The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Old Man with the Beard

I’m the old man with the beard

Who lives in the sky

I am the universe

And the universe is me

I’m the man who sees everything

I’m the eye in the sky


I can see everything in ten different ways

And I gave the names to seven different days


I can see things big and I see things small

And no matter where you are

I can hear your call


There are some who revere me

And bow their heads

There are some who ignore me

Asleep in their beds


A thousand prayers come every day

But I can’t answer them all,

No way


I’m busy enough making the world go round

And thinking thoughts that are very profound


I make the sun shine

And I make the winds blow

But some don’t believe me

Or didn’t you know?


So I’ll give you one chance

A very last chance

Go outside and breathe in my air

Warm your hands in the rays of my sun

Don’t call me Jehovah or praise me as God

But if you’re suitably impressed

Just tip me a nod



Experiencing Godgod

◄ A Thousand Years Ago

Reasons ►


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