The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

What is more important?

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Two men were asked one question:

What is more important – happiness or health?

The first one answered:

 Certainly happiness!

Another one said:

I would be glad if I had health,

I would change it for all my wealth.

Do you ask me why?

Here is my reply:

You know, some days ago,

I have, at last, met my happiness.

But….Damn! Damn! Damn!

I don’t want the others to condemn,

But…in the act...I  showed my weakness.

As a result... I have lost my princess.


©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

The 21st of November, 2011



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M.C. Newberry

Tue 22nd Nov 2011 15:52

If poems can make for diverse interpretations,
why not comment? :-)
Larisa - the teacher is often the source of a
child's love of poetry and is not to be
confused with being a "preacher"...far from it.
Those I remember with fondness did their best
to interpret and convey the meaning of poems
to a questing mind. I thank heaven for them.
English is the most difficult language - full of nuance and hidden meaning, hard enough for
the English sometimes!!
I should have put "refer" instead of the word
"hint" in my earlier comment and been more
exact (and accurate?) in my words. Apologies
for that.

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Lynn Dye

Mon 21st Nov 2011 22:10

Lol, thanks for forgiving me, Stef! I was only trying to explain M.C.'s comment. Ha ha. xx

<Deleted User> (6895)

Mon 21st Nov 2011 22:02

I,ll forgive
you for saying that Lynn


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Lynn Dye

Mon 21st Nov 2011 21:59

I like the poem, Larisa. I would always choose health first too.
By the way, I think M.C. was saying that women are more accomodating and forgiving, by saying men are less so... if you see what I mean. ;)
Hope you are well, Larisa,
Love, Lynn xx

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Mon 21st Nov 2011 21:32

M.C. Newberry! But... why are you so sure that men are less accommodating and forgiving than women?

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 21st Nov 2011 20:57

The word "friend" is very flexible...from the
very close to the casual. I'll plead guilty to witnessing the change from friend to foe but men are less accommodating and forgiving than women.

<Deleted User> (6895)

Mon 21st Nov 2011 19:51


if I were choosing,
the first stop has to be health-
without that-nothing else follows.xx

<Deleted User> (6895)

Mon 21st Nov 2011 19:47

Hi Larisa.

Others sometimes mistake
a show of what they think is weakness-
when to the person displaying such
it actually is a show of strength.

'Turn the other cheek'comes to mind.

Like the poem very much.

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Mon 21st Nov 2011 14:55

Why does it only hint to wisdom?
I have striven to that.
It's a fact!
And....if it reminds you of some lines
written in a childhood autograph by a teacher,
I would better be a preacher.
And...would never let my friend become a foe.
It's my law!

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 21st Nov 2011 13:41

Larisa - your poem reminds me of some lines
written in a childhood autograph book by a teacher:
Never let a friend your secrets know,
For if your friend becomes your foe,
Around the world your secrets go!
In other words, it is sometimes wise to keep something for yourself! Your poem hints at
that wisdom.

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