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Ember (Remove filter)


You can learn a lot about yourself in the dark..

The things that once terrified you no longer appear so large 
and that flame that you had to light for yourself 
will guide you to places that you didn't know existed

Thank yourself that you persisted 
You lit that fire in the damp, in the cold 
You nurtured it as it turned from a flicker to nothing but coal

Really, thank yourself for n...

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Paper Cup

once my cup ran over

with everything, mainly love

a large cup it was 

then the cup became paper

was drained of everything 


in the trash

but I found a final ounce of myself 

glowing at the end of my moons rainbow 

yes they exist

and took it to find my way home in the dark

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I want to tell you how incredibly

imaginative, creative, talented

I think you are with your poetry,

writing, music, art...

but I hesitate to expose our

eggshell-covered egos, 

fuel rejection, 

ignite impostor syndrome...

all live wires 

that threaten to electrocute

our fragile muse 

into submission 

of a numbed,

comfort-zone life. 

So, instead of shouting


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