The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

Fresh (Remove filter)


Futures gambled on heavy hearts

Permit the love that binds them

Troubled eyes, in search of parts

Left down and abandoned behind them

Loose lives, abridged by callous remarks

Contain the passion inside them 

But scorned and lost, again we start

Ascend as one. Together. Defy them!


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Afresh again

Starting the journey afresh

a zero point, a big bang,

an expanding universe,

the endless possibilities.

The long, soft puff of breath

spreading the bloomed spray

in a myriad of directions,

the unknown escaping

to sow itself into the lives

of the unsuspecting,

of the ones searching

for that, as yet, hidden pleasure

or thought lying at the bottom

of the deep we...

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The Roast

My grandmother sits on the back step

I beside, and

my dear friend up there, at table.

There are birds in the sky

and the potted plants are nursing stitches.

I think I heard a cat jump

slink, fall,

escaping this domain of rust,

and smoke...

and the steam and the fire,

the roast, the white cloth and red

full hearts, having drunk their fill;

these wanderers flood a...

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Deliberations On Canvas

Lunar light touches your cheek

soft curls paint a border-line,

seized in pastel, black, grey, white

the mirror creaks, leaves rustle

and beneath in store for us they keep

in a locked chest, waxed, sealed,

the list of names, none too grand.

War-torn, a leaf falling

red imprints on fog-mired turf,

the spiral here is waning,

stroking October oil's mist,

the tracks' ...

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