The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

chronic illnesses (Remove filter)

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Just take another pill


Sat down in the GP room ,hoping if I told him everything straight they’d help me soon . Pain management is the place I need to be but instead they insist another pill or three . I’m not wanting to be off on the sick line , I just want to manage my pain and finally feel fine .  

Just take this one and you’ll feel brand new , it’ll take the pain away and you’ll love everything you do . Come ...

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chronic illnesseschronic paininvisible illnesses

#1 (bitter pangs)



Bitter pangs

Leak puddling

To the floor


The GP




By women

Crying 'ouch'

For sick notes

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biaschronic illnessesChronic painmisogynyNHSNHS reformsexismshamesickness

Rare Brain Disease

Sunday, March 6, 2016


Rare Brain Disease

When you have a rare

brain disease with no cure yet

So long ago as me being

inside my mother's

womb a very bad rare

brain disease was

passed on to me while

I was inside of my mother's


Then from that time I

have found out that my

disease is called Arnold Chiari 

Malformation Disease


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cure mecure chiariCure Arnold Chiari Malformation Diseasemy real lifestoriespoempoetryOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverIllnessesTina Gloverearninghealthawarenesschronic illnesses

Diseased Brain

{Diseased Brain}


Some day's I wish my brain worked like other's brain's did of being normal but since I was born this way I can't help it when my thinking or writing gets messed up with backwards word's or being out of place but I do fix them if I catch them 



But if I could help it I would but sometimes I have no control over that and it's like chiari takes over my train of th...

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