bigger the bird the more he'd be paid.
He'd saved up all year and bought high quality feed
to ensure that his flock was the best he could breed.
So this year Ted's turkeys would be the tastiest in town
and the best biggest...
Wednesday 24th April 2019 9:22 am
In A Far Flung Place Democracy Has Died (Turkey 2016)
Journalists cower under the covers
Fearing the thud thud at the door
Lesbians and gay men can’t hold each other
As its sodomy by their laws
In a far flog place
Western music is a gas
Free thought toxic
And they want no beer in your glass
Books are being stripped from the shelves
Writers are stamped upon
Western dress frowned upon
Your daughter must learn ...
Sunday 17th July 2016 10:41 am
My aunt jane
There was a woman named Jane,
Who never liked to see it rain.
So she listened to the song umbrella,
So she could dance with a nice fit fella.
All work and no play is grim,
So she goes to turkey for a little swim.
Off she goes for all inclusive,
Whilst she looks at all the exclusives.
Keep the drinks coming, it’s all paid for,
Whilst Jane settles down on the sea shore.
Cheers cock she l...
Thursday 7th July 2016 7:06 pm
Srebrenica - Сребреница
Will humanity ever learn? Europes worst war crime since World War II brought home the fact that its not just Cambodia and distant places where massacres occur, but anywhere that there is hate.
This time the Serb units in the area were in the wrong. Courts rules the Serb state as it was and is was not responsible. Last time it was...
Sunday 11th July 2010 6:50 pm
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