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realization (Remove filter)

Le discours sans parole

Il y plusieurs manières
D'un message transmettre
De donner des informations
Et de se faire connaître

Sans jamais faire un son
Sans jamais parler
Mais j'arriverai à te comprendre
Si je sais t'écouter

Si j'arrive à regarder
Au fond de ton regard
Je comprendrais tes sentiments
Sans me décevoir

Si je te vois sourire
Je regarde dans ton cœur
Alors dit moi tout
Sans jamais avoir peu...

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New horizon

For a long time
I was living without living
Hiding within myself
In the world I was dreaming

But I can't dream forever
That's something I forgot
Something I dismissed
While I was deep in my thoughts

And then I woke up
For first time in a while
I got free from the dreams
Where I was in exile

And I cannot describe
The feeling of awakening
The feeling of life
Is breathtaking


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summer break

have you ever felt this feeling of dread.

waking up and not knowing what the hell you're going to do that day.

I wake up, and scroll all day. my body rots in the same spot in my bed.

the cups beside my bed pile up. I open my shades.

look in the mirror. wash my face.

I feel like I have no purpose without constant deadlines and stress. 

my eyes fill with tears as I struggle to figu...

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summer timerealizationBeing alonePurpose

self obsessed


You love calling me crazy too

Lying holding your breath you’re turning blue

As I start calling out your other muse

Said I’m the only one that you choose

Feeding me another empty excuse

You swung giving me the ugliest bruise



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Waking Up

I still can't believe

That its came to be

You were my soulmate

It was supposed to be fate

Thought I was at heaven's gate

But wait!

You came disguised

I couldn't see past your deceit and lies

You took me on a ride

Caught me by surprise

Said all the right things

Didn't even need any diamond rings

Put me in a daze

Got me lost in the maze

Til all I could see i...

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