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intimate (Remove filter)

Winter, is here. Am I?

This is inspiration from the ice breeze, and cold realisation with my love. 


Has it always been this cold?

I don't remember shivering so often. Nor my back cramping in pain.

Something is changing. Something is different. 

As weather patterns come and go, so do you.


How can it be that the amount of love I need, doesn't need me.

Doesn't come to me. Blows over my skin, ...

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Climateloverelationshipsdramasex lessweatherintimate

Composition of Intimacy

Compostition of Intimacy

With fears of eternal solitude, I called truce.

Obstacles fill the atlas of our hearts, 

distracting our impressions of exquisite Love.

Our painful beliefs insist we reprieve our minds,

voiding our previously learned doctrines of romance.

Phobias of Love furiously traveled the hourglass of our lives.

Chaos constrained our philosophy of enchantment,


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A Part

My bed is still warm

When the next body rolls in

But I'm not

I'm numb


Your body

- Or his -

- Or hers -

Envelopes mine

And I can breathe


I am consumed

I am part of you,

Of someone that lives

That moves

That loves

I am

I was

I will be

Because I'm not apart

Just a part

Of something

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aparta partpersonhumanconnectedbecomingnumbsexcopingcoping mechanismdetachedremoveddepersonalizationconnectionphysicalintimateusingaddictiondepression

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