The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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drawing of souls

Ujjal Mandal, India


we are all the

fragile drawings 

of each souls

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Protect me from this life.
The ailments of the things around me.
Set me free into the sky,
Shine light in the darkness that surrounds me.

I'm one man against the world,
Sometimes it seems hard to bear.
Sometimes I prayed,
But only the Devil responded,
And God wasn't there.

I fell deep into the pits,
Both alcohol and substance abuse.
The devil talking to me,
From this bottle im drin...

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1000 Letters


I’ve written you 1000 letters

I’ve waited for you 365 days 

I’ve prayed to God a million prayers

But I realized now  it is all insane 

I realize now it was all in vain

I get scared to think of no longer loving you 

I get so scared that I pray for another way 

I pray that God makes me see that everything’s ok 

Love isn’t forever 

Love doesn’t always stay

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To Breathe (Is To Burn)


There is so much more to this.

The music does not make song

but the foetal space

amongst famous walls

filled with such au fait grief

and there a beast floats

to see the fear fleeting

on their new found face

in some unfailing destiny,

there she silently screams,

a flame away

God so violently benign

in his passive spirit-

He forges her-

to breath truly ...

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Will you raise your voice for the oppressed

Will you demand Governmental redress

Will you speak on things that truly matter

Will you allow this illusion to truly shatter

Will you plant the seeds in the ears of youth

So they can discover the yield of truth

Will you speak up Will you scream

Will you have faith Will you dream

Will you turn up your volume for the silenced


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Willfree willtruthliesyouthfaithdreamGodoppressionbraveryknowledgejusticeGod willing

The Old Man with the Beard

I’m the old man with the beard

Who lives in the sky

I am the universe

And the universe is me

I’m the man who sees everything

I’m the eye in the sky


I can see everything in ten different ways

And I gave the names to seven different days


I can see things big and I see things small

And no matter where you are

I can hear your call


There are some who reve...

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Experiencing Godgod

Here Shines

Here shines

The dream that binds

The hopes

Given to you

That hears a voice

And runs to find

That shadows

Need love



Here sighs

The heart that tries

To look

For something new

Run to and fro

And back again

To find it all

In you


Here waits

The tender kiss


Veiled spirits cry

A whisper

Of a certain truth

That love ...

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The hard part about all this is that you already found new love

You decided she was better than me that she is enough

The words you said, "to infinity and beyond" we're all a lie and you left me when all I ever wanted was compassion,understanding, and love

But the day you walked out, I learned the truth about life. 

I learned that the only person that could make me strong was God


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I can’t see

But I can dream


It’s like wearing a blindfold

On my brown eyes

I can’t watch, but I can feel

All these weird wild vibes


All these angelic faces around me

But those diabolic souls surround me

Are they real or are they fake?

It’s like watching a blue snowflake

Falling for smiles and grace

All night murdering for a race


I can’t wait


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that boat on the coast croons the waves

whisking a dying infant in

a baptist sea for saving,

brought faith in God to save them,

a baptist sea for saving.

I see them from sand afloat-

a buoy in the water with chance

and such a sacred body

might sinking be belief-

to then arise them another-



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godpoemreality vs religionwateralive

Anxious Ground

this bizarre plea for that dystopia

dug here with slumber  

which might sleep for friendship.

maybe creep and demise passing,

a prayer and an assembly,

me and God in his chamber,

a euphoric chalice

that grasps a spade to dig

but who am I to find such bliss in the anxious ground?

I take a spade and dig

but who am I to find such bliss in the anxious ground?




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Creation Myth

Creation Myth


If you were God

You would create a back story

On how you came to be


Something about a mother

And a father coming together


You would gradually create

The world around you

And the history of what went before

In order to keep you sane


You would form existence

to fit your needs

And each thing learned new

Would be to satisfy the r...

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napowrimo2017day19(80)creation mythself awarenessgodlifeexistence


I can see it in your eyes

I can feel it in your soul

The path seems so confusing and you just don’t know 

I tried to fight your battles

I tried to keep you safe

I tried to give you love but you just ran away

Then I opened my eyes and realized

The battle isn’t mine 

So I closed my eyes with a broken heart and cried 

And then I prayed to God that he shows you the way back ...

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BattleloveBroken heartsGodlightsadness


In a world that is broken and full of crime and hate

There are people who still have faith

Faith that can move mountains and make things well

There are people who believe with all their heart that things can heal

They believe that with faith anything and everything is possible

Through pain, death, and brokeness we must always remember to have a little bit of FAITH

Let God take th...

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God or a Vision?

you and your psychedelic phrases

did they plunge from your tailing tongue?

perchance I took breaths from the room,

exhaled, and put them back in your mouth

moving, placing my ear near your lips,

pausing for an air lick near my neck-

lifted eyelids and confusion  

so, then the comfort could come

when I would speak your surroundings-

the bed, the door, and the soft sheet


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You lie awake in bed with your eyes swollen from the tears and the pain

Wondering why you deserve to hurt

You play back scenes in your head thinking , " Was it all fake!"

The smiles, the love, the times we laid together in bed, talking about children, and houses by the lake

You close your eyes and tears fall down your face and you cry to God , " Please, please make it all go away!"


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paindreamsheartbrokenGodfaithfakefeelingsrelationship breakup


I wish I could tell you how much I miss you but there is no point in that.

I wish that things could be different but I know that they will not.

And I wish I could stop loving you but my heart is so torn and yet so full of love.

I wish I could turn back time and make you be mine.

But these are all wishes that God hears but doesn’t act on.

And everyday it’s a battle to keep moving on ...

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troubled heartGodlovewishesdreams

I Am Whatever You Want Me To Be

I sliced the sun into two

And looted shimmering bars of gold

Which lined her womb, 

Her beloved broods I stole. 


I plucked the sturdiest mountains, 

The choicest adornments on the face of the globe. 

All it took were my hands, raw and unrestrained, 

Their maimed rubbles now abuse those they adore.


I remember the sea that like Moses I parted

And the ocean floor ...

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devilevilfateGodhopehumaninaturePandora's BoxPoetry




So only the dirty, the unclean, ungodly

Will be refused favour come judgement day

They will sit in their hovels of dust a distress

And live out their lives in their dishevelled way

They will scrape in the filth for a reason to live

They will hurt, they will need, they will cry, they will pay

For their corrupt and defiled code of getting on by

Where they sin and...

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cleanlinessday 13dirtdirty handsgodnapowrimo2018outcastsinnerunclean

spirit and sanity

Since I cannot sense a name for God

power will stutter out of my mouth

In the old days it was the Village Church

Rich with Stain Glass Hypocrisy and Sin

In the middle it was a wasteland, dead

Then I saw God and everything changed


Spirit stood on my shoulder and held me

Angels came in plain clothes to erase me

No-one left even though I tried to kill me

In the attire ...

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Hello, can anyone hear me?

Hello, are you still there listening to my cries?

Listening to me as I fall on my knees, feeling so empty as this world falls apart

Hello, God! I need you! We all need you!

Our world slowly falls and we all begin to feel empty wanting human contact, human touch

God silently watches us and our empty lonely hearts

Waiting, quietly, for us all to call his ...

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lightemptybrokenworldhuman touchlovesadnessfaithgodlonely


occult curriculum, whispers of the ancients, leave for letting out secrets
oil lamp kindling catching flames; shining begotten light from passerbys
in between classes, shifting penrose stairs lead into underlying framework on occasion
halls lined with rooks adjacent and curators searching for a select
rites of secret passageways proclaimed, karma to the dark is just a means to an end
time and...

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beautygodilluminationlightlovelove poemsmetaphysicalmetaphysicsmusicnaturepoempoemspoetrysciencesoundspiritualspirituality

Loving Me

Your heart beats fast 

You’re love is so strong 

I can hear it like beating drums 

You love me even though I’m broken

You love me even though I’m weak

You’re love is unconditional to me

I fall on my knees crying, yelling , “God why do you love me!”

The voice whispers back to me, “ Because you are beautiful because I made you as a part of me!”

The light shines bright 


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LovefreeunconditionalfaithGodlightBroken hearts

Muses, Sins & Soul Ties

Is it a sin for your muse

to inspire mine,

provide momentary escapes

from loneliness, pain,

the daily grind,

give words to fantasies

of the mind,

connect soul ties.

It’s hard to believe

a God of love

would consider musing 

a crime. 

If it is, that’s not a religion

to which I subscribe.

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Our World Is Disappearing

Water is rising floods sent from hell, Corona virus too

Everybody pondering but there is nothing they can do

Global warming distroying our world it's not going to end

A disaster after another, no one know what is round the bend


Save the earth be mindful they tell us. Stop it getting worse

This can't be fixed by hand, or all the money in ones purse

How do you stop ice from me...

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Caronafloodsgodmother earth


For many years I walked in shame

With my head bowed down not looking anyone in the eyes

Shame for not being good enough

Shame for not being wanted nor loved

I sat in darkness wondering if I would ever be able to find light

Sat there wondering, if I would ever be worthy or enough

Then a voice whispered in my ear, " I am here."

The voice got louder and yelled, " I am here."


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godshamelovestrengthsunraysheartsmileyearningnot enough

What is time

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Wait,don’t give up

Wait, everything will be fine,

“Wait,be patient,” God tells you.

Your heart pounding hard

Your head spinning with thoughts 

“God,” you yell waiting is so hard

God says louder, “ wait and your promises will come true”

So you sit and listen 

You sit and wait 

Hoping, dreaming that his promises will come true soon


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It is hard having faith

When you feel so much pain

It is hard to obey when you feel so betrayed

It is hard to smile and put on your pretty face

When your whole world has seems to have crumbled

But then that voice comes back to you and says , "Look how far you've come, look how strong you are!"

The voice tells you everything is going to be just fine

You breathe, close your eyes...

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betrayedfaithgodhard worked loveheartbreakhopesimplestrength


Many days I was in darkness
Many days I cried for help
Seeing no beauty in this world
I forgot what it felt like to smile and not feel pain
A simple act of kindness
Will you come here and slide with me?
A simple question
A simple task
Sliding down the slide made me smile
And feel the love of God

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darkness to lightsmilelovekidssimplekindnessgod

What is next?

What is next? I ask God

Tell me please because I feel so lost

Losing control of all that is around

What is next? I ask God

Then a small voice howls in the wind saying, "Worry about now!"

Smile, Breathe, Relax

Don't worry about the future nor the past

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godfuturepastbreatherelaxmoving oncontroluncertainty



I woke up today feeling a bit numb

I woke up today feeling like everything will be fine

I woke up today and decided that I was done

I woke up today and cried

Then I looked in the mirror, I said, " Girl you look fine!"

Then another voice said, " Don't you dare give up!"

So I put on a happy face,

And I headed out to find that girl I once was....

Happy. Beautiful. Strong


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self lovebeautybrokenstronghappygodfree

Dark Cloud

A dark cloud over me

No matter how hard I battled I seemed to be stuck

No matter how hard I tried to overcome the struggle it was eating me alive

Breathe, wake up, walk

What is wrong with you I yelled, " You have God!"

Get up battle, don't give up

Life keeps throwing punches at you

Life keeps making you fall

But fight, fight and be strong

Don't give up

Don't you dare ...

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sadnessinternal strugglebrokenHopefulkeep fightinggod

Letting Go

I made a decision that was hard

To let you go 

To let you fly

God told me don’t worry she’ll be fine

God told me ,“ Love is patience. Love is kind.”

I cried and yelled and couldn’t accept it 

His voice was clearer his voice was loud

He said one more time, “Love is patience. Love is kind.”

I finally understood I needed to stop being selfish 

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loveGodLetting Gostrengthpassion

Warrior of God

"God, God!" I yelled and cried.

God why have you abandoned me.

I drank to see if the pain would go away.

"God!," I said I still feel hurt

I still feel pain!

Then I finally gave up and cried for days and saw nothing but darkness

Then a voice came and said, " Get up, don't give up, put on your shield, put on your armour!"

The voice was mad the voice was hurt the voice was comman...

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Is there a God?

If there is a God, what does He do?
Does he watch over me and you?
We may all hope that the answer's yes,
But all we can do is make a guess.

Has He the power to control our life?
And decide whether it shall be one of joy or strife.
Is He good and is He just?
And is Jesus one in which we can trust?

Or is it the case that we're alone
That we wander this Earth all on our own.
That we mu...

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Stuart VannerGod


It was a special speech:
...a part of the distinguished lecture series.

The Chemistry professor spoke on alternative corridors for a reaction to occur.

He exemplified how Manganese dioxide, when added to Hydrogen peroxide, yields water... ...hydrogen oxide.

The talk seemed insipid till he skillfully indicated
that Manganese dioxide remains untied with the reaction and can be recovered s...

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