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Men Confusion

My world has come to an end.

Co-dependent like a child to a Dad

Losing my sexuality through men-o-pause

Obliterate me with your gaze

but don’t try to command my soul

the one I thought was the one

is the only love who’s been the truth

but I have fucked him over with my ego.


I let myself go but you were just the same

The dark haired, mum fuck that you have

Not reco...

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men and womenrelationshipssexfeminine


rigorous exercise, training my mind
the center of my world, I give you my due diligence
love to watch me write by candle light, would you guide my hand and evoke my true penmanship

law of attraction, I cast it out, and ask around
I question myself, then take affirmative action
groundbreaking truths shatter walls, somebody hand me my protractor
searching the sea floor and tapping the well d...

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Battlefieldfemininefeminismlovelove poemlove poemsmatriarchnaturepoetryscrying


The girl begins to unfold like a snake

unfurling itself from it's resting place. 

The arch of her foot, the ringlety hair,

the smooth skin that's yet to be shed.

She emits her stellar energies now.

Her unconscious is blissfully sleeping. 

Then they start to tout, with their sales.

Girls on the front of magazines, exposed.

The innocents look on in suspicion.

Is this what ...

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beautyfeminineyoung girl





I know a girl who is such a babe.

She walks down the street looking really cool,

not caring who looks at her ample curves.

You can’t have her coz she is mine

but I don’t mind you looking

but please don’t touch.

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girlmy ladyfemininecurvy

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