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The Hanging Tree


I lay beneath the hanging tree

Where thoughts of who I used to be

Like salty tears, dripped from me




And everything that I could be

And everything I thought I'd see

Lays waste beneath the canopy

Of that ancient, screaming  hanging tree

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Mind Garden


The garden seems much smaller

The grass, not so green

Inside, the walls close ever in

And harbour silent screams

I clutch at straw crumbling to grain

And feed it to myself again 

This pain

This pain

This recurring pain

That I Inflict time & again 

I grab for the stars

And the bright morning sun

But, the closer they come

The further I run

A raindrop ag...

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Thoughts (random)


Thoughts are funny 

Thoughts are freaky 

Thoughts bring pain

Thoughts bring gain 

Neither here neither there 

All we think we bring to bare 

My thoughts 

Her thoughts 

Your thoughts 

His thoughts

Thoughts we share

Thoughts we cannot bare 

Though you do not say, your thoughts they always find there way

Good thoughts bad thoughts 

All day we fi...

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