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persistence (Remove filter)


You can learn a lot about yourself in the dark..

The things that once terrified you no longer appear so large 
and that flame that you had to light for yourself 
will guide you to places that you didn't know existed

Thank yourself that you persisted 
You lit that fire in the damp, in the cold 
You nurtured it as it turned from a flicker to nothing but coal

Really, thank yourself for n...

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A precious gift 
Your choice is how you spend it 
Loving others, or yourself 
A difficult thing to achieve both 
when it is limited 

Investing in a future self that may never arrive 
I do not even feel alive
I am breathing, speaking, running out of words
running out of breath
What is left

I am sinking 
My legs are tired 
I have struggled for a while 
struggled with a smil...

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Write Anyway

So it's cliche,
write anyway.

So it's not 
gramatically correct,
write anyway.

So it doesn't rhyme,
write anyway.

Don't let judgmental
"experts" distort
your perception 
of poetry 
or silence
the part of 
your soul that
longs to make
sense of life.

Just write 
any way! 

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poetrywriting poetrypersistencerhymeperfectionjust writegrammarpoems

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