The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

heartbreaks (Remove filter)

The Queries of a Heart that is Torn

I feel it itching under my skin
clawing away deep inside
I thought i could be myself around you
now i am just sorry that I ever tried

I find myself bending over backwards for you
trying to leap through these flaming hoops
Still, it isn't a choice that you choose
For that wouldn't ever, benefit you

We're winding down this endless road
neither of us can find any hope.
Still we hold ont...

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breakupheartbreakheartbreaksloss of lovelost loveloverelationship breakdownrelationship decay


i believed every word thats when the tables turned

i fell for the pretence of feeling me at first

part of me always knew this was heading for the worse

cause i know im not the only girl youre lying

to the only girl you crying to

i was stupid to feel special

but fresh out of heartbreak how was i to know who you genuine too

you got such good timing shouldve noticed the mind game...

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Love is strong

The fight in my heart

Stuck between two

I will need surgery and security

After, I tell her a story of love and why I can’t be with her

Only one can be with me

Triplets we aren’t

My love is equal

Internal and external

As it’s not a game

I waited too long

To say who is the survivor

Heart made of steel

Mounted closed

Some kind of way

Your st...

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To love

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