Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas , my dearest friends,
Living on different and beautiful Lands!
Merry Christmas to all - big and small!
Merry Christmas to you and you, and you!
To all those who say more often "hello" than "adieu".
Merry Christmas to all… rich and poor,
To those who are always know and sure
That tomorrow will certainly come,
That our world is blithesome and awesome.
Merry Christmas to...
Thursday 25th December 2014 2:45 am
The 22nd of December
The longest night, the shortest day
The 22nd of December.
The Sun turns into another way
Putting more warmth into the amber,
Into the humans hearts that pray
For love, for peace, for happiness,
For Merry Christmas, kindness…
The Sun has got its own reasons
To differentiate the seasons.
And Jesus Christ birth
On our beautiful Earth
Was also the Suns grace
From the magic space.
Monday 22nd December 2014 5:00 pm
Pritty Little Boy
What a pretty little boy!
He was born for love and joy.
Creamy, milky, marmalade,
Out of sweetness he was made.
Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)
Sunday 14th December 2014 6:22 pm
Butterfly & Snake
Once upon a time on a warm sunny day
The snake has been chasing the butterfly,
Trying to catch her on its flying way.
The color of sunshine on the wings of flight,
The beauty met with the horror and fright.
The fear of being swallowed
Gave the butterfly strength.
It seemed she could overcome any length.
She flew further and further away,
Saving her life on a warm sunny d...
Saturday 6th December 2014 4:23 pm
My Man
I am looking for a man
who smokes, drinks and thinks
he is the best.
I’d like to share with him
the same interests.
Wednesday 5th November 2014 11:45 pm
Who are you looking for?
I am looking for a husband and a friend.
If they come together I’ll withstand.
Wednesday 5th November 2014 11:38 pm
What Is Better
Better than love
Can be only love
Which you haven’t experienced yet.
©Larisa Rzhepishevska
Wednesday 5th November 2014 11:30 pm
The rising sun breaks the dawn…,
And at last … the mist has gone.
The caravan of the sun rays
Runs quickly on the sea surface.
The sea shines with silver and gold,
It’s a hold of different sounds
Which are the compounds of …
The seagulls cry telling “hi”,
The splashes of the waves
Loving to make new caves.
The warm breeze is so rowdy
And the seagulls are so naughty.
They dance ove...
Friday 31st October 2014 8:26 pm
Our Life is Short
It seems you forgot:
Our life is short.
There is no time to beg or…
Extort for support.
Learn how to live yourself.
Take a book from the shelf
And…delicately leafing page after page
You will find a wood sage:
People are like books,
With different outlooks.
Some of them are good,
Some of them are bad,
Some of them are just mad,
Some of them are not sassy,
They lo...
Thursday 23rd October 2014 10:43 pm
The Memorial Day
It was Sunday morning, 1941, the 22nd of June,
The day of the growing Moon.
The country peacefully slept
While Hitler a horrible idea had kept.
Without announcing the war
He had given an order
To bomb the Soviet Republics border.
By unexpected military actions
The fascist wanted to capture all nations,
To turn the peoples into the slaves,
To fill the country with grav...
Sunday 22nd June 2014 8:39 pm
Spring Meets Summer
Today I got up in the morning
Before the dawn
And watched the spring
Dressed in a beautiful gown
Passing to summer its crown.
I opened my door wide
To watch the summer like a bride
Accepts her sister’s presents.
The moment of love and peace,
The moment of happiness
I would love to seize.
The moment of sadness
I would love to cease.
I walked to...
Sunday 1st June 2014 8:33 pm
An Ordinary Fascism
Is it a glory to Ukraine
When people are burnt so fain?
God is above all of us
And thus the guilty will get the cuss.
When people were shot for independence
It was the evils great acceptance.
When in Odessa people were burnt
We cried and much have learnt.
In networks Euromaidan is proud,
They burned people alive, they shout:
Glory to Ukraine!
But they forget the m...
Sunday 4th May 2014 10:01 pm
Illegal Government of Ukraine
When paranoia the gang has,
It throws the propaganda information
And all the Russians they would hang,
As not the Ukrainian population.
When dragons and chimera
In the illegal admin appear
They write the laws of terra
Which frighten you with fear.
Their poisonous will and power
Can bring every man to death.
With every coming hour
The news runs out of brea...
Saturday 19th April 2014 11:47 am
Only Once the Spring Comes
Only once all gardens blossom
And all around looks awesome.
That was in the blooming spring,
In the delightful evening,
When my love was singing.
His words were just priceless,
I believed him with lightness,
I thought it was my happiness.
Only once we meet our spring,
Only once our love bells ding,
A sweet breeze in the air sing.
The st...
Wednesday 9th April 2014 3:39 pm
The first or the last ...?
The first or the last,
Slow or fast …?
Does it really matter,
If you are thin or fatter,
A fool or so clever
Or never was a rot,
But love had a lot?
Will anyone care
If this case's rare?
Will anyone cry
If you live or die?
It happens often
When you are in a coffin
They say sweet words.
Now nothing hurts.
You don’t hear,
Though they are near.
You can’t speak,
You can’t throw a bri...
Thursday 3rd April 2014 7:13 pm
I Can At Least Bark
The dog has run away,
I have nothing more here to say,
It has really gone,
To the well known zone -
From the Ukrainian to the Russian border.
By the way, without anyone's order.
Through the revolutionary smog
Someone asked that dog:
Why are you running away?
Why don’t you want here to stay?
And the dog answered:
It’s so bad to live in Ukraine.
I am just loosing ...
Thursday 6th March 2014 11:10 pm
Love At First Sight
If you don’t believe in love at first sight
Look at me once more
From another side, on the light.
This you'll surely love and adore.
Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)
February 14th, 2014
Friday 14th February 2014 5:18 pm
No, I Am Not!
Answering the question if she is friendly with alcohol,
she replied honestly:
No, I am not.
But the relationship I support.
Saturday 8th February 2014 2:00 pm
"Peaceful Ukraine, Peaceful Maidan"
Peaceful citizens in the peaceful Ukraine.
Peaceful hard hats on the peaceful heads,
Peacefully breaking the slavers chain
Peacefully fight and protest.
If one is not peaceful, there’s no place here.
Peaceful slogans and peaceful “Hooray”
Peacefully kicking without a fear
Those who happened to fall on the way.
All is so peaceful, so white and so fluffy.
Sunday 26th January 2014 11:11 am
My Long-Suffering Ukraine
We live in an unpredictable world
Where everything is so much twirled.
Each new day brings a surprise.
And how easy is it to realize
What can turn into bad or nice?
The evil today is a plan of some possessed
To destroy those who were by God blessed.
To turn into the colony Ukraine,
And the main: Ukrainians - into slaves.
The empire of greed craves the grav...
Friday 17th January 2014 1:10 pm
Well, tomorrow is
The only day in a year
Without mistakes.
Sunday 12th January 2014 9:53 pm
Love Has Burned
Love has blurned. My heart is no longer paining.
Sitting opposite, I am laughing and joking.
- How are you? – he asked.
- I am fine, thank you.
And how about you?
- I am happy too.
Come on! Let’s drink for our meeting!
- Ok, but just a bit.
- And… Are you married?
- Well, yes. Why not?
- Well, of course. Do you remember? ...
- I do…
- And I remember too.
- Then, it’s okay.
- Y...
Monday 6th January 2014 6:48 am
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