Happy Thoughts For The Coming New Year
My dear friends,
Happy New Upcoming Year! I wish you all the best.
Please, read my poem in the comments
Monday 30th December 2024 1:16 pm
Emptiness Is In My Soul Today,
Dear friends!
I have the same problem. I can't post my poems. So, be so kind and read it in the comments. It is the only place I am allowed to write.
Friday 27th December 2024 11:28 am
I Pray For All My Friends Around The World
Please read my poem in the comments.
Saturday 21st December 2024 10:08 am
Take Off Your Shoes Before Entering The Temple
Hi, my dear friends!
Please, help, if you can.
I don't know what to do. I can't post anything, but I can write something here. Who will tell me what to do? I addressed it to Paul but he hasn't answered yet.
I can post only the picture and the title of the poem. When I tried to post the poem I failed.
With warmest wishes, Larisa
P.S. This is the only way I can post m...
Wednesday 18th December 2024 5:51 am
I Am One Of Those ...
I am one of those who likes to live,
to be a friend and to forgive.
I am one of those who hates a lie,
I will always a war deny.
I am one of those who likes to dream,
whether to play games or be on a family team.
I am one of those who likes to sing
and listen to the bells ring.
I am one of those who likes to laugh,
the time with my dear ones is not enough.
I am one of t...
Wednesday 11th December 2024 3:46 pm
Take Care Of Your Soul
It is cold for my soul,
Wrap it carefully,
Without any hole.
It feels so lonely.
Drafts can blow everywhere,
It's so easy to catch a cold.
Then you quietly declare
That it was a mental cold.
Wrap your thoughts in a warm scarf.
Don't keep your feelings in the cold!
Your soul shouldn't be ever tough,
"The soul is like a flower"- it was told.
...Sunday 8th December 2024 6:41 am
The Heart Of Kindness
Love and sun rays come from a kind heart.
The flowers blossom in the Eden Garden.
Even in storms, wars, and horrible illness
Impossible to break the heart of kindness.
In the darkness, they shine like candles,
They are ready to know different forms.
They are always reliable handles,
They can overcome horrible storms,
They meet those who always bring happ...
Thursday 5th December 2024 2:47 pm
My Grandma Used To Say
My granny used to say:
We are not so rich
to buy cheap things.
Don't trust a son of a bitch
who pretends to be a king.
My granny used to say:
Meet the early morning light,
It's so Christianly right.
Always meet the dawn,
Jesus Christ had been born.
She used to say about money.
Honey, don't take other belongings!
Because you take oth...
Sunday 1st December 2024 9:45 am
Even a Сat and a Dog Share a Bowl Of Food.
Why do you always peck at each other?
Why don't you live like sister and brother?
Why don't you live like some dogs and cats?
Why do you bite each other like rats?
Why don't you share the luck and the land?
You share the way that the others get less,
You never suggest a friend's loving hand.
You count money when your soul is in a mess.
Why do y...
Friday 29th November 2024 4:59 am
Your Childhood Has Already Passed
You are standing near the window,
You are thinking about your fallow.
Why are you so sad, young lady?
Your feelings are not yet steady.
I see that your heart is not a stone,
But you can't imagine living alone.
Maybe you need his coming soon,
And not to cry under the moon.
Don't worry, as all troubles will fly away,
And only joy and happiness will...
Tuesday 26th November 2024 9:57 am
Shall We Meet December Soon?
Shall we meet December soon?
November is just for a week.
Shall we meet a new moon?
Will you show me the trick?
What have I noticed at my age?
The time flies, New Year comes.
I'll write carefully a new life page,
A page will be without any harms.
The time of the year suddenly changes,
I had no time to see many stranges.
I hope that my heart will be...
Saturday 23rd November 2024 1:41 pm
So What That November Has Come?
November has come with its moods,
The trees were naked in the woods.
The time has come to think about dears
So they could live life without any fears.
The rains wash the streets at this time.
The colorful trees decorate the streets.
Autumn charms anyone at any clime.
Autumn greets anyone she meets.
So what that November has come?
If you feel the ...
Friday 22nd November 2024 12:33 am
Never Put Off Your Happiness Until Later
Never regret the past days,
Never put off your happiness for tomorrow.
Believe in the dawn rays,
Don't look back without any sorrow.
Set up your aims and go ahead,
Don't interfere in others business,
Be kind and help the others instead,
It's time to have your fitness.
Call up your dearest ones at once,
They are waiting for you on the phone.
Wednesday 20th November 2024 11:41 am
Feelings have no age,
feelings have no distance.
In the coming years, you become a sage,
only real love is your existence.
Your body feels more,
your heart beats faster,
your taste is sharper than before,
your soul becomes a master.
Feelings have no age,
they become even stronger.
Your love doesn’t live in a cage,
it has no time to ponder.
Saturday 16th November 2024 6:15 am
The Fall Is Not Gloomy At All
Autumn is a sad time, — Pushkin used to say.
But I sing and dance catching the autumn ray.
I dance near the fire and burn all my sorrow,
Happiness, peace, and calmness I’ll borrow.
You know that every fallen leaf
But it frees the place in your heart
For happiness, beauty, and fine art.
Wednesday 13th November 2024 10:47 am
The Love Of An Autumn Lady
The spring is certainly beautiful
Though sometimes impatient.
She can be even untrustful.
But she can never be ancient.
When Autumn is an older lady.
She is wise and values the past.
Her views are always steady.
She knows that years run fast.
The autumn wakes up early in the morning
Sometimes she likes walking on dew.
She looks, compared with...
Friday 8th November 2024 8:49 am
Don't Judge And You Won't Be Judged!
You just try to go her way,
Or try to wear her skin.
You try to live her day,
And you’ll see who is sin.
If you were in her shoes
You would have nothing to lose.
If you had to wear her hat
You wouldn’t be bitten by a rat.
You just try to cry her bitter tears,
Experience her pain and fears.
Live as if you had her dreams.
Then you’d know why she screams.
...Monday 4th November 2024 6:06 am
I Want The Days Of Peace And Love
I want the days of peace and silence,
The days of kind and good looks.
The days of supportive reliance,
The Days Without War hooks.
I don't want to see the people's fears,
I don't want to speak about money.
In the world of bloody ideas
You won't hear the word "honey".
I just want to keep silent.
I don't expect the answer,
I want to live on a ...
Wednesday 30th October 2024 2:42 pm
Fire-Breathing Dance Of Love
The beginning is timid,
Time has got no limit,
Magic movements are slow,
We dance the tango of love.
Bliss and passion reveal,
Dance of flight and dove.
Dance of hidden love.
And is not so vivid,
Then it turns into a wild
And grasping dance.
We go deep into...
Monday 28th October 2024 9:23 am
I Thank Both, You And My Trustworthy Lord
You have to thank, be able to thank,
For every day and every ray of the Sun.
Talk about important things and frank!
Don't ever think about using the gun.
You should be grateful for what you have.
You should thank God who gave you love.
You'll learn to live without war and grief.
You'll find out that the war is a thief.
To thank. Is it an ability or a gif...
Saturday 26th October 2024 11:01 am
Trust in God And Don't Keep the Offences!
Don't trust the sweet words of a stranger
If you don't want to get into the danger.
Sweet words may raise you to the clouds,
But you better run away without doubts.
And having bitten into your trust like a snake,
He will be wrapped in a trustworthy fake.
And then right on your field of fight,
He will try to prove that he is right.
Neither the darkness no...
Thursday 24th October 2024 5:41 am
To Be Spoiled By Love Is Impossible
You are the most beloved one from the tale.
About you, I will write my favorite book.
I will overcome any sea storm and a gale,
I can stand any frightening look.
I don't need cool cars for my happiness,
I don't need the diamonds or fabulous coats.
All these expensive things bring loneliness.
They are only for weak and foolish goats.
A woman needs only love and att...
Monday 21st October 2024 6:46 am
Live Each Day As The Last
God presented me with a gift,
I looked at it and was surprised.
This item I couldn't manage to lift
Before I could anything realize.
Early in the morning, I made my plans.
But vanity decided to break intention.
My hopes went away with the vans.
And the prices they didn't mention.
I was quick at twenty, thirty, and so on.
I did not see the false o...
Saturday 19th October 2024 9:01 am
There where the Love Settled Down No Need For the Words.
Offensive words flew with such speed
Sweeping away everything in their way.
Only tears and hurts could my heart feed.
I was like a rusty anchor in the sea-bay.
"We won't see each other"- I've heard.
These were his last the cruelest words.
I wanted to howl like a wolf in the forest.
At that time even the sun was the borest.
Those words like the knives cut...
Wednesday 16th October 2024 6:42 am
The Partings Always Break My Heart.
The autumn sky began to sound like rain again
The drops of the rain will water the ground.
My thoughts and desires for sure will remain.
Perhaps romance nowadays was found.
I don’t like partings and sad glances so much,
I don't like saying "farewell" as such.
I know it's not forever but I don't like to part.
The partings always break my heart.
If only we were allo...
Saturday 12th October 2024 7:23 am
Mother Nature Appears To Be A Saint.
Autumn turned into the red October.
It made a fire out of colorful leaves.
It wasn't cold but turned into amber.
In rains and winds, it only believes.
In October Autumn has become just crazy.
In October Autumn has become a bit lazy.
Walking sadly, weeping with a lot of tears,
Hiding carefully its reddish face and fears.
The thoughts of crazy October torm...
Tuesday 8th October 2024 9:59 am
You Can't Be Offended By Love
“You can't be offended by love
Whoever dreams about happiness
We are offended by indifference.”
(Lopez de Vega)
You can't be offended by love.
Love shouldn't hurt or punish.
Love should only give.
Love must help the grief vanish.
Love shouldn't bring pain,
Neither with evil nor with hell.
Love must forgive and remain
As a gift for the soul and bell.
...Saturday 5th October 2024 10:51 pm
My Favorite Autumn
She goes quietly, slowly, and surely.
She demonstrates her beauty yearly.
The rain was in love with our beauty
Anyone could call her only cutie.
She walks so gently on a warm night,
Like a gentle moth flies to a bright light.
She flies easily in the trees dark,
Her leaves swirl in the dark park.
And the aroma of an apple and a plum
Always give her sw...
Thursday 3rd October 2024 1:32 pm
Anger is an act of weakness,
A burst of devil rudeness.
The act of a crazy creature,
Showing its poor nature.
A mad early ripening attack,
A response was given back.
It’s the beginning of aggression,
Which will create tension.
Is anger a sin? Who will tell?
This passion is a trap of hell.
The devil opens his mouth
And the aggression growth.
Tuesday 1st October 2024 10:21 am
My Crazy September Love
This autumn is so sweet,
it gives me so many presents,
this autumn is my best award,
this autumn is my golden lord.
I am lost in this warm September,
my love looks like an ember,
but only with a tender touch
it turns into a fire and burns much.
Maybe it’s my last flight,
so, I will hold it very tight.
I will not wait for the spring,
I would love in th...
Sunday 29th September 2024 10:52 am
My Way
A yellow leaf broke away from the tree.
He thought he could live now free.
But it happened a quite different way,
Without a trunk, he could helplessly lay.
Laying lonely far from the trunk
He was feeling a little bit drunk.
Even though the others were around,
His happiness was not found.
I wandered on the fallen leaves in the forest,
And the weather looked ...
Wednesday 25th September 2024 12:46 pm
An Autumn Kiss
Don't be in a hurry to say I love you! Don't!
These words haunt me. Haunt.
Poems and music, the rustle of leaves
These are the things my soul believes.
Don't be offended and don't you ever miss!
I will give you a pleasant autumn kiss.
You've been waiting for it all these years,
I give it to you without any fears.
It's just an autumn kiss, after the hot summer.
...Monday 23rd September 2024 6:30 am
Try To Laugh And Dry Your Tears
When you can't change some things,
Think about the joy that light brings.
Try to laugh and dry your tears,
Think about the loved ones and dears.
Go for a walk instead of crying,
Wave to the birds that are flying.
Keep on walking through the leaves,
Only with a smile your heart believes.
When you can't change some things
Accept it as it is. It calmness...
Thursday 19th September 2024 6:50 am
The Autumn And The Rain
Wearing a gray raincoat, with an unsteady walk,
The rain was so sad and didn't want to talk.
He remembered those sweet and beautiful days
When the butterflies flew among the warm bays.
He remembered a nightingale singing a song
And it looked as if nothing was wrong.
Now autumn melancholy and sadness
Replaced the joy of summer happiness.
The rain came acr...
Monday 16th September 2024 11:30 am
Autumn In The Wood
I will enter the quiet woods,
On the rustling leaves I will dance,
I will watch the Godhoods,
I will prance to the autumn’s romance.
I will wear a colorful dress,
I will mix up myself with the leaves,
I will hear what the wind says,
I will feel the tender breeze.
I will see a birch in gilding,
A maple in its nice crimson,
A spider’s beautiful sewing
Created with God’s benison.
Friday 13th September 2024 11:35 am
To The Creator
You are with me in grief and happiness,
You are with me in joy and loneliness,
You are the One who gives me shelter and support,
You are my love and my reward.
You are the beginning and the end,
There is no one you ever offend.
You are my consolation,
You are my celebration,
You are my light
In the dark night.
In my perishable heart
I find the answers with your help,
You tell m...
Thursday 5th September 2024 11:20 am
Love Triangle
Late rainy autumn was standing near the window,
she was waiting for the wind to come
-Where are you, my naughty fellow?
-Where are you caring along, my charm?
She was irritated by his carelessness,
she was angry with his frivolity
But still admired his appearance,
and still was charmed by his self-confidence.
Autumn was always a woman,
red-haired and very susceptible,
a little ...
Monday 2nd September 2024 7:06 am
A Bright Day Will Come Soon
I beg you to watch the dawn,
To watch the dawn kissing the moon,
To see if the night has already gone,
And a bright day appears soon.
Just watch, how his eyes are sad,
How mother's heart pains,
How the child sleeps in bed,
How the leaf on a tree remains.
I beg you to watch the man,
Who is tired and walks blindly.
You do what you can for him,
And he wi...
Thursday 29th August 2024 7:08 pm
Marry or Divorce
If your shirt has no button
and your trousers are roughened,
if your jacket is so crushed
and your carpet needs a brush,
if you can’t find a clotheshorse
and all the time just, curse
There is only one way out:
to marry or divorce.
Larisa Rzhepishevska
Sunday 25th August 2024 2:59 pm
I Am the Wind
I am the Wind,
I am a personification of freedom.
The whole Earth presents my kingdom.
That only one can be my wife
whose soul is free,
who understands my life.
Trust me and I’ll show you what freedom is.
But…don’t be in a hurry, please!
My gift of freedom is eternity,
it comes together with paternity.
My breathing is the God’s touch.
Just close your eyes
and you will fee...
Tuesday 20th August 2024 10:59 am
I Do Not Trust the One Who Kills the Swan
My wealth is the sky without clouds,
My mother's smile and my child's laugh.
I am a woman and I try to live without doubts,
I am a woman and I am strong enough.
Why should I care about hungry wolves?
About those who want to change the world?
I want to be with those who care about doves,
Who wants to see the world pearled,
My wealth is love that's true and...
Friday 16th August 2024 8:38 am
A talk between a young lass and an old woman
A young lass and an old woman had a talk.
A young lass confessed with confidence,
You are too old a long distance to walk,
Your legs and your breath are the evidence.
An old woman answered with a smile:
Let's wait for a while and we'll see,
Years fly and you'll have a different style.
You don't look like working as a bee.
The young lass said: I am still b...
Saturday 10th August 2024 4:59 am
The Sorrow of All Jews is in Your Eyes
Forgive me, God, for being so naughty,
I didn't listen to what my mum used to say.
She used to say: You are already forty,
Time to be smart and walk your way.
You didn't go to the chess club,
You had no abilities for ballet,
You were seen in the Irish pub,
You only have questions of volley.
You didn't complete your education,
You've lost a passion to stu...
Sunday 4th August 2024 8:41 am
I'll Overcome the Oceans, Mountains, and Seas
I love the warmth of rain in summertime,
It's so nice and pleasant in any clime.
I love the golden autumn when it dances blues,
When I let my imagination loose.
I love the whiteness of the snow when winter comes,
I don't feel any cold when I am in your arms.
But when the blossom of the spring comes
I'll overcome the oceans, mountains, and seas
And on the wings of love,...
Thursday 1st August 2024 12:11 pm
I Am a Woman
I am a woman up to the tips of my hair.
I am a woman by spirit and nature.
Like no one, I’ve got an innate flair.
As no one, I need a daily rapture.
I can make an elephant out of a fly,
My ‘yes’ a man can never deny.
I do not burn in the fire,
In the water, I do not sink,
I know exactly who is a liar,
And know what a man thinks.
Of course, I can st...
Tuesday 30th July 2024 4:25 am
A Moment Between the Past And the Future
All is so ghostly in our lives and not all is mature.
There is only a moment between the past and the future.
So, hold it with both hands and don't let it go.
And this moment is called life, and it’s not a show.
The heart won't be pleased with an eternal peace,
An eternal peace is only for the grave,
And the star that falls and breaks into pieces
It is only a blind...
Tuesday 23rd July 2024 1:44 pm
Perfume «A La Larissa»
“A La Larissa” perfume has appeared!
The fragrance of it is great and near.
It’s just for your elegance and intelligence.
It’s not for the masses!
It’s for the women in the evening dresses.
It’s for the ladies of extra classes.
This perfume is an explosion of warmth,
It gives you real sexual storms.
It gives you the enveloping notes,
It raises your best emotes,
...Wednesday 17th July 2024 5:35 am
A New Start is Ahead
Believe me, girl, all will be okay.
All wounds will be treated,
All grief and mistakes will go away.
The people's sins won't stay.
So, you are trying again
The things someone tried before.
Your wounded heart terribly pains,
And you surely close the door.
But remember! If the soul is kind,
It's not closed, ready to accept guests,
Your heart is not blind,
And trust in joyful fe...
Sunday 14th July 2024 6:48 am
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