I’ll put on the table a New Year tree,
The smell of pine needles will fill my flat.
Champagne, chocolate…and I’ll start my spree,
With three candles I’ll chat.
These candles will be my spiritual world,
The lonely party is always free.
My heart will be twirled and purled,
Curse of troubles these candles will be.
With champagne I’ll fill the cryst...
Friday 30th December 2011 10:53 pm
There …where the taste of silence is strange and forgotten,
There ... where the pastel sky floats and is underfoot,
There ...where the streets are shivering in a foggy mood.
They need snow.
There … where the face of Earth is changing the poles,
There … where some kilometers of the rain are endless
There... where the ships kiss t...
Wednesday 28th December 2011 8:14 pm
Answer My Question, Please!
Elsa and Joan were truthful girls,
But just for fun they lied only once,
On the day of their birth.
On the 6th of April someone asked :
When is your birthday?
Elsa used to say: It was yesterday.
Joan used to say: It will be tomorrow.
I will meet my dearest fellow.
The next day they were asked the same question.
And…the answer was just the same.
I ...
Monday 26th December 2011 7:09 pm
A Man Says
A gentleman says:
May I meet you?
May I come?
May I help you?
A good man says:
I’ll meet you.
I’ll come.
I’ll help you.
A real man says:
I am coming
To meet you,
To help you.
©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)
The 25th of December, 2011
Sunday 25th December 2011 8:21 pm
In One of Those Countries He Was Born
There are countries where people have never seen the snow.
There are countries where pine-apples grow,
There are countries with granite ridge,
There are countries with no bridge.
In those countries the flowers are more fragrant,
In those countries there is a beautiful salient,
In those countries the stars are brighter,
In those countries the spring is elegant and lig...
Saturday 24th December 2011 9:46 pm
Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!
Hurry up to fall in love!
Be surprised how beautiful it is!
Hurry up to speak of love!
Realize that these words can anyone please.
To give yourself to others –
What happiness it is!
All people are sisters and brothers
Take care of friendship, please!
Don’t hide the feelings of admiration!
It’s a foundation of love creation.
Use your brai...
Thursday 22nd December 2011 8:21 am
I Was Always Sure, Now I Am Not.
I was always sure that….
Tomorrow will come.
I’ve heard it from my mum.
That was in old days.
Today those bright rays
Happened to be in a haze.
Today I am a little bit confused.
My childish insurance is reduced.
I am not sure in tomorrow.
I thank God if it doesn’t bring me sorrow.
I’ve stopped looking for the truth.
What’s the use?
Tuesday 20th December 2011 7:10 pm
He is My Hero
En elderly lady is in the police station
For the identification.
The one on the left is a deft.He wrung my hands
And gave commands
To the one on the right.
I couldn’t fight.
He kept my legs apart meaning…
Something dirty to start.
But…that one in the middle…
Sorry for my giggle …
Was like a beautiful fiddle.
He was the finest fellow.
...Monday 12th December 2011 9:11 pm
Don't Cut Her Wings!
To clean her room
She uses a simple broom.
She is a nice girl,
All that she does shines like a pearl.
You have to be careful,
You have to be faithful.
She is an angel,
She is from a chapel.
Don’t try to gamble!
She is bashful.
She is brittle ,
She is beautiful.
She is a sample
Of a beautiful song.
She doesn’t know ...
Sunday 11th December 2011 7:02 pm
Don't Cut Her Wings!
To clean her room
She uses a simple broom.
She is a nice girl,
All that she does shines like a pearl.
You have to be careful,
You have to be faithful.
She is an angel,
She is from a chapel.
Don’t try to gamble!
She is bashful.
She is brittle ,
She is beautiful.
She is a sample
Of a beautiful song.
She doesn’t know ...
Sunday 11th December 2011 7:02 pm
I am tired to hear your lies.
I am tired to love tired eyes.
I don’t want to listen to your cries.
I would love you to be... a bit more wise.
Or it could be better to say it like this:
I’m fed up to listen to lies,
I’m fed up to love tired eyes,
I don’t want to argue any more,
I’ll better new lands explore.
Friday 9th December 2011 9:26 pm
Glamour, Glamour, Glamour....
Glamour, glamour, glamour!
Where does it come from?
What does it form?
At first I thought it comes from French.
But no! In Scottish is the wrench.
In old days it meant proper grammar,
Today it’s an eccentric drama,
It’s an alluring charm,
It intends to smarm.
They say: It’s a sophisticated life style,
No one cares if I give you a vile smile.
Sunday 4th December 2011 8:42 am
The First, The Second, The Third
The first: I went to bed with your wife.
The second: How do you like the first?
The third: She wants to stay with me.
-The first: I don’t live with my wife.
The second: She has AIDS.
The third: How do you like the second?
Do you think that
A toilet bowl is just a hole
For your feces
Or for your ass?
It can be a place for your face...
Wednesday 30th November 2011 4:49 pm
Worldwide News
Default in Greece,
In Iceland – peace,
Protests in England,
Evacuation plans in Scotland,
Brace’s bakery success in Wales,
In The Sun read the details.
Italy is under water,
In Twee Ribiere it’s getting hotter.
Riot is in the USA on Wall Street,
Moscow is in the sleet.
Soon or right on time for Christmas shopping?
Asked King of Prussia,
Wednesday 23rd November 2011 12:47 pm
What is more important?
Two men were asked one question:
What is more important – happiness or health?
The first one answered:
Certainly happiness!
Another one said:
I would be glad if I had health,
I would change it for all my wealth.
Do you ask me why?
Here is my reply:
You know, some days ago,
I have, at last, met my happiness.
But….Damn! Damn! Damn!
I don’t wa...
Monday 21st November 2011 12:08 pm
A Quarrel
After a morning quarrel with his wife
A husband has got a terrible life.
After work, coming back home,
He finds a warning syndrome.
It’s a note lying on the table:
Honey, I think you are able to heat up the food,
Today I am in a bad mood,
So, to cheer me up I went to my friend
To watch the film with a happy end.
The food is already on the stove.
Saturday 19th November 2011 3:27 pm
Terrorism And My Garden
The final victory over terrorism,
As well as over communism,
Leading to expansionism,
We’ll celebrate not after killing
Lenin, Stalin or Osama bin Laden,
But after stopping that bitch who pisses in my garden.
©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)
The 18th of November, 2011
Friday 18th November 2011 8:54 pm
Why Poetry?
I won’t tarry,
I won’t marry,
I won’t complain,
Though the pain will remain.
I won’t ask: Please, take care of me!
Though the fear is inside me.
I will stay alone,
I will live on my own.
Writing poems will be my treatment,
With them I’ll find an agreement.
©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)
The 11th of November, 2011
Saturday 12th November 2011 9:04 am
Believe In Your Star
Live…Breathe…Believe in your star…
It is with you wherever you are,
It never leaves you for a moment,
The saint light is in its current.
In storms it helps to reach the land,
Its warmth it gives to you my friend,
It cherish you and gives you strength,
It leads you through the whole life length.
It lights up your soul when it pains,
It bright...
Thursday 10th November 2011 6:41 pm
You know, it happens that...
You know, it often happens that…
People love one another.
They give love to each other in return.
In love affection they both burn.
It also happens that love is cut off
By someone’s an invisible measure.
That measure just scoffs,
Forgetting that love is a treasure.
It happens…love is boiling of passion
And someone becomes the universe.
Wednesday 9th November 2011 12:59 pm
Spam, Spam, Spam
There is no free lunch.
Free cheese is only in a mousetrap.
Spam? I always had a hunch
It’s a lap-dogs yap.
Spam, spam, spam….
So many times I had them.
Damn, damn, damn!
Come on, scam! Scram!
How many times to repeat?
Spam you should at once delete.
This one you don’t have even to read.
Greed will never get mead.
You feel ...
Saturday 5th November 2011 2:52 pm
Hello, darling!
Hello, darling! Hello, starling! How are you, beauty? How are you, cutie? All is well, honey. All is well, sunny. Please, let’s stop this game! Have you also forgotten my name?
©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)
The 4th of November, 2011
Friday 4th November 2011 10:04 am
I’ve learnt to understand that….
A prohibitive degree of inner freedom –
Not a caprice but a strain.
Up to the end it will remain!
I’ve learnt to understand that….
The tales we dream up
We write out of our own head.
And…. we should cherish that!
I’ve learnt to break up the rules,
So that no one should be hurt.
Using my own tools,
I w...
Wednesday 2nd November 2011 9:10 pm
May be I am not as strong as it seems to be,
But I am not as weak as someone wants me to be.
It’s not the question of whom to marry,
It’s the question what to do with the rest:
Gary. Larry, Barry, Jerry……
A drunken man shouted as his voice allowed:
Where am I? I feel like to cry!
You are in Soho square if to be ...
Saturday 29th October 2011 6:08 pm
Brain And Body
- In all men I love brain more than body.
I don’t like rowdy and those who embody Corradi.
I mean a football player and not the Aston Villar’s trainer.
- Right you are! Our body is like a car.
With age it becomes weak.
More energy it would like to seek.
Only brain you can fuck all your life,
enjoying the devil’s strife.
©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukrai...
Tuesday 25th October 2011 8:07 pm
Let the Wind Rage Outdoor...
The last leaf’s falling from the tree
Farewell to autumn!
Snowflakes start their waltzing spree
To better future blossom.
Your hair darling turned to gray
As well as mine.
Our years together – a safety bay,
They are like aged wine.
More often I would love to hug,
To feel your warm embrace,
Near the fireplace to snug,
To kiss your lov...
Friday 21st October 2011 9:20 am
I pray for all my friends,
I pray for the one who love defends.
I pray for those who warmed my heart,
I pray for that one who keeps apart.
I ask our Lord to send them all health,
I ask my God to bring them all wealth,
I ask my Angel to protect them from a fall,
To listen to: for whom the bells toll.
I would love your cup to be always full.
Tuesday 18th October 2011 9:54 pm
A Message
Send a message saying:
I am so sad.
Different answers you will get:
Are you sick?
Don’t be weak!
What’s happened?
Why are you saddened?
Do you need a napkin?
And only a true friend will answer:
I am coming!
©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)
The 6th of October, 2011
Friday 7th October 2011 7:20 pm
A La Larissa Perfume
“A La Larissa” perfume has appeared!
The fragrance of it is great and neared.
It’s just for your elegance and intelligence.
It’s not for the masses!
It’s for the women in the evening dresses.
It’s for the ladies of extra classes.
This perfume is an explosion of warmth,
It gives you real sexual storms.
It gives you the enveloping notes,
It rises up your ...
Thursday 6th October 2011 12:55 am
My Funny Money
Money are so naughty and cunning,
They behave just stunning.
I go out – they follow me,
I come back – they harrow me.
They don’t want to come back home,
They would like a bit more to roam.
They sometimes don't want to go home with me at all.
They would like a bit more to stroll.
©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)
The 2nd of October, 2011
Sunday 2nd October 2011 10:17 pm
My Present
I present you with a bouquet.
You can do anything with it,
Even to sweep the Soho street.
©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)
24th of September, 2011
Saturday 24th September 2011 10:34 pm
There is no sense...
There is no sense to dream about a prince,
There is no need your brain to rinse
When you are after thirty.
Better be a bit more flirty!
It’s time to chose
If you don’t want to lose
The time of your best years
Without knowing love affairs.
©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)
The 22nd of September, 2011
Thursday 22nd September 2011 9:34 pm
A Sad Clown
I am tired to pretend that
All is well on my land.
My heart is aching,
The last hope is breaking.
I am tired to hear the truth.
I loved you, it was forsooth.
I hate to hear the lies,
Try to find a compromise.
Only memories are in my treasury.
Thinking of you is my pleasury.
You were chasing for a fire-bird,
I memorized the words I’ve...
Wednesday 21st September 2011 2:32 pm
In the Wood
I will enter the quiet wood,
On the rustling leaves I will dance,
I will watch the Godhood,
I will prance to the autumn’s romance.
I will wear a colorful dress,
I will mix up myself with the leaves,
I will hear what wind says,
I will feel the tender breeze.
I will see a birch in gilding,
A maple in its nice crimson,
A spiders beautiful s...
Sunday 18th September 2011 2:39 pm
President's Speech
2012. A new president of the United States
addressing to Congress:
You, morons with wood brain!
Sawdust your heads contain!
Listen to me, you fools!
Lift your asses from the stools!
Go! Toddle or hobble to do good deeds!
Grow fruitful seeds!
Moderate your own greed!
Find out what people need!
©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)
Wednesday 14th September 2011 2:35 pm
Two Destinies, Two Hearts, Two Souls
Two lonely destinies have met at sunset,
Smiled timidly at each other,
Trying the pain of loneliness to smother.
They were still so naïve to believe:
Their meeting was not an accidental.
May be one of them was just mental!?
Two lonely souls didn’t want the doles.
Eye to eye gazed sadly.
They needed love madly.
The world around was sile...
Monday 12th September 2011 11:05 pm
Do You Believe Me?
Do you believe me? I do. Give me your hand, we’ll fly.
I’ll help you, I do not lie.
Wait! We are not in a hurry!And… I am afraid.
Don’t worry! I am your aide. I am scared. Hold me tightAnd never let me go!
I’ll be forever with you,You have to know.
Do you love me?Be honest!
I do. I am the madd...Sunday 11th September 2011 6:57 pm
Tenderness has million of faces and names,
Tenderness has million of secrets and signs.
It is in the autumns rains,
It is in the young wines.
Tenderness is a high flying bird,
It’s in the light breath of the wind.
It can be everywhere heard,
It can never be sinned.
Tenderness can be in crystal tears
Shining on your eyelashes.
It can be i...
Saturday 10th September 2011 5:07 pm
Only In September Night...
Only in September night
The stars are so bright.
Only in September night
The stars are like silver nails
Ready to tell me fairy tales.
On the black silky velvet they shine,
One of them is certainly mine.
It is close to the Ursa Major,
It is my dearest encourager.
It looks at me from the dark sky,
Winks and says: Come on, fly!
It seems to be very...
Wednesday 7th September 2011 6:53 pm
Happiness of a man is not in possibility to chose a woman out of a million,
Happiness of a man is in possibility to allow himself to be with the only loved one.
Out of millions there are hundreds of beauties.
Out of millions there are hundreds of jealous.
Out of millions there are hundreds of desirable.
But… they are not loved.
Out of millions there can be only one...
Wednesday 24th August 2011 6:46 pm
Sirius civilization is the monitor of humanity.
And…it is the most trusty one.
Listen to what they say:
There won’t be a doomsday in 2012.
You must believe our word.
There won’t be a doomsday
In 100 and even in 1000 years.
New technology soon appears.
The seas and oceans won’t leave the coasts.
Trust and Love Life promotes.
The Sun will shine...
Monday 22nd August 2011 5:05 pm
May be it sounds strange
But I know where the soul is.
The skeptics I won’t change.
Let them freely breathe!
My soul is the palm size,
It’s somewhere near the heart.
I feel it when it cries,
It doesn’t want with me to part.
I feel it when it’s full of joy,
It can overcome all troubles.
It tells me: Life enjoy!
It’s worthy of all the ...
Saturday 20th August 2011 12:19 pm
A Horse Become the Pegusus
One drop of nicotine kills a horse.
One drop of heroin………………
Do you think it makes a horse feel worse?
Oh, no! It makes a horse feel how the wings grow.
A horse has a wish to fly high in the sky.
A horse becomes the Pegasus
With the poetic plexus,
A highflying horse with the poetic imagination.
This horse without any hesitation
Makes just fantastic cre...
Monday 15th August 2011 8:32 pm
Never talk to a stranger
If you don’t want to be in a danger,
Especially with those
Who speak with a foreign accent.
You will never know what they really meant.
Even if they walk along the Patriarchal ponds
You’ll be , I am sure, conned.
Even if you wear a nice suit
You can be looted
Or hear an outshoot.
Even if they smell the best perfume
They ...
Thursday 11th August 2011 10:29 pm
Can't Be Indifferent
Honest people can’t be indifferent
To the satiation in Great Britain.
I was just smitten
By the news in the net.
The jet of vandalism has met with …
Was it a debt, which was kept….?
Can’t say where and in what,
But …some people forgot:
Democracy of our society
Looks like who is more mighty.
Alien war. Is it really an alien?
The human beings are ...
Tuesday 9th August 2011 9:55 pm
The ghosts of not repentant souls
Wander in the quiet woods night.
Only chilling cries of owls
Cause the lightest fright.
Flying Dutchman frightens seamen,
Its sight is a portent of doom.
It was told by John Leyden
Sinful souls went to gloom.
Ghosts dwell in the hills.
Climbers know a ghost can kill.
To some they help to cross the river...
Monday 8th August 2011 8:36 am
The Ghosts
How to forget your smell?
How to forget your tender kisses?
Now I want to yell.
Your love my heart misses.
Cruel time didn’t save us, didn’t save.
Gentle breeze blew away our feelings,
Ghost of love came from the grave,
No mercy on me, no healings.
Our years together flowed and flew,
It seemed they would never end.
None of us knew
Wednesday 3rd August 2011 7:36 pm
His Saint Feet
The feet of our Lord walked
Along the dusty roads,
Scratched by the stones.
Along the narrow paths,
Cared by the green grasses.
Those Saint Feet were not aware of tiredness,
He walked His way with worthiness.
Beyond an ordinary strength those feet walked.
Days and nights,
Proclaiming to avoid the fights.
Those feet were washed by tears,
Those fe...
Sunday 3rd July 2011 2:15 pm
The law of our life:
If you don’t get used to all you’ll die.
If you don’t die you’ll get used to all.
The picture was really unique.
When I looked at it I felt sick.
One bottle of vodka for a fool
Turns into a rocking stool.
Once in a trap eat your cheese!
Thursday 30th June 2011 11:56 pm
I Am the Only One
On the right foot
I’ll put on a boot.
On the left foot,
I’ll put on a shoe,
Red or may be blue.
Do you know what for?
To ignore public opinion,
To show you and all:
I am the only one
Out of million.
Or may be more:
To show you
That I am nervous,
Capricious, and…
A little bit ambitious.
© Copyright Larisa Rzhepishevska
Saturday 25th June 2011 6:06 pm
Today Dave Dunn is sixty.
Sixty is not so little,
Sixty is not so much.
Sixty is the golden age.
Dave is on his highest stage.
At sixty a road to wisdom is open,
So, without any moping
I wish you to go only frontwise.
Never to fall!
But if it happens,
Have enough strength to rise
And go on your life way
Without any delay.
Tuesday 21st June 2011 11:28 am
Crystal Shoe
You may believe me or not
But Cinderella’s story
Brought me to a different plot:
How quickly Prince all forgot
I will tell you in short.
When Cinderella was running away
And on the stairway
Had lost her crystal shoe,
It was really true.
Prince couldn’t catch her up.
He stumbled on something,
Thought it was a queen’s cup.
The shoe slip...
Monday 13th June 2011 11:43 am
The Melody of Love
The melody of love!
It’s such a beautiful moment!
When loving eyes meet,
The words you don’t need.
The lightning sparks the hearts,
The holy union starts.
The melody of love was born.
The whole land it would adorn.
It’s divinely beautiful,
It’s graceful and faithful.
It’s virgin pure,
It’s impossible to reassure.
Its gusts are noble,
Monday 13th June 2011 8:02 am
What Happiness Is
It’s raining,
All around is boring.
Birds are singing,
I hear them snoring.
Sun is shining,
I’m again whining.
Wind is blowing,
Separation it’s showing.
The phone is ringing,
Happiness it’s bringing.
Birds lovely songs are singing,
Rain drops like bells are ringing,
Sun is brightly shining,
I am no more pining.
Wind is tenderly blowi...
Tuesday 7th June 2011 7:36 pm
Our Mistakes
How often we make mistakes
And lose those who are dear.
We go to those who our hearts break,
Do not notice the only one who is near.
Trying to catch somebody's fancy
We run away from the nearest one.
Forgetting your fiancée
The betrayal was done.
We run to the one who once has left us,
We ask that one again for help.
As a result we see j...
Wednesday 1st June 2011 8:01 am
My Love
I will gather breeze in my palms,
I will hold the wind in my arms,
I will pick you up on my wings,
I will get you free of bitter things.
All my tenderness will be an ocean,
I will show you all my devotion,
I will smooth out your old wounds,
You will hear new beautiful tunes.
I will make you feel drunk,
I will make you find your spunk,
I ...
Sunday 29th May 2011 6:44 pm
Today Is My Birthday
Today, the 27th of May, Friday,
I celebrate another birthday.
I again thank God for prolonging my life,
For giving me the strength for the right strife,
For saving me from a danger,
For giving me a chance to understand a stranger.
For forgiving all my sins,
For congratulating with my wins.
Another year of my life has passed.
I hope it is not the last.
...Friday 27th May 2011 12:40 pm
An Advice
Don’t escape from the truth!
Escape the lies!
A truth can be bitter,
A lie can be sweet.
Do you think sweet lies are better?
It depends.
I sometimes accept the one who pretends.
But…I always appreciate the one
Who intends to be sincere.
That one for me is so dear.
Escape a betrayal!
That one can be even a royal.
Escape the dirt!
For me i...
Wednesday 25th May 2011 10:01 am
I Will Escape From You
I will escape from the one I dislike.
My psych doesn’t need a strike.
I will better take a bike
And will go for a ride
Somewhere out of your site
To see the world wide noontide.
I don’t want to confide the one who lied.
Meeting with you was a misguide.
I will not allow you to deride my pride.
I will decide myself how to reside.
And I will not backsl...
Tuesday 24th May 2011 11:39 am
Where To Escape?
You are running ahead
Instead of thinking where.
Your heart is beating at a crazy speed,
It has it’s own flair.
You are swallowing salty drops of tears,
You do not hear the jeers,
You do not feel the rain
But only the unfair pain.
Hurts tear your soul apart.
Who cares about your broken heart?
You want to scream, even to roar,
You can’t stand t...
Wednesday 18th May 2011 5:28 pm
I will escape from the built-up city
To the countryside,
Where all around are so pretty
And the fields are green and wide.
I will escape from the traffics and smog
To the nature’s lyrics and a croaking frog.
I will escape from concrete and power lines
To the breathtaking lights and signs,
To the place where field bells ring
And free birds merrily sing...
Monday 9th May 2011 4:05 pm
A Sin?
is it a sin
when a man wants in
the place he came out
with a cry out loud
a new life to begin ?
©Larisa Rzhepishevska
April 25th, 20011
Monday 25th April 2011 10:06 am
Happy Easter!
Palm Sunday has gone,
Holy week has begun,
The week with events
Leading to Jesus torments,
To His Resurrection,
Showing the spirits domination.
Glory to Jesus Christ!
Easter Sunday today,
The greatest holiday.
We pray and say,
All around the world,
The words of love to our Lord
Showing that his death was not in vain.
Saturday 23rd April 2011 4:31 pm
My dearest Sonja today is fifteen,
She is her parent’s queen.
She is so sweet and nice,
She is her parent’s prize.
On the 18th of April
She turned her life’s 16th page,
She is so beautiful at her teen age.
Happy birthday, my dearest student!
Be always prudent!
May all your wishes come true,
May all your days be sunny and the sky blue.
I wish yo...
Tuesday 19th April 2011 3:25 pm
The palm branches in churches,
The light of candles resembles
Jesus glorious entry to Jerusalem.
Psalms the Christians sing, glorious hymn.
He was healing the sick,
He was raising the dead.
It looked as a magic
When He turned a stone into bread.
A Prince of Peace!
He wished to increase Love.
He has come to set up
A kingdom of freedom,
A king...
Sunday 17th April 2011 8:52 am
I Love
I love,
But seldom speak about it.
I love,
But much tender as before.
I love,
But a bit more careful.
I love,
And with each day much more.
I love,
But not for everyone to see.
I love,
And my love is a glee.
I love,
And I will never regret.
I love,
And I will never forget
Those beautiful sunrises,
Those innocent lies,
Wednesday 13th April 2011 1:08 am
How Are You, My Friend?
It happens very often
When someone on another side of the Earth
Suddenly stops your crazy race
Asking such a simple question:
How are you, my friend?
Instantly it becomes warmer
Hearing those kind words
And a series of depressing days
Breaks into the sunny rays.
A happy smile creeps up your face,
Everyone you would like to embrace.
You were almo...
Monday 11th April 2011 7:12 am
I Loved
I loved,
But didn’t speak about it.
I loved,
But didn’t show my feelings.
I loved,
But didn’t expose my soul.
I was speechless
And I was tireless
To listen to your words.
For me they were singing birds.
I loved
And I had seen a wonder.
I loved,
Was not afraid of any thunder.
I loved
And heard only your voice.
You were my onl...
Tuesday 5th April 2011 3:37 pm
The Truth, The Lie And The Fact
The truth, the lie and the fact have met.
Let’s listen to their chat!
The truth told to the fact: Everyone lies.
The fact answered: Here is my advice:
Don’t be in a hurry with the conclusion
As everything in this world is an illusion.
The truth said:
Who will remember me?
Whose conscience will gnaw?
Will the lie will a nondiscriminatory law...
Friday 1st April 2011 9:28 pm
To Be Or Not To Be?
To be or not to be on diet?
That is the question!
I think I won’t.
I better prefer an entrecote.
I certainly love to eat,
My favorite dishes are so sweet.
I never ignore a cake.
How delicious is a juicy steak.
Sandwiches with caviar,
Spaghetti and meatballs,
Pilaf and goulash,
Cucumbers and fish …..
Why should I lose weight?
To eat is ne...
Friday 1st April 2011 10:25 am
And what will be then?
What will be tomorrow?
Tomorrow will be April.
Hearts will be struck by the love arrow,
They will not be stable.
So, what to do now?
Is it just natures caprice?
Allow your feelings be somehow avowed!
Don’t let your feelings to crease!
Look for the truth in the gentleness of spring!
Ding, ding! Listen to the bells ring!
Forget the trouble...
Tuesday 29th March 2011 10:12 pm
Good morning dear daddy,
Good morning dear mum,
Good morning dear Teddy,
It looks the spring has come.
Awakened at the dawn
My dream at once has gone.
I’ve heard the song of starling,
Our feathered friends are coming.
The sparrows are chirping,
The titmouse is whistling,
The starling pours the trills,
The warmth of spring it feels.
Saturday 26th March 2011 3:28 pm
World Poetry Day
In the starry darkness of the night sky
The inspired poet’s rhymes fly.
They are quietly dreaming to live in a book,
For everyone to see the poet’s outlook.
Poet’s stanzas freely fly as rhymed constellation,
Spreading the light of the poet’s inspiration.
So, today, on World Poetry Day, my congratulations
To all those who know the sense of trochee and pent...
Monday 21st March 2011 8:51 pm
Every Friday I look like a shit,
Every Friday I look like a shit,
Every Friday I look like a shit,
I loooooooook like a shit.
But every Monday I am like a horn,
But every Monday I am like a horn,
But every Monday I am like a horn,
I aaaaaaaaam like a hoooooooooorn.
I work in the office of intercom,
I work in the office of interco...
Wednesday 16th March 2011 11:51 pm
Once Upon a Time In America
It was a cold January morning,
all around looked a bit boring.
In Washington’s subway
was the beginning of the ordinary day.
Everyone was in a hurry,
they didn’t want to worry
and didn’t pay attention
to the man I would like here to mention.
The passers-by didn’t clap
to the man wearing jeans and baseball cap.
They all looked at the clock,
so th...
Saturday 5th March 2011 11:00 pm
My Way
I go my way night and day.
Sometimes I doubt and want to shout,
Can’t sleep at night and….
Not so sure if I was right.
But I go my way night and day
With the alarms and worries,
With the flurries and hurries,
More often with beautiful sunny days,
Sometimes with colds and rains.
But in the distance I see the dawn,
It illuminates my life and my dreams...
Saturday 5th March 2011 1:40 pm
Life is the sun in the day time.
Life is the beautiful chime.
Life is the moon and the stars at night.
Life is the birds flight.
Life is the mountains you climb.
Life is to share the last dime.
Life is a tale, a big surprise.
All around look so nice!
But if you see life in different way
With only dirt and violence
And don’t hear the silence,
Thursday 3rd March 2011 7:18 pm
When I hear someone say:
Oh! You look so nice today!
I answer without any delay:
I would look much better
If I wore another sweater.
Or something like that:
Oh, dear! Don’t tell me lies!
Look at my eyes!
I would look much better
If I was not ill.
Let’s have a bet!
Let’s make some offset!
When I feel better
And really look ...
Friday 25th February 2011 8:43 pm
I love you like....
I love you
like a sea loves the sunrise.
I love you
like the planes love the sky.
I love you
with all my soul strings.
And…if I had wings
I would fly over the mountains,
over the seas and oceans
with my sincere devotion,
for only one reason,
at any season,
to tell you
how much I love you.
©Larisa Rzhepishevska
February 24th...
Thursday 24th February 2011 9:43 pm
We go to bed with a dream,
We get up with a dream.
All our life we strive for a dream.
All our life we dream.
It’s beautiful to live with a dream,
Though sometimes we suffer.
There are moments we scream
And life seems to be a tougher.
We all dream to achieve a goal.
Our dream is an elixir of longevity.
It’s an elixir for our undying soul...
Wednesday 16th February 2011 5:34 pm
Happy Valentine Day!
I congratulate all those
who are young at heart!
I congratulate you
with the day of highest feeling!
It burns in you and me
up to the madness,
up to the peeling.
I congratulate you all
with the love which is free!
I urge you to worship love!
I beg you not to be afraid of love.
Love as Saint Valentine!
Let your love always shine!
Let it b...
Monday 14th February 2011 12:24 pm
Time flies so fast!
It’s a pity
you are leaving
at last!
If you don’t believe in love at first sight
look at me once more from another side,
I hope you’ll see something to adore.
I am thinking to give up drinking.
But how can I do that?
I am in the greatest fear
as beer costs less than milk.
Isn’t it t...
Sunday 13th February 2011 6:05 pm
I Love You, I Love You Not
I love you, I love you not
You laughed at me and I forgot
Forgot the day we’ve met
There’s nothing I would regret
So many hearts were broken by you
But you don’t care and hell with you
It seems to me you never loved
And nothing could excite your blood
How much I want to say I hate you
How much I want to be with you
You are just heartless...
Wednesday 9th February 2011 6:36 pm
I Love You Not
I love you, I love you not
There were only lies and a lot
Yes, I splash out emotions
And look like an angry ocean
I feel like to cry
And don’t really know why
He still remains in my mind
A reason to forget him I try to find
I see now that I was just blind
I want to leave everything behind
I ask my mind to forget
I beg my heart do not...
Tuesday 8th February 2011 4:53 pm
My Guitar
Oh, my guitar!
You are in a case.
It seems so far
You were not embraced.
Your strings are weak,
Your heart is sick.
But a hope remains,
You’ll overcome the pains.
A master will come,
You won’t strum.
You won’t complain
But will sound again.
©Larisa Rzhepishevska
February the 2nd,2011
Wednesday 2nd February 2011 5:00 pm
The Day of Grief And Sorrow
The day of grief and sorrow was yesterday.
Another friend of ours had passed away.
It’s impossible to express in words how our hearts pain,
But we all swear, the memory about him will remain.
He was reliable and life he loved so passionately,
Up to the end he was faithful and friendly.
He was his family support and our coach
Without fear, without reproach.
Monday 31st January 2011 4:42 pm
Rose lies on the piano keys.....
Rose lies on the piano keys.
It still hears the sounds of music.
Hopelessly dump it lies,
Echoes of love songs arise.
Glowing petals fade by the past shade,
With the yesterday’s love groan.
Black and white keys played
To the only one and his own.
Memories of the fingers remained.
They were beautiful love skill,
A shrill cries of love an...
Monday 31st January 2011 7:24 am
If you have nothing to say keep quiet,
If you have nothing to show you are retired.
Everyone could be much wiser
If that one would find a sympathizer.
Any plan without intent –
The essence of a content.
Her conscience is so transparent and clean
That it w...
Friday 28th January 2011 6:36 am
You Could Call Me
Who told you that love does not exist?
Who told you that our souls turned into ice?
Who told you that our hearts desist
And love has a certain price?
Your words about love turn into autumn leaves:
Yellow, brown, red, some turned into black.
Your words would like to receive a flack.
But…alack…they are just an attack.
You could call me and if I be...
Wednesday 26th January 2011 4:58 pm
I am not a business woman,
I am just like Bess Truman.
I prefer a family life
And to be a good wife.
I am not the first lady as she was
But agree with her words and applaud:
Sense of humor and good health
Will lead you to respect and wealth.
©Larisa Rzhepishevska
January 24th, 2011
Monday 24th January 2011 3:46 pm
On the right foot
I’ll put on a boot.
On the left foot
I’ll put on a shoe.
For you to see
That I am nervous.
-Why did you marry?
-Had no life experience.
-Why did you divorce?
-Had no patience.
-Why did you marry again?
-Have lost my memory.
John, will you offend me?
-Offend? You? Never!
I ne...
Sunday 23rd January 2011 10:19 am
The best way of trust
100% of payment in advance.
The picture was really unique.
When I looked at it I felt sick.
A woman does it sitting,
A man does it standing,
A dog does it raising its paw.
That’s how they meet,
That’s how they greet,
That’s how they say “Hello!”
And what did you think?
Friday 21st January 2011 4:55 pm
Buy this watches
With diamond blotches!
They are like Swiss made.
Ok! Here are dollars hand made.
Reading his emails
I imagined a prince from tales.
But …when we met
Without any regret
I told him frankly
When he looked at me blankly:
Farewell, my dream!
We can’t be in one team.
-You are a ...
Friday 21st January 2011 4:58 am
The Epiphany
Once upon a time
In the waters of Jordan
Jesus Christ was christened.
Since then to that sacred place
The peoples come of different race.
The Epiphany water its memory’s remained,
The memory of One who gave us love with flame.
And today when the New year has passed
Jesus Christ Epiphany is coming
And winter looks so charming.
All around is aiming hi...
Tuesday 18th January 2011 10:27 pm
The one who laughs the last
Don’t understand the joke so fast.
You are so fashionable
And I am not profitable.
I sell watches.
For the one who watches watches
50 dollars per hour.
For the one who buys
30 dollars with a prize.
He is richer than me for 10 years.
Tuesday 18th January 2011 6:36 am
Do not protest!
As it’s the best!
After doing nothing
To have a good rest.
A soul wants a picture,
An ass - an adventure.
I am always polite,
And think I am right.
When I send him to hell
I always recall and ask
If he is well.
There is something absolutely English
In t...
Monday 17th January 2011 6:39 pm
If you are a good lad
Every child should call you dad.
I will not give up drinking
But I will go on thinking
If I should give up smoking.
Everyone has to know,
Our life is not a show.
If you chose a husband or a wife
If you want to enjoy your life
She or he has to be your life partner
And not your lif...
Saturday 15th January 2011 11:57 am
They say: Time is money.
I have a lot of time
But…have no money.
If you don’t have enough money
You better don’t call her
You are my honey.
I am looking for a husband and a friend.
If they come together I’ll withstand.
You’ve come – Thank you!
You’ve left – Thank you very much!
Friday 14th January 2011 6:43 pm
How unfair is human’s nature!
A man is a lucky creature!
He can see a woman’s breast at once
And tries to get his chance.
But what a woman should do?
Sometimes she realize that….
She’s got a surprise
When she see the gun’s size.
©Larisa Rzhepishevska
January the 12th,2011
Wednesday 12th January 2011 6:29 pm
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