The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

whimsy (Remove filter)

Ethereal Streaming

Your hand unfurled

Revealing stars 

You'd captured while out dreaming 


They drifted skyward:

Little wisps of hope

Reaching out like ethereal streaming


I breathed them in 

As dawn brightened 

The stirring sea


And downloaded all the wonders

Of what you and I

Could, one day, grow to be.


(Ethereal Streaming is not available via Netflix)

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Black Betty by Huddie Ledbetter read by David Williams in the style of Sir John Betjeman

A little fun and whimsical nonsense! Anybody remember Peter Sellers reading 'Balham Gateway to the South?'

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21 gallons

21 gallons to Kristiansund

here I can piss like a journeyman

with the eloquence

of a tattooed scream a

cast-off, sport smart, council queen


21 gallons to Kristiansund

I don’t understand

21 gallons to Kristiansund

21 gallons to Kristiansund

here I find myself worthy of an unequal lack

of an outcasts working weekend chance

with a mind fumed on zero

none shall...

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Like Petals In The Wind


Like Petals In The Wind
He said "I met them all on line you know,
but so many are now lost from view,
some folk are like petals in the wind
when we can't see them, I wonder can you?"
I said " I have an inkling that
I may have seen one or two,
tell me were they pink sir?"
He said, oh no, mine were all blue."
To this I then replied "Sir,...

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Grey Magic


Grey magic is the next big thing
used at a party it could makes things swing
Plenty of spells to make guests relax
and one to stop the Chancellor charging us tax

Grey magicians can hide well in the mist
and send fog your way when you are kissed
so privacy will become your friend
until you call for clearer air again

A subtle blend of black an...

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