peace of mind (Remove filter)
Who's Listening?
Words hither, words thither,
All around strewn is sound.
They speak and speaking are we...
But what I can't figure out is,
Who's listening?
Yesterday we had a fight.
And for hours everything went quiet.
A solemn thought lingered my mind,
Maybe now we'd figure out,
All that we messed up this time.
But the next day we stood at the start,
This time again, our hands holding our hearts.
Sunday 3rd July 2022 7:04 am
Dusky Sunshine kissing mountain's meadow,
Like a Mother adoring her baby's enchanted glow...
Chirping birds flying as a tidal wave,
Pondering to whom shall we care...
Serene shadows of ever grateful trees,
Imposing us to find our Inner Peace
Being loved is a blessed boon,
A Hope of finding love is the race- half won...
Thursday 22nd April 2021 11:38 am
I'm constricted by the fact, that life is to share,
I just see poor judgment, and a silly content,
of stay where you were hand, to raised and to forget.
Over bed or on couch, your time shall come next,
As the rest of your days, bad-thoughts, hopes and prays.
It is said that's not true, for you to be alone,
So to them I should say, my half never became.
I've been thinking ...
Friday 30th December 2016 2:22 pm
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